Was geschah am Friday, March 15 2024 ?

Friday, March 15 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 03-15 ?

        _HEUTE_0316_ :
20240315             Freitag, 15. März 2024
20240315             Gazakrieg: Tausende Israelis protestieren für Einberufung ultraorthodoxer Juden
202403150700 Ausland
20240315             Erfolg bei Klimazielen: Deutschlands CO?-Emissionen sinken 2023 im Rekordtempo
202403150809 Wissenschaft
20240315             USB-C als Standard: Bundestag beschließt Gesetz für einheitliche Ladekabel
202403151102 Netzwelt
20240315             Untersuchungskommission: Uno wirft Russland monatelange Folter ukrainischer Kriegsgefangener vor
202403151117 Ausland
20240315             Zweitgrößter Fisch der Erde: Acht Meter langer Riesenhai im Golf von Triest gesichtet
202403151133 Wissenschaft
20240315             Zwischen Santa Croce und Marina di Aurisina wurde ein Riesenhai gesichtet, der nun auf etwa acht Meter Länge geschätzt wird.
20240315             Für die Artenvielfalt im Golf von Triest sei das eine wunderbare Nachricht,
20240315             Sie gebe Hoffnung für Arten, die im gesamten Mittelmeerraum zunehmend bedroht seien.
20240315             zuletzt sei ein Riesenhai dort 2015 gesichtet worden.
20240315             OGS zufolge wurden insbesondere in nördlichen Meeren Riesenhaie gefangen, weil aus ihrer Leber Öl und aus ihrer Haut ein spezielles Leder hergestellt werden konnte.
20240315             Aber auch die Verschmutzung der Meere oder Unfälle mit Schiffen machen ihnen zu schaffen.
20240315             »Open Arms«: Erstes Schiff mit Hilfsgütern erreicht Küste vor Gazastreifen
202403151136 Ausland
20240315             Cannabisgesetz: Justizüberlastung durch Straflosigkeit Von Thomas Fischer
20240315             Thomas Fischer
202403151147 Kultur
20240315             Scheinwahlen in Russland: EU-Ratspräsident gratuliert Putin zu »Erdrutschsieg« bei Scheinwahl
202403151254 Ausland •
20240315             Heftige Reaktionen auf Bemerkung zum Krieg: Melnyk beschimpft Mützenich als »widerlichsten deutschen Politiker«
202403151310 Ausland
20240315             Fri Mar 15 2024
20240315             [l] Ihr ahnt ja gar nicht, wie viele Kiffer ich in der Inbox habe, die mir erklären, dass man von Cannabis-Essen nicht high werden kann, weil das erst erhitzt werden muss.
20240315             🙂
20240315             Stellt sich raus: "Ratten haben das Cannabis gefressen" ist eine übliche Ausrede von Polizeirevieren, bei denen Drogen aus der Asservatenkammer fehlen.
20240315             Inklusive des humoristischen Weltkulturerbes Sagten wir 200kg?
20240315             Wir meinten 500kg!!
20240315             [l] Wo wir gerade bei Weltkulturerbe waren: Die Berliner Techno-Szene ist jetzt Teil des Unesco-Weltkulturerbes.
20240315             FACTBOX: Who is running in the Russian presidential election
20240315             Four candidates will vie for the top office
20240315             MOSCOW, March 14. /TASS/.
20240315             The Russian presidential election will be held on March 17, 2024.
20240315             Voting will take place over three days on March 15-17.
20240315             Four candidates will vie for the top office, namely New People party nominee Vladislav Davankov; self-nominated candidate and incumbent President Vladimir Putin; Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) nominee Leonid Slutsky; and Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) nominee Nikolay Kharitonov.
20240315             TASS-DOSSIER editorial staff have put together information about the presidential candidates and their election platforms.
20240315             Vladislav Davankov, Duma vice-speaker (New People party)
20240315             Vladislav Andreyevich Davankov was born on February 25, 1984 in Smolensk, Russia.
20240315             He graduated from the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University (2006) and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (2023).
20240315             He has a Ph.D in Sociological Sciences (2008).
20240315             In 2020 he joined the New People party, founded in the same year by Alexey Nechayev.
20240315             He is a member of the party's central council. Since 2021, he has been a member of the State Duma, first deputy head of the New People faction, and deputy chairman of the lower house. On December 24, 2023, a party congress nominated Davankov to run in the 2024 presidential election. On January 5, 2024, the Central Election Commission registered him as a presidential candidate.
20240315             Davankov’s election platform embraces a major economic amnesty, revision of the credit policy in favor of entrepreneurs, and a moratorium on tax increases.
20240315             The politician considers it necessary to bring back direct mayoral elections, to create a mechanism for recalling legislators, mayors and governors through the portal of public services, to replace some of the management and supervisory positions with artificial intelligence.
20240315             Regarding foreign policy, Davankov favors a policy of "maximum pragmatism," to achieve peace and hold negotiations with Ukraine on Russian terms.
20240315             The candidate also advocates unblocking banned social networks, abandoning "ideological censorship," introducing responsibility for whistleblowing, reducing the army of migrant workers by introducing new technologies and developing robotics, as well as deporting illegal immigrants, easing the repatriation of Russians and other indigenous peoples of Russia, etc.
20240315             Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation (self-nominated candidate)
20240315             Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born in Leningrad (now St.
20240315             Petersburg) on October 7, 1952.
20240315             In 1975, Putin graduated from the Department of Law (International Law Branch) at Leningrad State University.
20240315             In 1985, he graduated from the Andropov Institute of the KGB of the USSR (currently the Academy of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service SVR).
20240315             Academic degree - Ph.D. in Economics. Upon graduation from the university, Putin was assigned to a position in the KGB in the former USSR. His first job was in the secretariat and then in the counterintelligence unit of the KGB Office for Leningrad and the Leningrad Region. In 1985, he was given an assignment at the KGB office in the German Democratic Republic and worked in Dresden until 1990. In 1991-1996, he led the foreign relations committee at St. Petersburg’s Mayoral Office, and from 1992 he simultaneously worked as deputy mayor.
20240315             From 1996 he worked as deputy chief of the President’s Administrative Directorate (Property Management Directorate).
20240315             In 1997-1998, Putin worked as deputy head of the Presidential Administration.
20240315             In 1998-1999, Putin was director of the Federal Security Service (FSB).
20240315             In August 1999, he became Prime Minister of Russia.
20240315             In December 1999 then-President Boris Yeltsin declared his resignation thus placing presidential duties in Putin’s hands. In 2000, 2004, 2012 and 2018, Putin was elected as Russian President, winning the biggest votes in 2018 (76,69%). From 2008 to 2012, Putin was Prime Minister.
20240315             On December 8, 2023, while speaking in the Kremlin with participants at a ceremony marking the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland, Vladimir Putin announced that he would run in the 2024 presidential election.
20240315             A meeting of an electoral group on December 16, 2023 unanimously supported his self-nomination.
20240315             On January 29, 2024, the Central Election Commission registered Vladimir Putin as a presidential candidate.
20240315             The incumbent president has not published an official election platform.
20240315             Vladimir Putin outlined his view of the country's development for the next six years in his address to the Federal Assembly on February 29, 2024.
20240315             Most of its provisions were focused on raising living standards for the population.
20240315             The president announced five new national projects (Family, Long and Active Life, Youth of Russia, Personnel, Data Economy), tax reforms and a new system of wages for public sector employees, as well as a new program for resettlement from dilapidated houses.
20240315             Plans were announced to extend the programs for preferential family mortgages, maternity capital, to give new preferential mortgages to residents of small towns and veterans of the special military operation. Putin also gave a start to the Time of Heroes program for the participants in the special operation.
20240315             Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the LDPR, Head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs (LDPR)
20240315             Leonid Slutsky was born on January 4, 1968 in Moscow, he is a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics (1996).
20240315             Doctor of Economics (2001).
20240315             He has been an MP since 1999.
20240315             In 2011-2016 he led the State Duma Committee of CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots.
20240315             In 2016, he became chairman of the Duma Committee on International Affairs. Since May 2022, he has been the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), heading the Duma faction. He took over the party after the death of its first leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. On December 19, 2023 he was nominated as a presidential candidate at an LDPR congress. On January 5, 2024, the Central Election Commission registered Leonid Slutsky as a candidate for the presidential election.
20240315             As part of his election platform, Slutsky proposes ending the special military operation by organizing a large-scale offensive by the Russian army, as well as to confiscate the property of relocated Russians in favor of the state.
20240315             If elected, the LDPR leader plans to revise the tax system so that more money flows top-down to smaller regions, to introduce a progressive taxation scale, exempting citizens earning less than 30,000 rubles ($327) per month from being taxed.
20240315             Other items on his program include creating conditions for the development of science, supporting small businesses, encouraging low-rise housing, repaying the state's debts on Soviet deposits, controlling food prices, etc.
20240315             Nikolay Kharitonov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Development of the Far East and the Arctic (CPRF)
20240315             Nikolay Mikhailovich Kharitonov was born on October 30, 1948 in the settlement of Rezino, Novosibirsk Region.
20240315             He is a graduate of the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute (1972) and the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (1995).
20240315             Candidate of Economic Sciences (1999).
20240315             He was a member of the Agrarian Party of Russia (1993-2007), acting as its deputy chair.
20240315             Member of the CPRF party (since 2008), member of the Presidium of the CPRF Central Committee. MP since 1993. Since 2003 he has been a member of the CPRF faction. On March 14, 2004, he vied for the presidency running on the CPRF ticket, coming in second with 13.69% of the vote. In 2011-2021, Kharitonov led the State Duma Committee on Regional Policies, since 2021 he has headed the Committee on the Development of the Far East and the Arctic. On December 23, 2023, the CPRF congress nominated Nikolai Kharitonov to run in the Russian presidential election. On January 9, 2024, he was registered by the Central Election Commission as a candidate.
20240315             His election campaign focuses on abolishing pension reform and reducing the retirement age, as well as abolishing the Bologna system in education.
20240315             The CPRF candidate proposes to return strategic sectors of the economy and backbone banks to state ownership, ban the privatization of state and municipal enterprises, and nationalize foreign assets.
20240315             Kharitonov plans to pass a law on recalling governors and deputies of all levels in case of their inaction, as well as to introduce a progressive personal income tax and exempt low-income citizens from paying it.
20240315             French president says no dialogue with Putin is 'nothing personal'
20240315             French president added that he had had several phone calls with the president of Russia at the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine
20240315             PARIS, March 15. /TASS/.
20240315             French President Emmanuel Macron denied the assumption that there were some personal reasons behind his decision to refrain from dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
20240315             "Undoubtedly, I am the head of the state that used to talk to him more than anyone else," Macron told the France 2 television".
20240315             There is nothing personal here.
20240315             And I don’t want it to be personal, because it makes no sense.
20240315             This is not fiction, not a novel, not a TV series".
20240315             He added that he had had several phone calls with the president of Russia at the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine.
20240315             Earlier, Putin said that Moscow was ready for contacts with Paris if the French side was interested.
20240315             The Russian leader added that he used to have good working relations with the president of France, but Macron chose to end them.
20240315             Rechtsextremes Netzwerk: »Identitäre Bewegung« hat Schwerpunkt in Baden-Württemberg
202403151431 Panorama
20240315             Berechnung von Wahrscheinlichkeit: Forschende halten Corona-Ursprung im Labor für möglich
202403151444 Wissenschaft •
20240315             Israel-Gaza-Krieg: Netanyahu billigt Militäreinsatz in Rafah
202403151502 Ausland
20240315             Umfrage zur Ampelkoalition: Mehrheit sieht bei Regierung keine einzige Stärke
202403151510 Politik •
20240315             Müllvermeidung: Deutschland stimmt EU-Verpackungsverordnung doch zu
202403151653 Wirtschaft •
20240315             Medienbericht: Deutscher Kämpfer offenbar bei Gefechten in Ostukraine getötet
202403151902 Ausland •
20240315             Mutmaßlicher Putschversuch: Militärs belasten Brasiliens Ex-Präsidenten Bolsonaro schwer
202403152106 Ausland
        _HEUTE_0316_ :