Thursday, June 6 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 06-06 ?
_HEUTE_0607_ :
20240606 Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2024
20240606 Mexiko: Weltweit erster Todesfall mit Vogelgrippevirus Typ H5N2 gemeldet
202406060048 Gesundheit
20240606 Erfolg in Georgia: Gericht pausiert Wahlbetrugsverfahren gegen Trump auf unbestimmte Zeit
202406060304 Ausland
20240606 Medienberichte: Polizei will Trump offenbar den Waffenschein abnehmen
202406060337 Ausland
20240606 Geplantes Seemanöver: USA erwarten russische Militärübungen in der Karibik
202406060651 Ausland
20240606 Dank künstlicher Intelligenz: Nvidia erstmals mehr als drei Billionen Dollar wert
202406060703 Wirtschaft •
20240606 In elf Ländern: Datenschützer legen Beschwerde gegen Meta wegen KI-Trainings mit Nutzerdaten ein
202406061024 Netzwelt
20240606 Erneuerbare Energien: Ökostromanteil erreicht Rekordwert von fast 60 Prozent
202406061043 Wirtschaft
20240606 Reaktion auf Ukrainehilfe: Putin droht dem Westen mit Stationierung von Raketen in Reichweite
202406061130 Ausland •
20240606 ST.
20240606 PETERSBURG, June 6. /TASS/.
20240606 Relations between Russia and the West, the situation in Ukraine and regional problems were discussed at Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with heads of international news agencies organized by TASS.
20240606 The conversation was moderated by TASS Director General Andrey Kondrashov.
20240606 Below is a brief summary of issues raised at the meeting, which lasted more than three hours and included dozens of questions.
20240606 US mistakes
20240606 Putin said he was certain that the US policy towards Russia will remain unchanged regardless of the outcome of the upcoming presidential election.
20240606 Moscow "will work with any president elected by the people of America".
20240606 The Russian leader said he was surprised that "[not merely] in the international policy sphere, in the domestic policy, but also in the economic policy the current [US] administration makes mistakes one after one, thick and fast".
20240606 "Sometimes it is even surprising when looking at what is happening," he added.
20240606 Speaking about the trial of former US President Donald Trump, Putin said the ex-president is being persecuted for political reasons, and this fact destroys Washington’s imaginary leadership in the sphere of democracy and even the country’s political system.
20240606 Commenting on claims of Russia’s alleged interference into domestic US affairs, the president said that Moscow "is observing all this from a distance".
20240606 "We have never interfered in the internal political processes of the United States and we will never do so," he said.
20240606 Speaking about Ukraine, he said that Washington has no concern about the country and its people".
20240606 Nobody in the US cares about Ukraine.
20240606 What they care about is the greatness of the US, which is not fighting for Ukraine or the Ukrainian people, but for its greatness and leadership.
20240606 And under no circumstances can they allow Russia to succeed, because they believe that in this case the US leadership will be damaged.
20240606 That is the whole point of what the US is doing," he said.
20240606 Putin described Washington’s decision to use the US dollar as a tool for sanctions as a huge mistake, because it undermines trust in the US currency.
20240606 No logic and courage in EU
20240606 Russia and the European Union countries are capable of resolving the existing problems in bilateral relations, but European leaders lack courage and confidence for defending their national interests.
20240606 As a result, the well-being of European citizens is now at risk.
20240606 Speaking about Germany, Putin said that the Federal Republic of Germany has never been an entirely sovereign country after World War Two, but its economy is a driving force for Europe, and, if Germany starts to "sneeze and cough," "all the remaining European economies will fall ill".
20240606 As an example, he mentioned France, whose economy is now "balancing on the brink of recession".
20240606 Gazprom will survive Europe's refusal to supply Russian gas, if it wants "to buy liquefied natural gas that comes through the ocean at exorbitant prices" instead, Putin said, adding that he saw "no formal logic" in Europe’s actions".
20240606 I don’t want to offend anyone, but the training of decision makers in the West, including in Germany, leaves much to be desired," he said.
20240606 West has to put up with Kiev, hush up losses
20240606 The United States will put up with Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky until the spring of 2025, but then he will be replaced, Putin believes.
20240606 The West has already picked up "several candidates" to replace him, he said.
20240606 However, the West still needs Zelensky "to make certain steps," such as to lower mobilization age, before they get rid of him.
20240606 In Putin’s opinion, Ukraine’s mobilization campaign is only serving to replenish troops and the US insists on reducing the draft age to 18 years.
20240606 The Russian president gave no exact figures of Russia’s losses in the conflict, saying only that they are "certainly significantly smaller than those of the opposite party".
20240606 "As for irretrievable losses, the ratio is one to five," Putin specified.
20240606 However, he said that a total of 1,348 Russian soldiers and officers are held as prisoners of war (POW) in Ukraine, whereas 6,465 Ukrainian servicemen are POWs in Russia.
20240606 European countries and the US keep tight-lipped about the losses of their trainers and advisers in Ukraine, he added.
20240606 The Ukrainian military is unable to use long-range Western weapons on their own, because all decisions have to be made by countries that supplied them, the Russian president continued".
20240606 As I have already said, a flight assignment is required.
20240606 And, in fact, this is done by those who supply these weapons: by the Pentagon for ATACMS, and by the British if it is Storm Shadow," he explained.
20240606 In defiance of sanctions
20240606 Western countries planned to undermine the Russian economy within the period from three to six months but it has not taken place, the Russian leader said, adding that the goal he set for the country to enter the top four economies of the world has been achieved.
20240606 It is important to keep the pace of development, Putin stressed.
20240606 In his opinion, Russia will begin to produce everything it needs on its own, and "it’s only a matter of time".
20240606 Freedom of speech
20240606 Commenting on the West’s crackdown on Russian media, Putin said that they are conveying the Russian view and have all the rights to do so.
20240606 Western countries hamper Russian journalists’ work, the Russian president continued.
20240606 Reporters are being intimidated, their bank accounts are getting closed, their personal transport is being confiscated and this is at odds with the West’s proclaimed freedom of speech.
20240606 Ways to peace
20240606 The Russian president expressed hope that the relations between Russia and the West, as well as in the world in general, will steadily progress towards peace instead of an endless escalation.
20240606 He dismissed reports of alleged Russian plans to attack NATO as nonsense.
20240606 At the same time, speaking about Russia’s nuclear doctrine, the president said that "if someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we believe that it is possible to use all means at our disposal".
20240606 Putin stressed that Russia has no imperial ambitions.
20240606 He thanked all delegates who took part in the meeting and asked them to convey truthful information to their readers.
20240606 Russische Einflussnahme im Westen: Französischer Premier spricht von »unserem neuen Weltkrieg«
202406061238 Ausland
20240606 Schwacher Konsum, schwache Konjunktur: Umsatz im Einzelhandel schrumpft stärker als erwartet
202406061243 Wirtschaft •
20240606 Luftverteidigung: Deutscher Waffenbauer fährt Fertigung von Flugabwehrsystem Iris-T hoch
202406061330 Wirtschaft
20240606 Inflation: EZB senkt erstmals seit 2019 die Zinsen
202406061422 Wirtschaft
20240606 80. Jahrestag des D-Day: Westliche Staatschefs beschwören Einigkeit im Kampf gegen die Tyrannei
202406061610 Ausland
20240606 Studie über Arbeitsverhalten: Mehr als jeder Dritte zu unethischem Verhalten im Job bereit
202406061617 Job & Karriere
20240606 »Linksunten.Indymedia«: Karlsruher Gericht spricht Redakteur von Radio Dreyeckland frei
202406061623 Netzwelt
20240606 Vor 34 Millionen Jahren: Forschende entdecken Hinweise auf riesiges Flusssystem in der Antarktis
202406061640 Wissenschaft •
20240606 US-Rabbinerin Sharon Brous über den Gazakrieg: »Wir dürfen kein Volk so behandeln, wie wir selbst behandelt wurden«
202406061943 Ausland
20240606 Früherer Chefstratege: US-Richter ordnet Haftantritt von Trumps Ex-Berater Bannon an
202406061959 Ausland
20240606 Thu Jun 6 2024
20240606 [l] Die Russen spüren gerade, wie sich digitale Unsouveränität anfühlt.
20240606 Apple declined to issue a bug bounty to the Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab after it disclosed four zero-day vulnerabilities in iPhone software that were allegedly used to spy on Kaspersky employees as well as Russian diplomats.
20240606 Ach.
20240606 Ach was.
20240606 Erst die Russen über Backdoors ausspionieren, dann nicht zu seinem Bug-Bounty-Wort stehen?
20240606 Na das ist aber nicht die feine amerikanische Art!
20240606 Due to the sophistication of how the vulnerabilities were exploited and the limited targeting of the attackers — seeking intelligence material rather than financial details — it was suspected to be state-sponsored.
20240606 Ich würde da von mehr als "suspected" sprechen.
20240606 On the same day as Kaspersky’s disclosure, Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) accused the United States and Apple of having collaborated to enable the U.S. to spy on Russian diplomats.
20240606 Diesem Anfangsverdacht würde ich an deren Stelle auch hegen.
20240606 Die haben echt gar keine Scham, die Amerikaner.
20240606 Hey, ein Glück, dass Europa sich nicht vollständig von amerikanischen Firmen abhängig gemacht hat!1!!
20240606 Russlands Angriffskrieg: Frankreich will der Ukraine Mirage-Kampfjets liefern
202406062109 Ausland •
_HEUTE_0607_ :