Monday, April 8 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 04-08 ?
_HEUTE_0409_ :
20240408 Montag, 8. April 2024
20240408 Festnahme von Ex-Vizepräsident: Mexiko zieht nach Sturm auf Botschaft alle Diplomaten aus Ecuador ab
202404080207 Ausland
20240408 Blockierte Hilfen aus den USA: Selenskyj warnt vor Niederlage der Ukraine
202404080627 Ausland •
20240408 Posthum veröffentlichte Memoiren: Was Schäuble über Kohls »Kriegskasse« in der Unionsfraktion wusste
202404080659 Politik
20240408 Energiewende: Zahl der Balkonkraftwerke steigt rasant
202404080717 Wirtschaft
20240408 Anhörung in Den Haag: Nicaragua wirft Deutschland Beihilfe zu Völkermord in Gaza vor
202404080832 Ausland
20240408 Neuer Job für Andreas Scheuer: Die deutsche Politik hat ein Korruptionsproblem Von Sven Becker
20240408 Sven Becker
202404080954 Politik
20240408 Energiewende: Engpässe im Stromnetz kosteten 2023 knapp 3,1 Milliarden Euro
202404081041 Wirtschaft
20240408 Scholz startet TikTok-Account: »Ich tanze nicht.
20240408 Versprochen«
202404081159 Politik
20240408 Polens Blockade der Ukraine-Grenze: »Die Lage ist jetzt schlimmer als nach Kriegsbeginn«
202404081204 Wirtschaft
20240408 Industriegüter: US-Finanzministerin Yellen droht Chinas Dumping-Exporteuren
202404081209 Wirtschaft
20240408 Übereinstimmende Medienberichte: Schweden verweist chinesische Journalistin lebenslang des Landes
202404081343 Ausland
20240408 Totale Sonnenfinsternis: »Kein anderes astronomisches Ereignis ist so aufregend«
202404081346 Wissenschaft
20240408 Prozess am Landgericht Gera: Beschluss für eigenen Vater ausgestellt – Ex-Richterin angeklagt
202404081354 Panorama
20240408 Schließfächer geknackt: Ex-Banker vor Gericht – 1,5 Millionen Euro Beute
202404081457 Wirtschaft
20240408 Prestigeprojekt der Bundeswehr in Litauen: »Die Soldaten erfüllen ihren Auftrag, Ausrufezeichen«
202404081559 Politik
20240408 Festnahme von Ex-Vizepräsident: Was Sie über den Sturm auf die mexikanische Botschaft wissen müssen
202404081603 Ausland
20240408 Sturm auf mexikanische Botschaft in Ecuador: »Wir lassen uns von keinem Land einschüchtern«
202404081604 Ausland
20240408 MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/.
20240408 Rostec is creating a new line of promising improved tank shells based on the study of captured Western armored vehicles and data on the protection of promising Western models, Bekhan Ozdoev, Industrial Director of Weapon Systems at Rostec State Corporation, said in an interview with TASS.
20240408 "We are proactive and creating a new line of promising ammunition with improved characteristics.
20240408 We take into account the parameters and features of the protection of captured armored vehicles, data on the protection of promising models of the enemy and information received from tank crewmen taking part in the special military operation," Ozdoev said.
20240408 He added that while the enemy is creating new tanks with improved protection, Rostec is creating new ammunition, "which will multiply their efforts by zero".
20240408 .
20240408 MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/.
20240408 The United States and Japan are in a military alliance already and the deployment of US troops prevented the signing of a peace treaty between Moscow and Tokyo, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
20240408 Commenting on plans by the United States and Japan to deepen their military cooperation as part of the AUKUS military alliance, Peskov said: "De facto, there is a defensive union already.
20240408 We know about the US military potential deployed in Japan, near our border".
20240408 According to him, the US military presence "has always impeded attempts at resolving the key problem - the peace treaty problem".
20240408 The Financial Times reported earlier that the three AUKUS members, namely Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, are weighing bringing Japan into their security pact.
20240408 The news came amid Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s visit to the United States.
20240408 Moscow and Tokyo have been in negotiations on a peace treaty based on the outcome of World War II since the mid-20th century.
20240408 The main obstacle to such an accord remains the disagreement over rights to the southern part of the Kuril Islands.
20240408 After the war, the entire archipelago was incorporated into the Soviet Union, but Japan disputes the ownership of the islands of Iturup, Kunashir and Shikotan, as well as several small uninhabited islands.
20240408 The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly stressed that Russia’s sovereignty over these islands is based on a firm legal foundation and is indisputable.
20240408 BEIJING, April 8. /TASS/.
20240408 China opposes the deployment of intermediate-range missiles by the United States in the Asia-Pacific, calling on Washington to respect others’ security interests, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular press briefing.
20240408 "China has always resolutely opposed the US’ deployment of intermediate-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific or their enhanced deployment near the Chinese border so as to gain a unilateral military advantage," the Chinese diplomat emphasized.
20240408 Mao called on Washington to "sincerely respect the interests of other countries in the security sphere and stop undermining peace and stability" in the Asia-Pacific.
20240408 Earlier, Charles Flynn, commanding general of the United States Army Pacific, announced plans to deploy intermediate-range missiles to the Asia-Pacific for Chinese deterrence.
20240408 The US was previously prevented from placing nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and missile launchers with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometers under the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, but the United States suspended compliance with the INF in 2019.
20240408 Hochwasser und mehrere Dammbrüche: Mehr als 10.000 Häuser stehen in Russland unter Wasser
202404081645 Panorama
20240408 Palästinenser in Israel: »Entweder wir sterben gemeinsam wie die Narren.
20240408 Oder wir entscheiden uns gemeinsam für das Leben«
202404081743 Ausland
20240408 Vergleich zu 2023: Zahl der Asylanträge in Deutschland im ersten Quartal gesunken
202404082016 Politik
20240408 »MixTalk«-Moderatorin: SWR trennt sich nach antiisraelischen Posts von Helen Fares
202404082210 Panorama
20240408 Nach Kritik an vorheriger Einigung: EU verschärft Zoll-Vorgaben für ukrainische Lebensmittel erneut
202404082324 Wirtschaft •
20240408 In mehreren Pazifikstaaten: Indigene erklären Wale zu juristischen Personen
202404082351 Wissenschaft •
_HEUTE_0409_ :