Wednesday, April 3 2024
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 04-03 ?
_HEUTE_0404_ :
20240403 Mittwoch, 3. April 2024
19440403 —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that black citizens are eligible to vote in all elections, including primaries.
19440403 —RULED, THE—SMITH vs.
20240403 Allwright decision, "white primaries" unconstitutional.
20240403 DDR-Diktator Walter Ulbricht: »Müssen wir wirklich jeden Dreck aus dem Westen kopieren?«
202404031422 Geschichte
20240403 Naturkatastrophe: Starkes Erdbeben erschüttert Taiwan
202404030350 Panorama
20240403 Gazakrieg: Israels Militärchef räumt Angriff auf World Central Kitchen als »schweren Fehler« ein
202404030635 Ausland
20240403 Hassrhetorik im US-Wahlkampf: Trump verschärft Hetze gegen Biden und Schutzsuchende
202404030647 Ausland •
20240403 Langfristige Miliärhilfen: Stoltenberg schlägt 100-Milliarden-Euro-Nato-Paket für Ukraine vor
202404030655 Ausland
20240403 In US-Supermärkten: Amazon will Einkaufswagen mit Kameras überwachen
202404030851 Netzwelt
20240403 Milliardengeschäft mit Oligarch: Österreichs Zentralbankchef warnt Raiffeisenbank vor Russland-Deal
202404030903 Wirtschaft •
20240403 75 Jahre Nato: Stark und bedroht wie nie Von Ralf Neukirch
20240403 Ralf Neukirch
202404030948 Politik
20240403 Posthum veröffentlichte Memoiren: Stoiber soll laut Schäubles Erinnerungen Merkel-Sturz geplant haben
202404031015 Politik •
20240403 Ausspionierte E-Mail-Konten: Regierungskommission wirft Microsoft Nachlässigkeit vor
202404031025 Netzwelt
20240403 Nach Durchsuchung bei Präsidentin: Sieben Minister aus peruanischem Kabinett zurückgetreten
202404031027 Ausland
20240403 Erdbeben vor der Küste Taiwans: Mindestens 60 Menschen in Tunneln verschüttet – darunter zwei Deutsche
202404031044 Panorama
20240403 Hitze und Trockenheit in Brasilien: Wie der Klimawandel das Leben am Amazonas verändert
202404031136 Ausland
20240403 Klimawandel in Deutschland: 18. Monat in Folge ist zu warm
202404031141 Wissenschaft
20240403 Wed Apr 3 2024
20240403 [l] Neuester Lacher von der FDP: Wir zahlen einfach die Covid-Schulden nicht zurück.
20240403 Kann man ja später machen.
20240403 Und mit dem Geld kaufen wir dann Bomben und Panzer!
20240403 Nicht vergessen: Das sind die mit der Schuldenbremse!
20240403 Neuverschuldung ist schlimm und furchtbar, aber herrje, wenn die Schulden schon mal da sind, dann zahlen wir sie einfach nicht zurück, weil die dafür auszugebenden Zinsen fallen ja nicht unter Neuverschuldung sondern gelten quasi als schon verplant und so!1!!
20240403 Das sind die mit der Wirtschaftskompetenz.
20240403 Wer wählt die eigentlich immer?
20240403 Kann ich euch sagen.
20240403 Nicht mehr viele.
20240403 Aber immer noch viel zu viele.
20240403 Ungemach für Erdo?an: Inflation in Türkei steigt auf 68,5 Prozent
202404031158 Wirtschaft
20240403 Millionenschäden befürchtet: Invasive Quagga-Muschel verstopft Leitungen am Bodensee
202404031201 Wissenschaft •
20240403 Klage von Menschenrechtlern abgelehnt: Ugandas Verfassungsgericht bestätigt drakonisches Anti-LGBTQ-Gesetz
202404031233 Ausland •
20240403 Truth Social: Trump zieht gegen zwei Mitgründer von Trump Media vor Gericht
202404031259 Wirtschaft
20240403 Lehrer in Cottbus: Innenministerium stuft Gewalt gegen Schüler als »fremdenfeindlich« ein
202404031312 Panorama
20240403 Ernteausfälle wegen Dürre: Simbabwe ruft Katastrophenzustand aus
202404031329 Ausland
20240403 Neuer Ärger in der Ampel: Der FDP seien arme Kinder egal – sagt der Juso-Chef
202404031353 Politik •
20240403 Spionage: Ex-Wirecard-Manager Jan Marsalek lieferte Geheim-Laptop an russische Agenten
VON—ROMAN—DOBROKHOTOV, Christo Grozev, Roman Lehberger und Fabian Schmid
202404031400 Politik
20240403 Älteste gut erhaltene Jagdwaffen der Welt: »Vielleicht würde man heute eher von der Holzzeit sprechen als von der Steinzeit«
202404031403 Wissenschaft
20240403 Höhere Ölpreise: Benzinpreise steigen dritte Woche in Folge kräftig an
202404031420 Wirtschaft
20240403 Erdbeben vor Taiwan: Mehr als 140 Menschen in Steinbrüchen, Tunneln und Höhlen eingeschlossen
202404031803 Panorama
20240403 WASHINGTON, April 3. /TASS/.
20240403 The United States warned the Russian authorities two weeks before the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall that the music venue could be a potential target of the attack, The Washington Post reported citing American officials familiar with the matter.
20240403 "More than two weeks before terrorists staged a bloody attack in the suburbs of Moscow, the U.S. government told Russian officials that Crocus City Hall, a popular concert venue, was a potential target," the daily said.
20240403 According to The Washington Post, this information was passed on to Russia a day before the US Embassy in Moscow issued on March 7 a warning to American nationals to avoid mass gatherings in view of a possible terrorist attack in the Russian capital.
20240403 The daily also reported referring to its unnamed officials and experts that "While Washington routinely shares information about possible terrorist attacks with foreign countries, under a policy known as the 'duty to warn,' it is unusual to give information about specific targets to an adversary".
20240403 "Doing so risks revealing how the United States obtained the intelligence, potentially putting clandestine surveillance activities or human sources at risk," the daily added.
20240403 Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergey Naryshkin told journalists on April 2 that the Russian Federal Security Service did receive certain information from the United States about the threat of a possible terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall, "but it was too general".
20240403 On the evening of March 22, a terrorist attack targeted the music venue in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, just outside the Moscow city limits.
20240403 According to the Russian Investigative Committee, more than 140 people have died, and the death toll may rise.
20240403 Eleven suspects in the attack have been apprehended, including all four gunmen, who were detained in the Bryansk Region, southwest of Moscow, as they were attempting to seek refuge by crossing the nearby Ukrainian border.
20240403 Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address, citing preliminary information, that the Ukrainian side had prepared "a window" in the border especially for the terrorists to cross undetected.
20240403 He promised to identify and punish all those who were behind the attack on Crocus City Hall.
20240403 On March 24, Russia declared its first nationwide mourning since 2018.
20240403 CNN reported earlier, citing sources, that US intelligence services had tipped off Russia that the Islamic State terrorist organization (outlawed in Russia) was plotting terrorist attacks in Russia.
20240403 Washington had been receiving such intelligence since November, but it’s not clear if this prompted the US embassy in Moscow to issue the March 7 warning, the TV channel said.
20240403 ASTANA, April 3. /TASS/.
20240403 The terror attack at the Crocus City Hall music venue in the Moscow suburb can be traced to Ukrainian special services and it is well known that the Kiev regime is fully controlled by the United States, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev said on Wednesday.
20240403 "They are trying to impose it on us that the terrorist act was committed not by the Kiev regime but by supporters of the radical Islamic ideology, possibly, by members of the Afghan branch of ISIL [the former name of the Islamic State terror group outlawed in Russia]," Patrushev told the 19th annual meeting of top security officials of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) member states.
20240403 "However, it is far more important to promptly establish who is the mastermind and the sponsor of this horrific crime.
20240403 Its traces lead to Ukrainian intelligence services.
20240403 However, everyone is well aware that the Kiev regime is not independent and is fully controlled by the United States.
20240403 It has to be borne in mind that ISIL and Al-Qaeda [outlawed in Russia] and other terrorist groups were created by Washington," Patrushev stressed.
20240403 As the Russian top security official pointed out, "the perpetrators of this mass shooting and also their accomplices were arrested upon their attempt to cross the Russian state border where the Ukrainian side prepared a window for their escape".
20240403 On the evening of March 22, a terrorist attack targeted the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, just outside the Moscow city limits.
20240403 According to the latest data, 144 people were killed and 551 suffered injuries.
20240403 The Russian Investigative Committee said that evidence had been found of the attackers’ links to Ukrainian nationalists.
20240403 MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/.
20240403 The information of the US media alleging that the American authorities have warned Russia about the preparation of a terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall is not true, a source in a competent Russian agency told TASS.
20240403 "The allegations of the US media, the New York Times and the Washington Post in particular, that the American authorities have warned Russia about the preparation of a terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall are untrue," the source said.
20240403 "As it was previously reported, the US did inform Russia about the terrorist threat.
20240403 However, this information was general and contained only a warning about the possibility of a terrorist attack on public places," the source added.
20240403 Machtkampf in Israel: Kriegskabinetts-Mitglied Gantz fordert Neuwahlen
202404032021 Ausland •
20240403 Der Überseehafen Rostock hält ein Schiff vom Ablegen ab.
20240403 Das Schiff fährt unter der Flagge der Marshallinseln und hat Birkenholz aus Russland geladen.
20240403 Das fällt offenbar unter die Russland-Sanktionen der EU.
20240403 So und jetzt der Compliance-Bullshit-Teil:
20240403 Darüber hinaus befindet sich an Bord eine nicht näher bezifferte Menge angereichertes Uran.
20240403 Da dieses weder auf der Sanktionsliste der EU noch auf der der USA steht, ist es in diesem Fall weniger relevant.
_HEUTE_0404_ :