Was geschah am Saturday, March 23 2024 ?

Saturday, March 23 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 03-23 ?

        _HEUTE_0324_ :
20240323             Samstag, 23. März 2024
20240323             The Incredible Adventures of Medieval Traveller Ibn Battuta
20240323             Anschlag bei Moskau: Zahl der Toten steigt auf 60, mindestens 145 Menschen verletzt
202403230234 Ausland
20240323             Zweifel an »IS«-Bekennerschreiben: Moskau nennt US-Reaktion auf Anschlag vorschnell
202403230304 Ausland
20240323             Die Lage am Morgen: Anschlag mit Ansage Von Martin Knobbe
20240323             Martin Knobbe
202403230646 Politik
20240323             Zwei Verdächtige des Moskauer Anschlags offenbar nach Verfolgungsjagd festgenommen
202403230846 Ausland •
20240323             Russland hat offenbar mindestens elf Beteiligte am Terroranschlag auf eine Konzerthalle in Moskau verhaftet.
20240323             Im gestoppten Renault seien eine Handfeuerwaffe, ein Magazin für ein AKM-Sturmgewehr sowie Pässe von Bürgern Tadschikistans gefunden worden.
20240323             Westliche Botschaften hatten zuletzt vor Terroranschlägen in Moskau gewarnt.
20240323             Der Kreml hatte dies als Provokation des Westens bezeichnet.
20240323             Shutdown abgewendet: US-Senat verabschiedet Haushaltspaket – ohne Ukrainehilfen
202403230911 Ausland •
20240323             MOSCOW, March 22. /TASS/.
20240323             Unidentified gunmen went on a shooting spree at the Crocus City Hall music venue in the town of Krasnogorsk in the Moscow Region before a concert by the rock band Picnic.
20240323             Later an explosion rocked the building, starting a fire.
20240323             Eyewitnesses said that there were dead and injured people.
20240323             TASS has compiled the main information about the incident so far.
20240323             Circumstances of the incident
20240323             - A group of unidentified gunmen armed with assault rifles went on a shooting spree in the lobby and then inside the concert hall just before a concert by the rock band Picnic, eyewitnesses told TASS.
20240323             According to them, there are dead and injured people.
20240323             - Musicians of the band Picnic were not harmed during the shooting, its director Yury Chernyshevsky told TASS.
20240323             - An explosion occurred in the building starting a fire.
20240323             The Emergencies Ministry’s department for the Moscow Region said that about one third of the Crocus City Hall building was engulfed in fire, with thick black smoke rising.
20240323             - The building’s rooftop is almost entirely engulfed in fire and has partially collapsed.
20240323             The smell of smoke has spread to nearby neighborhoods.
20240323             - A TASS correspondent reported that there are still people inside the building, some can be seen in the windows.
20240323             Rescue efforts
20240323             - Special law enforcement agencies are taking all necessary measures following the incident, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Public Relations Center said.
20240323             - The SOBR and OMON special police units of the Russian National Guard have been dispatched to the Crocus City Hall.
20240323             As TASS reported, they have already arrived at the scene.
20240323             - More than 30 regional ambulance crews and more than 20 Moscow ambulance crews have been sent to the Crocus City Hall, the Moscow Region’s health ministry said.
20240323             - Firefighters have evacuated about 100 people from the basement of the burning building, and are now rescuing people from the rooftop.
20240323             Response from authorities
20240323             - Moscow Region Governor Andrey Vorobyov said that he was on his way to the scene.
20240323             A crisis center has been set up, he added.
20240323             - Myakinino subway station, which is next to the concert hall, is operating as usual, Moscow’s transport department said.
20240323             - Traffic on the Moscow Ring Road in front of the Crocus City Hall is restricted along both lanes, the transport department wrote on its Telegram channel.
20240323             - Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that he had ordered that help be provided to all victims of the tragedy.
20240323             - The entire world community needs to condemn this horrendous crime committed at the Crocus City Hall, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
20240323             WASHINGTON, March 23. /TASS/.
20240323             In March, the United States shared information with Russian authorities about a terrorist attack being planned in Moscow, spokesperson for the White House National Security Council Adrienne Watson told Reuters.
20240323             "Earlier this month, the US government had information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow - potentially targeting large gatherings, to include concerts - which prompted the State Department to issue a public advisory to Americans in Russia.
20240323             The US government also shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding ‘duty to warn’ policy," Watson said.
20240323             A terrorist attack was carried out at the Crocus City Hall music venue in the city of Krasnogorsk near Moscow on Friday evening.
20240323             Unidentified gunmen armed with assault rifles went on a shooting spree.
20240323             An explosion rocked the building, starting a fire.
20240323             The special services are conducting a search operation.
20240323             Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin canceled all mass events in the capital in the next two days, and a number of other Russian regions followed suit.
20240323             MOSCOW, March 22. /TASS/.
20240323             The US government was aware of preparations to carry out the September 2022 sabotage attack on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told the Rzeczpospolita newspaper.
20240323             "If you believe the media, the one who did it [sabotaged the gas pipelines] was the one who had an interest in carrying it out.
20240323             The American side knew about it (preparations for the attack - TASS) in advance and did nothing to interfere," the top Polish diplomat said.
20240323             He avoided answering a reporter’s question, however, on whether Ukraine may have been behind the blasts that destroyed the pipeline.
20240323             On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported "unprecedented damage" on three strings of the offshore gas pipelines of the Nord Stream system.
20240323             Later, Swedish seismologists said they had identified two explosions on the route of the Nord Stream pipelines on September 26, 2022.
20240323             Following the incident, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office initiated a criminal case on charges of international terrorism.
20240323             Later, noted American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article, citing anonymous sources inside Washington, claiming that the explosive devices were placed under the gas pipelines in June 2022 by US Navy divers with the assistance of Norwegian specialists, and then were detonated in September.
20240323             Subsequently, the New York Times quoted US officials as saying that the sabotage of the gas pipelines could have been carried out by an unidentified "pro-Ukrainian group" that acted without the knowledge of US authorities.
20240323             AfD und Co. als Investorenschreck: Bundesbankpräsident sieht in aufkommendem Rechtsextremismus »Bedrohung für den Wohlstand«
202403230940 Wirtschaft
20240323             Gewalt in Haiti: »Die Armee aufzulösen war ein Fehler«
202403231157 Ausland
20240323             Nach Urteil wegen Betrugs: »Habe fast 500 Millionen Dollar in Cash« – Trump widerspricht eigenen Anwälten
202403231403 Politik •
20240323             Angriff auf Konzerthalle: Putin deutet Verwicklung der Ukraine in den Anschlag an
202403231446 Ausland •
20240323             Fehlende Genehmigungen: »Bundesweit sind 80 Prozent der Ferienwohnungen illegal«
202403231535 Wirtschaft
20240323             Hayek-Anhänger und der Klimaschutz: Die falsch verstandene Freiheit der Neoliberalen Von Susanne Götze
20240323             Susanne Götze
202403231625 Wissenschaft
20240323             MOSCOW, March 23. /TASS/.
20240323             A man detained on suspicion of involvement in the Crocus City Hall attack has said he was promised a reward of 500,000 rubles ($5,400), according to a video posted on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan’s Telegram channel.
20240323             "I shot down people at the Crocus for money; [I was promised] about 500,000," he said.
20240323             The detainee added that half the money had been transferred to his card, while he had been promised he would receive the other half later.
20240323             He lost the card while trying to escape from law enforcement officers.
20240323             Zahl 2023 deutlich angestiegen: Mehr als 1000 Berliner erstatteten Anzeige wegen platter Autoreifen
202403231708 Panorama •
20240323             Attacke im Hinterland: Russische Raffinerie brennt nach ukrainischen Drohnenangriffen
202403231806 Ausland
20240323             Shutdown abgewendet: Joe Biden unterzeichnet Haushaltspaket
202403231923 Ausland
20240323             Nach Anschlag von Moskau: Faeser bezeichnet Gefahr durch islamistischen Terror in Deutschland als akut
202403232031 Ausland
        _HEUTE_0324_ :