Was geschah am Sunday, April 28 2024 ?

Sunday, April 28 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 04-28 ?

        _HEUTE_0429_ :
20240428             Sonntag, 28. April 2024
20240428             Vor Hotel in Washington: Proteste gegen Gazakrieg bei Galadinner mit US-Präsident Biden
202404280730 Ausland
20240428             Neues Gesetz: Irak droht queeren Paaren mit bis zu 15 Jahren Haft
202404280737 Panorama
20240428             Daten des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamts: Zahl der Wohnmobile hat massiv zugenommen
202404280815 Reise
20240428             Staatsanwaltschaften: Zahl unerledigter Verfahren in Deutschland steigt weiter
202404280856 Panorama
20240428             Russischer Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Schlacht der Drohnen
202404281017 Ausland
20240428             Über 38 Grad Celsius: Schulen auf den Philippinen schließen wegen Rekordhitze
202404281104 Panorama
20240428             Erneutes Unwetter in Guangzhou: Tornado in China fordert fünf Todesopfer
202404281105 Panorama
20240428             Empörung in Berlin und Rom: Russland stellt Firmen aus Deutschland und Italien unter Zwangsverwaltung
202404281145 Wirtschaft •
20240428             MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/.
20240428             The number of children killed in the Gaza Strip over the past six months is shocking, Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), told TASS in an exclusive interview.
20240428             He pointed out that it is very difficult to get precise figures under war situation".
20240428             But I do believe that the amount being published (by the Palestinian Health Ministry that the death toll in Gaza exceeded 34,000 - TASS) gives a reasonably good idea of the scale of the number of people who have been killed in Gaza.
20240428             And this is horrible," Lazzarini said.
20240428             "It's unprecedented when you think that in six months more than 30,000 people have been killed.
20240428             We know that among them there are 13,000 children.
20240428             We know that there were more children killed in Gaza in six months than in all the conflicts across the world in the last four years," the UNRWA chief said".
20240428             So, it's unprecedented in scale, as well as the level of destruction," he emphasized.
20240428             "Today, if I look at the number of employees killed within UNRWA (in the Gaza Strip - TASS), 180, and I compare this to the total number of staff we have, 13,000, and then I look at the number of people killed within the broader Gaza population, next we compare it to the overall population, and we will have more or less the same type of proportion.
20240428             So, I think the proportion in this case is certainly something, which unfortunately sounds possible," Lazzarini noted.
20240428             When asked if it was safe to say that the 34,000 figure was not an overestimate, he said that the data "is certainly at this scale, the number of people who have been killed".
20240428             "And I'm not even sure that this number captures all those who are still under the rubble, because most of the time the number of people dead are reported and recorded through hospital facilities," the UN agency chief said".
20240428             So, I would say that the proportion given unfortunately might be close to the reality.
20240428             It could even be higher or could be in disproportion.
20240428             And I do believe that it's not an overestimate," he concluded.
20240428             About UNRWA
20240428             The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East was established on December 8, 1949.
20240428             As the situation in Palestine remains unresolved, the agency's mandate continues to be expanded.
20240428             To date, the agency provides assistance to some 5.9 million people.
20240428             About one-third live in 58 officially recognized camps in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
20240428             The rest live in or near host towns, often not far from official camps. The agency is headed by a commissioner-general appointed by the UN secretary-general.·In late January, several countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States, announced the suspension of UNRWA funding because of suspected links to the radical Palestinian movement Hamas. Lazzarini ordered the dismissal of several employees who may have been involved in a Hamas militant attack on Israel in the fall. The agency later accused Israel of torturing captured employees to extract "false confessions" of links to the radical movement. A report released on April 23 by an independent UN evaluation team on UNRWA's activities stated that Israeli authorities have so far failed to provide any evidence to support their accusations.
20240428             Biennale in Venedig: Papst Franziskus besucht Vatikan-Ausstellung in Frauengefängnis
202404281227 Kultur
20240428             Tesla-Chef: Elon Musk reist überraschend nach China
202404281247 Wirtschaft
20240428             Mobilisierungsprobleme in der Armee: Jetzt werben ukrainische Brigaden ihre Rekruten schon selbst
VON—MARTIN—JÄSCHKE und Alexander Kauschanski
202404281311 Ausland •
20240428             Vorwurf des »Extremismus«: Zwei russische Journalisten wegen Arbeit für Nawalny-Stiftung verhaftet
202404281320 Ausland
20240428             Phänomen Saharastaub: »Blutregen« in Nordrhein-Westfalen erwartet
202404281340 Wissenschaft
20240428             Kundgebung in Hamburg: Faeser nennt Islamisten-Demonstration »schwer erträglich«
202404281726 Politik
20240428             Überraschende Aufnahmen vom Roten Planeten: »Spinnen« am Südpol des Mars
202404281747 Wissenschaft
20240428             Die kleinen, dunklen Gebilde sind ein Naturphänomen.
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20240428             Sun Apr 28 2024
20240428             [l] Old and busted: Der Westen liefert Waffen in die Ukraine.
20240428             New hotness: Der Westen kauft Waffen in der Ukraine (und gibt sie dann der ukrainischen Armee).
20240428             Many residents have seemingly had enough.
20240428             In February, a Waymo driverless taxi was set ablaze by a furious crowd.
20240428             Nahostkonflikt: »Netanyahu hat mit seiner Iranpolitik ein politisches Debakel erreicht«
VON—OLAF—HEUSER und Richard C. Schneider
202404281912 Ausland
20240428             Militärjustiz in Guantanamo Bay: Wo der 11. September 2001 nie endet
202404282035 Ausland
20240428             Neujahrsfest in Iran: Es ist Krieg, und die Leute machen Picknick
202404282039 Ausland
20240428             Demografische Krise: Einsturz der Arbeitswelt
Von Henrik Müller
202404282055 Wirtschaft
        _HEUTE_0429_ :