Sunday, April 7 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 04-07 ?
_HEUTE_0408_ :
20240407 Sonntag, 7. April 2024
20240407 Russischer Angriffskrieg: Selenskyj zeigt sich offen für US-Waffen auf Kredit
202404070722 Ausland
20240407 Proukrainischer Kandidat unterliegt: Pellegrini gewinnt Präsidentenwahl in der Slowakei
202404070742 Ausland •
20240407 Brasiliens Ex-Präsident: Bolsonaro ruft Anhänger zu Großkundgebung auf
202404070833 Ausland
20240407 80. Geburtstag von Gerhard Schröder: »Der Bundeskanzler gratuliert dem Bundeskanzler a.D«.
202404071000 Politik
20240407 Rechenschaftsberichte der Parteien: AfD lebt fast zur Hälfte von Staatskasse
202404071032 Politik
20240407 Im Jahr 1669, bei der mutmaßlich schlimmsten Katastrophe, kamen am Ätna nach historischen Überlieferungen mehr als 20.000 Menschen ums Leben.
20240407 Seinerzeit wurden etwa ein Dutzend Ortschaften zerstört.
20240407 Krieg in Gaza: Israels Antwort auf den 7. Oktober war maßlos Von Mathieu von Rohr
20240407 Mathieu von Rohr
202404071246 Ausland
20240407 Krieg im Nahen Osten: Israel zieht Truppen aus südlichem Gazastreifen ab
202404071313 Ausland
20240407 Frühjahrshochwasser in Russland: Tausende Menschen evakuiert
202404071313 Panorama
20240407 Nach Angriff in Syrien: Iran nennt Israels Botschaften »nicht mehr sicher«
202404071409 Ausland •
20240407 Sun Apr 7 2024
20240407 [l] Greta Thunberg in Holland verhaftet.
20240407 Ich glaube langsam, die ist ein bisschen doof.
20240407 Die hatte schon wieder keinen Traktor dabei!
20240407 Also so wird das nichts mehr mit den effektiven Klimaprotesten.
20240407 BUTNER /North Carolina/, April 6. /TASS/.
20240407 The US authorities continue their hunt for Russian citizens in third countries, seeking their deportation to the United States, Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said.
20240407 "The Americans continue their hunt for Russian citizens; they keep grabbing them in third countries and seek their deportation here, to the United States of America.
20240407 And it is simply extremely difficult, if ever possible, to get out once you’re here," Antonov told reporters after visiting Russian citizen Roman Seleznyov, who is currently imprisoned in Butner, North Carolina.
20240407 According to the envoy, "this is exactly what happened" to Roman Seleznyov.
20240407 Antonov will send a note to the US authorities demanding that they alleviate the conditions in jail for Seleznev, who is serving a sentence in North Carolina’s Butner prison complex.
20240407 "After coming back to Washington, I am going to send a note to the Department of State.
20240407 I have an idea to contact the chief of US prisons (the head of the Federal Bureau of Prisons within the US Department of Justice - TASS) in order to make life in prison easier for Roman.
20240407 Most importantly, I would like to emphasize again that his health is not very good, but there is no need to disclose all his health conditions.
20240407 He is waiting, and I hope very much that his turn will come, when we will be able to have Roman released and he will be able to hug his family and friends in Moscow," the ambassador said.
20240407 Earlier, the Russian envoy said there was no chance of Seleznyov being released early from his imprisonment in the United States.
20240407 "There are no such chances.
20240407 But there is an opportunity if he is exchanged for any of the Americans [jailed in Russia] through the existing confidential channel".
20240407 But Antonov said he was unaware of any details in that sphere.
20240407 In August 2016, the jury found Seleznyouv guilty of cyber crime.
20240407 He was convicted of computer hacks that hit more than 200 US businesses over several years.
20240407 On April 21, 2017, Seattle’s federal district court sentenced the Russian to 27 years of imprisonment and a penalty of $170 mln.
20240407 Antonov also added that the US authorities have not yet denied Russian diplomats meetings with Russian citizens imprisoned in the US.
20240407 "I will be careful.
20240407 Up to this point, we have not been denied meetings with Russian citizens in American custody," he said, answering a question.
20240407 Russian Ambassador was also asked to comment on the remarks made by Roger Carstens, US Special Envoy for Hostage Affairs, who said on April 4 that Washington prepares new proposals on the exchange of prisoners.
20240407 Antonov answered that Russia would examine potential new US proposals on the exchange of prisoners and provide an adequate response, should it receive such proposals.
20240407 "It is very difficult for me to speak for the current US Administration.
20240407 If they prepare such proposals, then I would like to say that they will be properly examined, and our corresponding agencies will provide an adequate response," Antonov underscored.
20240407 Christsoziale Außenpolitik: Warum Markus Söder als Kanzler ein Unglück wäre Von René Pfister
20240407 René Pfister
202404071555 Politik •
20240407 Dokumentation des Hamas-Terrors: Der Archivar des Schreckens
202404071603 Ausland
20240407 Kaninchenplage in Südfrankreich: Bürgermeister plakatiert Ragout-Rezept
202404071645 Panorama
20240407 Russland bezichtigt die Ukraine: Drohnenangriff auf AKW Saporischschja gemeldet
202404071737 Ausland •
20240407 Fotoprojekt in Südostasien: Das macht das Geld aus China mit dem kleinen Laos
202404071752 Ausland •
20240407 Polizeieinsatz in Halle an der Saale: Sprengsatz gefunden – Haftbefehl gegen Tatverdächtigen erlassen
202404071802 Panorama
20240407 Der Antisemitismus-Test ist absurdes Theater Von Richard C. Schneider
20240407 Richard C. Schneider
202404071931 Ausland
20240407 [l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "mit KI wird alles schlechter",
20240407 heute: Der New-Yorker Chatbot legt nach (Kontext).
20240407 In responses to questions posed Wednesday, the chatbot falsely suggested it is legal for an employer to fire a worker who complains about sexual harassment, doesn’t disclose a pregnancy or refuses to cut their dreadlocks.
20240407 Contradicting two of the city’s signature waste initiatives, it claimed that businesses can put their trash in black garbage bags and are not required to compost.
20240407 At times, the bot’s answers veered into the absurd.
20240407 Asked if a restaurant could serve cheese nibbled on by a rodent, it responded: “Yes, you can still serve the cheese to customers if it has rat bites,” before adding that it was important to assess the “the extent of the damage caused by the rat” and to “inform customers about the situation.”
20240407 Ist doch noch gut!!
20240407 Da gilt die Fünf-Sekunden-Regel!!1!
20240407 Ich weiß, was ihr jetzt denkt.
20240407 Hätten die doch mal jemanden gefragt, der sich mit sowas auskennt.
20240407 Den Marktführer am besten.
20240407 Microsoft.
20240407 A spokesperson for Microsoft, which powers the bot through its Azure AI services, said the company was working with city employees “to improve the service and ensure the outputs are accurate and grounded on the city’s official documentation.”
20240407 Die übliche Nullaussage.
20240407 Ja klar ist das alles Scheiße, aber wir arbeiten dran.
20240407 Ja äh, vielleicht hättet ihr da VOR der Auslieferung an den Kunden dran arbeiten sollen, ihr Flachzangen?!
20240407 Pannenserie geht weiter: Boeing-Maschine verliert Triebwerksverkleidung beim Start
202404072030 Wirtschaft
20240407 Sechs Monate nach dem 7. Oktober: Zehntausende demonstrieren in Jerusalem für Freilassung der Geiseln
202404072117 Ausland
20240407 Kommunalwahlen in Polen: EU-kritische PiS-Partei laut Prognosen stärkste Kraft, Erfolg für Tusk in Warschau
202404072245 Ausland
_HEUTE_0408_ :