Was geschah am Wednesday, March 27 2024 ?

Wednesday, March 27 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 03-27 ?

        _HEUTE_0328_ :
20240327             Mittwoch, 27. März 2024
20240327             Brückeneinsturz in Baltimore: Verkehrsminister warnt vor Lieferproblemen für »gesamte US-Wirtschaft«
202403270127 Wirtschaft
20240327             US-Wahlkampf: Biden legt in Umfragen zu – auch in umkämpften Bundesstaaten
202403270237 Ausland
20240327             Brandenburgs CDU-Chef Redmann zur Taurus-Debatte: »Die Auswirkungen des Krieges sind im Osten deutlich spürbarer als im Westen«
202403270317 Politik •
20240327             Zu wenig Impulse für Wirtschaft: SPD-Chef Klingbeil sieht Deutschland bei Schuldenbremse auf »völlig falschem Weg«
202403270328 Politik •
20240327             Bundesstaat South Carolina: US-Rechnungsprüfer finden unbekanntes Staatskonto mit 1,8 Milliarden Dollar
202403270434 Ausland •
20240327             Gesichtserkennung in Russland: Überwachung made in Europe
VON—NIAMH—MCIntyre, Hannes Munzinger und Carina Huppertz
202403270600 Netzwelt
20240327             Russlands Angriffskrieg: Ukrainische Truppen im Osten unter Druck – Selenskyj tauscht Spitze im Sicherheitsrat aus
202403270652 Ausland
20240327             Ende der Mehrwertsteuersenkung: Ab April dürfte der Gaspreis deutlich steigen
202403270730 Wirtschaft
20240327             Wirtschaftsstudie: Forscher sehen großes Potenzial beim Rohstoffrecycling
202403270819 Wirtschaft
20240327             Frühjahrsgutachten: Nur Miniwachstum – Institute senken Konjunkturprognose für Deutschland
202403271001 Wirtschaft
20240327             Warnbrief gegen Putin: Nobelpreisträger fordern erhebliche Ausweitung der Ukraine-Unterstützung
202403271046 Ausland •
20240327             Verdacht auf Korruption: Tausende Ungarinnen und Ungarn rufen nach Orbáns Rücktritt
202403271110 Ausland •
20240327             Bis nach Berlin und Hamburg: Asiatische Hornisse breitet sich in Deutschland rasant aus
202403271138 Wissenschaft
20240327             »Es ist nicht abzusehen, wie sich diese rasant ausbreitende Art auf unsere heimische Insektenwelt auswirken wird«,
20240327             sagt der Bienenexperte des Nabu-Landesverbandes Baden-Württemberg
20240327             Weder sei erforscht, wie sich die Asiatische Hornisse zur heimischen und unter Naturschutz stehenden europäischen Hornisse verhalte, noch wie sich die Erbeutung anderer Insekten auswirke.
20240327             Die Asiatische Hornisse jagt Honigbienen, frisst aber auch Fliegen, Käfer und Wildbienen.
20240327             Ein großes Nest mit tausend und mehr Asiatischen Hornissen verbraucht deutlich mehr als elf Kilo Insekten pro Jahr,
20240327             Der Deutsche Imkerverband warnte Anfang März vor potenziellen Gefahren nicht nur für die Imkerei, sondern auch für die Landwirtschaft.
20240327             Er verwies dabei auf eine Studie zu Schäden im Obst- und Weinbau in Galizien und Portugal.
20240327             Im Südwesten Europas ist die aus Südostasien stammende Art schon seit Jahren verbreitet.
20240327             2,45 Billionen Euro: Staatsschulden in Deutschland sind gestiegen
202403271210 Wirtschaft •
20240327             Nach 30 erfolglosen Ziehungen: Jackpot einer US-Lotterie beschert Gewinner mehr als eine Milliarde Dollar
202403271225 Panorama
20240327             Zunehmende Differenzen über Gazakrieg: US-Regierung weist Netanyahus Kritik an Uno-Resolution zurück
202403271250 Ausland
20240327             Cannabisfreigabe in Bayern: O’zündt is!
20240327             Von Stefan Kuzmany
20240327             Stefan Kuzmany
202403271300 Politik
20240327             Steuereinnahmen: Elektroautos kosten Fiskus 50 Milliarden Euro
202403271332 Wirtschaft •
20240327             Krieg in Gaza: Bundesregierung hält an Waffenlieferungen für Israel fest
202403271332 Panorama •
20240327             Beschluss des Bundeskabinetts: Für Pässe und Personalausweise soll künftig Digitalbild reichen
202403271334 Panorama
20240327             Diskussion im Verteidigungsausschuss: Großbritannien könnte Russland allein wohl nicht länger als zwei Monate bekämpfen
202403271345 Ausland •
20240327             Beziehung zwischen USA und Israel: »Benjamin Netanyahu kann Biden wirklich gefährlich werden«
202403271440 Ausland
20240327             Biologisches Alter: Schwangere altern in zwanzig Wochen um zwei Jahre
202403271505 Wissenschaft
20240327             Flug in den USA: Airbus-Maschine verliert Teil von Verkleidung und muss umkehren
202403271543 Wirtschaft
20240327             Lehren aus der Coronazeit: »Wir haben einen Schub von fünf bis zehn Jahren gemacht« Von Rafaela von Bredow
202403271556 Wissenschaft
20240327             Streit über Kindergrundsicherung: Das wichtigste Sozialprojekt der Ampel droht zu scheitern
202403271558 Politik
20240327             Wed Mar 27 2024
20240327             [l] Peinlich: Akten über das Führungspersonal weggekommen.
20240327             Peinlicher: Aus einer Polizeibehörde.
20240327             Noch peinlicher: Europol.
20240327             MOSCOW, March 26. /TASS/.
20240327             The terror attack on Moscow’s Crocus City Hall was meant to destabilize the situation in Russia, director of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov said.
20240327             "To rock the boat, to stir panic in society.
20240327             You see what is going on along the combat engagement line.
20240327             Ukraine’s notorious counteroffensive has failed and they need to do something to show their worth," he told journalists.
20240327             He also noted that Donbass and the Belgorod Region are at the epicenter of Ukraine’s attacks".
20240327             Now, our armed forces are pushing terrorists and militants further away from Donbass.
20240327             What is happening in the Belgorod Region?
20240327             That's where they're focusing in order to cause a stir among the people about what is going on at the border and in border regions.
20240327             So, the only thing they can do to demonstrate their strength is to stage acts of sabotage and terror attacks in the rear," Bortnikov said, adding that this is what Ukraine wants.
20240327             "The Americans have spoken about this more than once.
20240327             A lot of information circulated in the public space indicates that the West and Ukraine are seeking to do as much harm to our country as possible," he stressed.
20240327             According to earlier reports, the terrorists who attacked the Crocus City Hall concert venue were expected in Ukraine, where, according to Bortnikov, they were supposed to be met as heroes.
20240327             On the evening of March 22, a terrorist attack targeted the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, just over the Moscow city limits.
20240327             According to the Russian Investigative Committee, the current death toll is 139, but may rise.
20240327             The Moscow Region Health Ministry said that 182 people were injured.
20240327             Eleven individuals suspected of being involved in the terrorist attack have been apprehended, including four gunmen who were detained in the Bryansk Region, southwest of Moscow, as they attempted to seek refuge by crossing the nearby Ukrainian border.
20240327             President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address that, according to preliminary information, the Ukrainian side had prepared "a window" in the border especially for the terrorists to cross undetected.
20240327             He promised to identify and punish all those who were behind the attack on Crocus City Hall.
20240327             LONDON, March 26. /TASS/.
20240327             The High Court of London will allow WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to once again appeal the decision on his extradition to the US.
20240327             It also gave the US government three weeks to provide guarantees that the journalist’s rights will not be trampled on in court and that he will not face the death penalty.
20240327             Here is what is known about the situation at this point.
20240327             The WikiLeaks founder
20240327             In 2006, Assange founded the WikiLeaks website, specializing in publishing confidential information obtained from anonymous sources.
20240327             In order to protect the identities of both informers and editors, Assange set up his server in Sweden, as Swedish law protects the anonymity of users.
20240327             The website published thousands of classified documents, including information about the US National Security Agency (NSA) wiretapping the phones of leaders of a number of countries.
20240327             In 2010, the US started investigating Assange for allegedly violating the law on espionage, an offense that could carry the death penalty.
20240327             Legal prosecution
20240327             Soon thereafter, an investigation against Assange was also initiated in Sweden after two women filed sexual assault complaints against him.
20240327             Assange called these accusations politically motivated.
20240327             On November 18, 2010, the Stockholm district court issued an arrest warrant for the Wikileaks founder.
20240327             Wary of being extradited to the US, Assange fled to London.
20240327             In December 2010, Assange was detained and released on bail for the duration of the review of his extradition request.
20240327             In February 2011, the court ruled to extradite Assange to Sweden, and, in June, 2012, the UK Supreme Court rejected appeals from Assange’s lawyers.
20240327             The WikiLeaks founder sought shelter in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and asked for political asylum.
20240327             He stayed inside the embassy for almost 7 years.
20240327             On April 11, 2019, President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno stripped Assange of his right to political asylum.
20240327             The journalist was detained by the British police on the same day.
20240327             In the case against him, three out of four charges were dropped due to the statute of limitations.
20240327             In May, 2017, the investigation against Assange was stopped, and the arrest warrant against him was thrown out.
20240327             In May, 2019, the Swedish prosecution decided to open the investigation again.
20240327             On May 20 of that year, a request was filed to arrest Assange in absentia, but the investigation was nixed later in November because of a lack of evidence, and unconvincing witness testimonies.
20240327             Arrest for violating bail
20240327             Assange was arrested on April 11, 2019 based on an arrest warrant issued for him by the Westminster Magistrates Court in 2012 for violating the terms of his bail.
20240327             Assange was found guilty on the same day.
20240327             On May 1, London’s Southwark Court sentenced Assange to 50 weeks detention with a chance for parole after serving half of this term, if no further violations were found.
20240327             Assange was sent to the Belmarsh high-security prison.
20240327             His sentence expired on September 22, 2019, but the court ruled to deny his release until the case on extradition to the US was completed.
20240327             The charges
20240327             In the US, Assange is accused of crimes connected to the largest case of classified information leaks in the country’s history.
20240327             If he is found guilty, the combined charges carry up to 175 years in prison.
20240327             The leading Western media, including The New York Times, The Guardian, The Times, Le Monde and El Pais called on the US government to drop the charges against Assange.
20240327             Extradition hearing
20240327             The US-requested hearings on Assange’s extradition started on February 24, 2020.
20240327             On January 4, 2021, the court ruled that Assange cannot be extradited to the US, because he is on the Autistic spectrum, clinically depressed and is ready to commit suicide.
20240327             Meanwhile, the judge called the charges put forth by the US authorities valid and justified.
20240327             In July, 2021, the US Department of Justice provided guarantees to the High Court of London that, should Assange be extradited, he will not be put into a maximum security prison and will not have his visiting or communication rights restricted.
20240327             Based on that, the US side was allowed to appeal the denial of Assange’s extradition.
20240327             On December 10, 2021, the England and Wales Court of Appeal satisfied the US appeal, authorizing the reporter’s extradition to the US.
20240327             His lawyers challenged this verdict in the Supreme Court, but, on March 15, 2022, the highest judicial body rejected the appeal.
20240327             In June, 2022, based on the verdicts of British courts, UK Home Secretary Priti Patel approved the extradition.
20240327             On June 6, 2023, the High Court of London rejected an appeal from Assange’s defense team.
20240327             The review of the last appeal for extradition started on February 20, 2024.
20240327             President of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice Victoria Sharp and Judge Jeremy Johnson listened to the sides.
20240327             On March 13, Assange’s wife Stella announced that, should the court agree to the extradition, the defense will make an emergency attempt to block it via the European Court of Human Rights.
20240327             However, she expressed concern that the US authorities could secretly move the WikiLeaks founder using a military airstrip in the UK within just a few hours.
20240327             UNITED NATIONS, March 27. /TASS/.
20240327             Russia has requested to hold a UN Security Council meeting on NATO’s 1999 aggression against Yugoslavia, but Russian diplomats are still waiting for a response from the Japanese presidency of the Council, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said.
20240327             "Yesterday [on March 25], Russia sent an official letter to the Japanese presidency, requesting to hold as soon as possible a UN Security Council meeting, devoted to the 25th anniversary of NATO’s aggression against Yugoslavia," he said".
20240327             This letter was sent to Security Council members, and we are waiting for an official response from the Japanese presidency".
20240327             Earlier, Polyansky said Western delegations had disrupted a UN Security Council meeting about the bombings of Yugoslavia, earlier requested by Russia as the members failed to approve the event’s agenda.
20240327             Three countries (Algeria, Russia and China) voted to approve the agenda, 12 abstained.
20240327             No delegations voted against it, but the agenda was turned down because it did not receive the required nine votes in favor.
20240327             NATO bombing of Yugoslavia
20240327             On March 24, 1999, NATO launched a military operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
20240327             The main goal of the air campaign "Allied Force" was stated by the alliance's leadership as "preventing genocide against the Albanian population in Kosovo".
20240327             According to NATO data, during the 78-day operation, alliance aircraft conducted 38,000 combat sorties.
20240327             According to military experts, 3,000 guided missiles were launched, approximately 80,000 tons of bombs were dropped, including cluster bombs and depleted uranium ones.
20240327             As a result of the bombings, according to Serbian data, between 3,500 to 4,000 people were killed, nearly 12,500 were injured, two-thirds of them civilians.
20240327             According to the Serbian government, 87 children died during the NATO bombings.
20240327             Militärischer Verband: Warschau beruft Eurokorps-Kommandeur wegen Spionage-Ermittlungen ab
202403271643 Ausland
20240327             Electric Shock: An Existential Crisis in the German Auto Industry
202403271715 International
20240327             Anschlag bei Moskau: Terrorgruppe gegen Folterstaat
202403271727 Ausland •
20240327             Nach Kuss-Skandal: Staatsanwaltschaft fordert offenbar zweieinhalb Jahre Haft für Rubiales
202403271754 Sport
20240327             Druck von Landwirten: EU-Staaten einigen sich auf strengere Zölle für Lebensmittel aus der Ukraine
202403272016 Wirtschaft •
20240327             Bundeswirtschaftsminister: Habeck spricht sich für einen EU-Verteidigungskommissar aus
202403272107 Politik
        _HEUTE_0328_ :