Friday, May 3 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 05-03 ?
_HEUTE_0504_ :
20240503 Freitag, 3. Mai 2024
20240503 Stützpunkt am Flughafen Niamey: Russische Militärangehörige richten sich auf US-Basis in Niger ein
202405030005 Ausland
20240503 Schwächelnder Umsatz: Apple-Chef mit Apple-Optimismus – doch Experten fragen: »Wo ist das nächste große Ding?«
202405030354 Wirtschaft
20240503 Cyberattacke auf E-Mail-Konten: Bundesregierung ordnet Hackerangriff auf SPD-Zentrale Russland zu
202405030422 Politik
20240503 Rangliste der Pressefreiheit: Deutschland verbessert sich, Lage weltweit verschlechtert
202405030741 Politik
20240503 Blitzeinschläge und Überflutungen in Deutschland: Einsatzkräfte im Südwesten wegen Unwettern im Dauereinsatz
202405031034 Panorama
20240503 Bürokratie, Energiepreise, Digitalisierung: Ökonomen geben Standort Deutschland ein »Befriedigend minus«
202405031055 Wirtschaft
20240503 Neues Satellitennetzwerk geplant: US-Start-up meldet Bluetooth-Verbindung ins All
202405031113 Netzwelt •
20240503 Das US-Start-up Hubble Networks meldet einen »Technologiesprung, der unsere Vorstellungen von globaler Konnektivität grundlegend verändert«
20240503 Während etwa Starlink Internetanbindungen mit großer Bandbreite über ein teures Netzwerk von Tausenden Satelliten anbietet und dazu aufwendige Empfangsstationen am Boden benötigt, will Hubble Networks eine kosten- und energiesparende Alternative aufbauen.
20240503 Erneuter Sicherheitsvorfall: Taiwan meldet chinesische Flugzeuge und Marineschiffe an Seegrenze
202405031128 Ausland •
20240503 Wahlkampf in Washington: Biden nennt US-Verbündeten Japan »ausländerfeindlich«
202405031135 Ausland
20240503 Raumfahrt: China startet neue Mondmission
202405031146 Wissenschaft •
20240503 Propalästinensische Kundgebungen an der Sciences Po: Pariser Eliteuni stellt Präsenzbetrieb ein
202405031218 Ausland
20240503 Nach Cyberangriff: Auswärtiges Amt bestellt russischen Botschaftsgeschäftsträger ein
202405031229 Politik
20240503 Wahldesaster für Großbritanniens Konservative: Landesweit gedemütigt, mancherorts fast eliminiert
202405031327 Ausland
20240503 Galapagosinseln: Forscher entdecken mögliche Geburtsstätte von seltener Hammerhai-Art
202405031441 Wissenschaft •
20240503 Hohe Temperaturen in Vietnam: Hitze und Dürre – Hunderttausende Fische verenden in Stausee
202405031513 Wissenschaft
20240503 Superwahljahr 2024: Instagram drosselt politische Inhalte – was Abgeordnete daran stört
VON—MARCEL—ROSENBACH, Sebastian Stoll und Marejke Talea Tammen
202405031607 Politik •
20240503 Antiisraelische Proteste in Berlin: Polizei löst Sitzblockade an Humboldt-Universität auf
202405031625 Panorama
20240503 Enttäuschende Zahlen: US-Arbeitsmarkt schwächelt überraschend
202405031717 Wirtschaft
20240503 Überfall bei Spaziergang: Grünenpolitiker in Essen angegriffen – Staatsschutz ermittelt
VON—JÖRG—DIEHL und Lukas Eberle
202405031802 Politik •
20240503 Spionagevorwurf: Tschechien will russischen Diplomaten das freie Reisen in der EU verbieten
VON—MARKUS—BECKER und Matthias Gebauer
202405031818 Panorama
20240503 Bundesjustizministerium gegen Verschärfung: Regierung streitet über Strafrecht gegen Antisemitismus
202405031828 Panorama
20240503 Jemen: Huthi-Miliz droht mit Angriffen auf Handelsschiffe im Mittelmeer
202405031836 Ausland
20240503 MOSCOW, May 2. /TASS/.
20240503 Tactical aircraft flew over Moscow’s Red Square in a rehearsal of Russia’s Victory Day air parade, a TASS correspondent reported from the scene.
20240503 At least two groups of aircraft, namely, a flight of Su-27 fighter jets, and also Su-25 close support aircraft flew over Moscow’s Red Square, releasing fumes in the colors of the Russian national flag.
20240503 The Victory Day Parade devoted to the 79th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s Victory in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany will traditionally take place on Moscow’s Red Square on May 9. A final rehearsal of Russia’s Victory Day Parade on Moscow’s Red Square will take place on May 5.
20240503 Traditionally, the Victory Day air parade involves operational/tactical aircraft (fighter jets, frontline bombers and attack aircraft), long-range aircraft (long-range bombers and strategic missile-carrying aircraft), military transport planes and specialized aircraft (aerial refueling tankers, long-range radar surveillance planes and airborne command posts), and also army strike, multirole and military transport helicopters.
20240503 In various years, the structure and amount of aircraft in the Victory Day Parade’s airborne part slightly varied.
20240503 Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said earlier that this year that the Victory Day Parade on Moscow’s Red Square will involve over 9,000 troops, 75 weapons systems, and also aircraft.
20240503 Overall, military parades will take place in 28 Russian cities on May 9 and involve more than 50,000 troops and about 1,000 items of armament and military hardware.
20240503 LONDON, May 2. /TASS/.
20240503 French President Emmanuel Macron does not rule out that sending troops to Ukraine could be considered based on Kiev’s request if Russian forces broke through the front lines.
20240503 "I’m not ruling anything out, because we are facing someone who is not ruling anything out.
20240503 We have undoubtedly been too hesitant by defining the limits of our action," he said in an interview with The Economist, when asked if he stood by what he had said about possibly sending ground troops to Ukraine.
20240503 The French leader pointed out that "many countries understood" Paris’s approach and agreed "that this position was a good thing".
20240503 "If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request - which is not the case today - we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question," Macron noted".
20240503 At the NATO summit in the summer of 2022, we all ruled out the delivery of tanks, deep-strike missiles, aircraft.
20240503 We are now all in the process of doing this, so it would be wrong to rule out the rest," he added.
20240503 The French president said on February 26 that some 20 Western countries taking part in a Paris meeting on further assistance for Kiev had discussed the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.
20240503 According to Macron, no consensus was reached on the issue but such a possibility cannot be ruled out in the future.
20240503 Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin pointed out on March 19 that France was already training troops to be sent to Ukraine.
20240503 LONDON, May 2. /TASS/.
20240503 Britain and France should reflect on whether they need tactical nuclear weapons in case of a further escalation of tensions in Europe, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with the British magazine The Economist.
20240503 "You are right to ask the question, but I am right not to give you a clear answer.
20240503 Firstly, because on this issue, silence is golden.
20240503 Secondly, because we don't engage in political fiction and I don't want to cast doubt on the American guarantee.
20240503 But it is obviously a question that we must ask ourselves," Macron said.
20240503 He also emphasized that the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons was in the interests of the whole of Europe and the world.
20240503 Macron said France has always rejected the use of tactical nuclear weapons, because its nuclear doctrine was one of unacceptable damage and not that of limited nuclear war.
20240503 "The French doctrine is based on the principle of strict sufficiency," he recalled.
20240503 LONDON, May 2. /TASS/.
20240503 Modern Europe is facing a triple existential threat; a new paradigm is needed to counter it, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with the British weekly The Economist.
20240503 "It’s this triple existential risk for our Europe: a military and security risk; an economic risk for our prosperity; an existential risk of internal incoherence and disruption to the functioning of our democracies," the French president said".
20240503 So these are the three risks that have accelerated in recent years, very strongly no doubt.
20240503 Moreover, after the pandemic, we underestimated these tensions, even though Europe began to respond to them, but too timidly or sometimes a little too late," he added.
20240503 According to Macron, "a new geopolitical, economic and societal paradigm for Europe" is needed to address these challenges.
20240503 First of all, as the president believes, Europe must take care of its own security.
20240503 In addition, it needs to ensure its strategic autonomy "in terms of energy, materials and rare resources, but also in terms of key skills and technologies".
20240503 Among other things, this concerns the active participation of its companies in the development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing, where the United States and China may get a long-term advantage.
20240503 Finally, Europe needs to address the vulnerabilities "created by social networks and the digitalization of our societies and the way democracy works," he went on to say.
20240503 In reply to the question whether this will lead to a gradual death, or will it be a sudden death, Macron said: "Things can fall apart very quickly.
20240503 In Europe and everywhere else, they are creating a rise in anger and resentment".
20240503 MOSCOW, May 3. /TASS/.
20240503 Freedom of the press is under attack in the West, where the authorities stamp out any dissent and repress journalists, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement dedicated to World Press Freedom Day on May 3.
20240503 "Unfortunately, World [Press Freedom] Day, which was conceived as a global celebration, is gradually degenerating into a meaningless date.
20240503 This situation can change only if there is an honest assessment of the situation surrounding freedom of the press and journalist safety that is not distorted by Western propaganda," the ministry pointed out.
20240503 "We once again draw attention to the deplorable situation regarding freedom of expression and equal access to information in the countries of the collective West," the ministry noted, adding that "the so-called democratic countries continue destroying every pocket of dissent in violation of all international obligations".
20240503 "Investigative journalist Julian Assange and other prisoners of conscience continue to languish in London's dungeons," the report said".
20240503 So far there has been no reaction from international human rights organizations on the death of journalist Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian prison this January.
20240503 He was rejected by both of his countries of citizenship, the United States and Chile," it added.
20240503 Abuses against the Russian media
20240503 The Russian Foreign Ministry also pointed to the "incessant arbitrariness committed by the Western authorities against the Russian media and journalists, who have fully felt the repressive machine of the neoliberal West".
20240503 "Special attention should be paid to the appalling situation regarding freedom of the media in the Baltic republics and Moldova.
20240503 Their authorities, under the pretext of combating 'Russian propaganda,' with the silent consent of their Western curators, have organized persecutions against representatives of Russian-language media," the ministry explained.
20240503 "In Ukraine, the criminal regime of [President Vladimir] Zelensky has annihilated freedom of speech once and for all by banning all opposition media outlets and closing access to thousands of Internet resources," the Russian Foreign Ministry continued.
20240503 "The indulgence of Kiev by its overseas masters has also led to the continuation of brutal massacres against Russian journalists.
20240503 The list of national media representatives who were killed by Ukrainian militants was recently expanded to include Semyon Yeremin, a military correspondent for Izvestia, who was murdered by neo-Nazis using a UAV while performing his professional duties," the ministry noted".
20240503 UNESCO Director General Audrey Azule has not yet condemned the cold-blooded murder of Semyon Yeremin, as well as other Russian journalists (Daria Dugina (Platonova), Vladlen Tatarsky (Maxim Fomin), Oleg Klokov, Rostislav Zhuravlev, Boris Maksudov)," the ministry added.
20240503 Wed May 1 2024
20240503 Thu May 2 2024
20240503 [l] Die SPD hat den EuGH mürbe geschossen.
20240503 Die finden jetzt plötzlich, dass anlasslose Vorratsdatenspeicherung von IP-Adressen für die Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen erlaubt sein sollen.
20240503 Das ist natürlich absolut furchtbar.
20240503 Laut dem Gericht ist eine Vorratsdatenspeicherung zulässig, „wenn die nationale Regelung Speichermodalitäten vorschreibt, die eine wirksame strikte Trennung der verschiedenen Kategorien personenbezogener Daten gewährleisten und es damit ausschließen, dass genaue Schlüsse auf das Privatleben der betreffenden Person gezogen werden können.“
20240503 Das ist natürlich völlig absurd, dass solche Schlüsse nicht gezogen werden können.
20240503 Das weißt du als Mitloggender gar nicht, was für Schlüsse da später draus gezogen werden können.
20240503 Sehr bedauerlich.
20240503 [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "mit KI wird alles schlechter",
20240503 heute: Halluzinierte "KI"-"Dokumentation" verdrängt die echte Dokumentation von den vorderen Suchmaschinenplätzen.
20240503 Google sollte mal soviel Energie gegen Bot-Content aufwenden, wie sie gegen Bot-Werbeklicken investieren.
20240503 [l] Die Bundesregierung will die Selbstmordrate senken.
20240503 Zuständig ist Herr Lauterbach.
20240503 Was schlagen die konkret vor?
20240503 Darüber hinaus plädiert der Minister für "methodenbegrenzende" Maßnahmen, also Zugangsbeschränkung zu Mitteln und Orten für einen Suizidversuch, darunter Gleisanlagen, Brücken oder Hochhäuser.
20240503 Geprüft werden soll auch die Einrichtung eines pseudonymisierten Suizidregisters - unter anderem, um Risikogruppen leichter zu erkennen.
20240503 Smart!
20240503 Nicht etwa dafür sorgen, dass die Leute weniger Grund zum Selbstmord haben.
20240503 Nein, nein!
20240503 Brücken verzaunen!
20240503 [l] Ihr AHNT ja nicht, was die Wissenschaft jetzt herausgefunden hat!
20240503 RKI-Studie: Wohlhabendere Menschen leben länger
20240503 Das ist ja unglaublich!
20240503 Das hat bestimmt die CIA herausgefunden.
20240503 Die finden ja alles raus.
20240503 Alles finden die raus!
20240503 Fri May 3 2024
20240503 [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "mit KI wird alles schlechter",
20240503 heute: Google-"KI" nimmt Romanautorin den Zugang zu ihren eigenen Büchern, die sie in Google Docs schreibt.
20240503 Warum?
20240503 Es handelt sich bei den Romanen um Romanzen und die Google-"KI" fand, das sei Pornographie und verstoße gegen die Terms of Service.
20240503 Google never specified which of her 222,000 words was inappropriate.
20240503 There were no highlighted sections, no indicators of what had rendered her documents unshareable.
_HEUTE_0504_ :