Was geschah am Saturday, May 18 2024 ?

Saturday, May 18 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 05-18 ?

        _HEUTE_0519_ :
20240518             Samstag, 18. Mai 2024
20240518             Touristen aus der EU in Bamian: Vier Tote bei Angriff auf ausländische Reisegruppe in Afghanistan
202405180112 Ausland
20240518             Überflutungen, Erdrutsche, Evakuierungen: Lage im Saarland entspannt sich etwas
202405180419 Panorama
20240518             Protest zu Ferienbeginn: Klimaaktivisten legen Münchner Flughafen lahm
202405180629 Panorama
20240518             rieg in der Ukraine: Deutsche Hilfe bei der Abwehr russischer Raketen?
20240518             »Notwendig und verantwortbar«
202405180746 Politik
20240518             Gewalt gegen Politiker: »Sie tauchen vor Wohnungen auf, tragen Fackeln und Banner, hängen Puppen an selbst gebauten Galgen auf«
202405180823 Politik •
20240518             Neuartige Krankmacher: Wenn Pilze das Gehirn zerfressen
202405180910 Wissenschaft •
20240518             Saarland unter Wasser
202405181018 Panorama •
20240518             75 Jahre Grundgesetz: Diese Marken haben das deutsche Leben geprägt
202405181126 Wirtschaft
20240518             Fri May 17 2024
20240518             [l] Kurze Durchsage des kanadischen Geheimdienstes:
20240518             The head of Canada's Security Intelligence Service warned Canadians against using video app TikTok, saying data gleaned from its users "is available to the government of China,"
20240518             Der Mann hat völlig Recht.
20240518             Man muss da aufpassen.
20240518             Das ist nicht wie bei Reddit, wo die Daten der Regierung offenliegen, und auch den Werbepartnern, und auch noch an OpenAI verkauft werden.
20240518             Oder wie bei Slack, Teams oder Zoom.
20240518             Oder Twitter oder Linkedin.
20240518             Die fallen alle unter den Cloud Act.
20240518             So gesehen sind die Chinesen noch vergleichsweise ungefährlich, denn deren Regierung hat sich bisher eher selten hacken lassen.
20240518             Tiktok außerdem nicht so, als hätten sie Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, und haben sie dann nicht, wie Telegram.
20240518             Sat May 18 2024
20240518             HARBIN, May 17. /TASS/.
20240518             Russia has never refused to negotiate with Ukraine - unlike Kiev - but now it is necessary to understand who can be done business with and who is trustworthy there, President Vladimir Putin told Russian journalists accompanying him on his visit to China.
20240518             He recalled that Moscow "never refused to negotiate," it was politicians in Kiev who "withdrew from the negotiation process" as soon as troops were pulled back from Kiev.
20240518             "We were deceived once again," Putin said".
20240518             Now we have to understand who we should do business with and how.
20240518             Who and to what extent we can trust.
20240518             And, of course, we are now analyzing everything that is happening on this track".
20240518             Putin recalled that when Russian troops were near Kiev, the Western partners insisted on their pullback: "No documents can be signed if the opposite side puts a gun to your temple," they argued.
20240518             "The next day they threw our agreements into the dustbin and said, 'Well, now we will fight to the end’," Putin recalled".
20240518             And their Western handlers took the position now known to the whole world: Russia is to be defeated on the battlefield, to be made suffer a strategic defeat.
20240518             We are not the ones who behaved this way.
20240518             BRUSSELS, May 17. /TASS/.
20240518             The European Council has suspended the broadcasting activities of the Russian mass media outlets and the Prague-based Voice of Europe portal in EU countries.
20240518             "The Council today decided to suspend the broadcasting activities in the European Union of four additional media outlets, which spread and support the Russian propaganda and war of aggression against Ukraine: Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti, Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta," the Council said in a press statement posted on its website".
20240518             These media outlets are under the permanent direct or indirect control of the leadership of the Russian Federation, and have been essential and instrumental in bringing forward and supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and for the destabilization of its neighboring countries".
20240518             According to the Council, this ban does not apply to any activities other than broadcasting.
20240518             It also called for "further steps to weaken Russia’s ability to continue waging its war of aggression, including by strengthening sanctions".
20240518             Following this ban, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned about Russia’s response".
20240518             We will respond and are now looking at measures of response," she told TASS.
20240518             BUDAPEST, May 17. /TASS/.
20240518             The attack on Slovak Premier Robert Fico, who has been pushing for peace in Ukraine, came amid active preparations by Western countries to directly participate in the Ukraine conflict, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said.
20240518             The shooting in Slovakia "coincided with some other events indicating war preparations," Orban told a morning show on Kossuth Radio.
20240518             He referred to a recent visit to Kiev by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, US plans to collect $100 bln in aid to Ukraine in the next five years and debates about sending Western troops to the former Soviet republic".
20240518             This gives me the willies," he said.
20240518             According to Orban, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is planning to visit Hungary in the run-up to elections to the European Parliament scheduled for June 6-9 to try and persuade Budapest to reconsider its stance".
20240518             Major global players are seeking to drag Hungary into war," as has repeatedly happened throughout history, but this will not occur now, the Hungarian PM said with confidence".
20240518             Continued hostilities [in Ukraine] would mean continued suffering as the conflict can only be resolved at the negotiating table, and not on the battlefield.
20240518             This is what is at stake ahead of the EU parliamentary election and this is our position today," he said.
20240518             Commenting on the attempt on Fico’s life, Orban recounted that Slovakia was determined to negotiate peace in Ukraine, offering "a great deal of support" to Hungary which has consistently favored resolving the Ukraine conflict through talks.
20240518             In Western Europe, only the Vatican, too, promotes peace, but the Holy See "does not vote in solving political issues" at EU meetings, Orban maintained.
20240518             "This means we should double down, and my work is getting harder in Brussels where I have to debate with politicians from the war camp," Orban concluded.
20240518             Fico was attacked in the town of Handlova on May 15. The Slovak premier was shot multiple times in the chest, the abdomen and an extremity and doctors performed a five-hour operation on him.
20240518             He is currently in serious but not life-threatening condition, the authorities said.
20240518             The gunman, writer Juraj Cintula, has been detained, Slovak media reported.
20240518             The attack is believed to be politically motivated as Cintula said he disagreed with the government.
20240518             Law on new rules of mobilization comes into force in Ukraine
20240518             The new rules caused a storm of indignation among Ukrainian citizens of military age at the stage of the bill's introduction into the Verkhovna Rada at the end of last year
20240518             Gewalt gegen Politiker: Berliner Wirtschaftssenatorin Giffey beklagt »Freiwildkultur«
202405181210 Politik
20240518             Tyson Fury vs.
20240518             Oleksandr Usyk: Einer wird »der böseste Mensch auf dem Planeten«
202405181346 Sport
20240518             Nach Blockade am Münchner Flughafen: Politiker fordern härtere Strafen für Klimakleber
202405181353 Panorama
20240518             Sicherheitsvorfall in Berlin: Drohne flog mit russischer Fahne am Reichstagsgebäude
202405181406 Panorama
20240518             Auf Anordnung eines Gerichts: Russland friert Vermögen der Deutschen Bank ein
202405181426 Wirtschaft
20240518             Aufruhr in Neukaledonien: Wie Paris aus 17.000 Kilometer Entfernung einen Bürgerkrieg verhindern will
202405181433 Ausland
20240518             Reisehinweis für Pride-Events: USA warnen vor Angriffen auf Menschen der LGBTQI+-Community
202405181444 Panorama
20240518             EU-Zukunftsstrategie: Bundesregierung und EU-Ratspräsident streiten übers Klima
202405181548 Politik
20240518             Neue Berechnung: Wirtschaft und Kommunen in NRW verlangen Kurskorrektur bei Grundsteuer
202405181629 Wirtschaft
20240518             Terrororganisation im Gazakrieg: Die Hamas ist noch lange nicht am Ende
VON—SUSANNE—KOELBL und Thore Schröder
202405181740 Ausland
20240518             EU-Beitrittsprozess gefährdet: Georgiens Präsidentin legt Veto gegen umstrittenes »Agentengesetz« ein
202405181919 Ausland
20240518             Streit über Gaza: Israelischer Minister Gantz droht mit Austritt aus Regierung
202405182051 Ausland •
20240518             [l] OpenAI löst das Team auf, das "Rogue AI" verhindern sollte.
20240518             Finde ich einen erfrischenden Moment der Ehrlichkeit.
20240518             Was die da machen, ist ja schließlich keine KI sondern bloß "KI".
20240518             Die ist nicht nur Parsecs von Bewusstsein entfernt, die versteht auch noch nichts sondern remixt nur.
20240518             Dass die überhaupt eine Abteilung gegründet haben, war reiner PR-Bullshit, von dem sich hoffentlich niemand hat ablenken lassen.
20240518             Das ist wie wenn die Bahn eine Pünktlichkeitsinitiative startet.
20240518             Da geht es nicht um Pünktlichkeit, sondern darum, dass die Presse schreibt, die Bahn habe das Problem erkannt und kümmere sich.
20240518             Damit es nicht mehr so aussieht, als sei das Absicht.
        _HEUTE_0519_ :