Was geschah am Wednesday, February 28 2024 ?

Wednesday, February 28 2024

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 02-28 ?

        _HEUTE_0229_ :
20240228             Mittwoch, 28. Februar 2024
19040228             —GEGRÜNDET, Die Mannschaft Sport LISBOA e Benfica wird, woraus der Sportverein Benfica Lissabon entsteht.
03800228             RÖMER—KAISER—GRATIANUS[GRATIAN] widerruft das TOLERANZ—EDIKT seines Vaters VALENTINIANUS und
03800228             RÖMER—KAISER—GRATIANUS[GRATIAN] vorgeht gegen das HEIDENtum,
03800228             RÖMER—KAISER—GRATIANUS[GRATIAN] vorgeht insbesondere gegen der RÖMER—ARISTOKRATIE HEIDENtum.
03800228             —AM—SELBEN—TAG, taufen läßt sich des THEODOSIUS—I—DER—GROßE
03800228             —VORSCHREIBT des THEODOSIUS—I—DER—GROßE allen von ROM abhängigen Völkern des christlicher Triniditätsglauben Annahme
03800228             —SCHAFFEN das Fundament für das Christentum als ROM—REICHS—KIRCHE, die Herrscher THEODOSIUS—I., GRATIAN, VALENTINIAN—II..
20240228             Pinguine bedroht: Vogelgrippe hat Antarktis erreicht
202402280136 Wissenschaft
20240228             Waldbrände wüten in Texas: »Es sieht aus wie der Weltuntergang«
202402280316 Panorama
20240228             Umfrage: Deutsche fürchten Fake News
202402280502 Netzwelt
20240228             Eingekesselte Palästinenser: Uno fürchtet Hungerkrise in Gaza – Familien schlagen sich um Notrationen
202402280652 Ausland •
20240228             Februar-Rekordwärme in den USA: Es sind schon 30 Grad Celsius in Saint Louis
202402280739 Wissenschaft •
20240228             Prognose zu Insolvenzen: Zahl der Firmenpleiten steigt
202402280800 Wirtschaft
20240228             Frühe Zuwanderung nach Deutschland: Schon Hugenotten und Ruhrpolen rangen mit der Integration
202402280804 Geschichte
20240228             Vulkan in Mexiko: »El Popo« spuckt Asche
202402280823 Panorama
20240228             Asylbewerber: Landkreistagspräsident möchte alle Geflüchteten zur Arbeit verpflichten
202402280827 Politik
20240228             Macron-Vorstoß zur Ukraine: Ex-Diplomat Ischinger nennt Bodentruppen-Idee »ein bisschen kühn, aber nicht falsch«
202402280853 Ausland •
20240228             Hochwasser, Erdrutsche, Evakuierungen: Überschwemmungen in Norditalien legen Verkehr lahm
202402281112 Panorama
20240228             Finanznot: Jede zweite englische Kommune rechnet mit dem eigenen Bankrott
202402281131 Wirtschaft
20240228             Anti-Propaganda-Stiftung: Russland stuft Organisation von SPIEGEL-Kolumnist als »unerwünscht« ein
202402281153 Ausland
20240228             Erhebung des Statistischen Bundesamtes: Junge Erwachsene fühlen sich am einsamsten
202402281159 Psychologie •
20240228             Munition für Ukraine: Von der Leyen will mit eingefrorenem russischen Geld Waffen kaufen
202402281223 Politik
20240228             Schmerzhafte Bisse: Forscher erwarten Zunahme von Kriebelmücken
202402281232 Wissenschaft
20240228             Wed Feb 28 2024
20240228             [l] Kanada dreht jetzt völlig frei:
20240228             Kanada plant lebenslange Haft für Hass-Postings
20240228             [l] Verwendet hier jemand tumblr oder WordPress?
20240228             Tja, dann sind eure hochgeladenen Inhalte jetzt an die "KI"-Bros weiterverkauft worden.
20240228             VILNIUS, February 27. /TASS/.
20240228             Lithuanian Ambassador to Sweden Linas Linkevicius, who previously served as the Baltic state’s foreign minister, threatened that Russia’s western-most Kaliningrad Region risked being "neutralized" against the background of Sweden's accession to NATO.
20240228             "After Sweden joined the alliance, the Baltic Sea became internal to NATO.
20240228             If Russia dares to challenge the North Atlantic Alliance, Kaliningrad will be the first to be neutralized," he wrote on the social network X (formerly Twitter).
20240228             Just prior to Linkevicius’ statement, the Hungarian parliament formally ratified the agreement approving Sweden's accession to NATO.
20240228             Hungary became the last country in the 31-member alliance to green-light Stockholm’s membership application.
20240228             The Hungarian government submitted a bill to parliament on Sweden's accession to NATO in the summer of 2022, but the parliamentarians put it on the shelf, refusing to take action on the legislation prior to yesterday’s vote because of Hungarian displeasure with statements by Swedish politicians seen as unfriendly to Hungary.
20240228             On March 27, 2023, the Hungarian parliament approved the NATO accession of Finland, which had applied simultaneously with Sweden, but postponed consideration of Stockholm’s request to join the bloc.
20240228             The two Nordic countries submitted their applications to the North Atlantic Alliance on May 18, 2022, claiming that they were compelled to abandon their traditional neutrality and seek NATO membership due to events in Ukraine.
20240228             Macron’s talk of troop deployment to Ukraine shows lack of awareness — Russian diplomat
20240228             MOSCOW, February 27. /TASS/.
20240228             French President Emmanuel Macron’s statements about the possible deployment of French troops to Ukraine shows a complete lack of awareness, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
20240228             "As for Emmanuel Macron’s statements about potentially deploying NATO troops to Ukraine,  one gets a strong feeling that the French president realizes neither what his subordinates say nor what he says himself," the diplomat wrote on Telegram.
20240228             Zakharova pointed out in this regard that just a month ago, the top French diplomat had denied that Paris was involved in recruiting mercenaries for the Kiev regime, slamming direct evidence as "crude Russian propaganda".
20240228             Earlier, Macron said at a press conference after a meeting of European leaders that there was no consensus on the formal deployment of ground troops to Ukraine.
20240228             However, he did not rule out such a possibility in the future.
20240228             Macron added that Western countries were "determined to do everything it takes to prevent Russia" from winning the conflict.
20240228             The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman drew Macron’s attention to some dubious moments in French history".
20240228             In April 1945, the French SS division Charlemagne was defending Berlin along with some other units.
20240228             They were among the last ones to be awarded the Nazi Knight’s Cross in the Third Reich," Zakharova noted".
20240228             French members of the SS division Charlemagne were the last defenders of the Reichstag and the Reich Chancellery," she added.
20240228             "Emmanuel, have you decided to form a Charlemagne deux (two) division to defend [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s bunker?"
20240228             Zakharova said, addressing the French president.
20240228             Attempts to rock situation from within are brewing in Ukraine — Kremlin
20240228             Earlier, the intelligence committee under Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said it was expecting an attempt to overthrow him in the spring
20240228             MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/.
20240228             Attempts to rock the situation from within are brewing in Ukraine all by themselves, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, while commenting on Kiev’s statements about Moscow’s alleged attempts to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.
20240228             "Various accusations and statements regularly come from there.
20240228             We cannot react to all of them," Peskov said.
20240228             "At the same time, as we can see there are many points of view in Ukraine both on the elections and on the further legitimacy of the country's leadership.
20240228             The process of rocking the situation from within are brewing all by itself," the Peskov added.
20240228             Earlier, the intelligence committee under Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said it was expecting an attempt to overthrow him in the spring.
20240228             It warned that a "Maidan-3 special operation" would culminate in March-May 2024".
20240228             The committee also argued that there were plans for shaking loose the situation in Ukraine by the first half of June and then defeating Kiev militarily in the east of the country.
20240228             Ukraine has been actively discussing the issue of the authorities’ legitimacy in a situation where it is impossible to hold parliamentary and presidential elections during martial law.
20240228             Earlier, Ukraine’s former ambassador to Britain, Vadim Pristaiko, admitted that Kiev's Western partners were also worried that Zelensky's presidential term would expire soon.
20240228             In their turn, the leaders of the opposition parties European Solidarity and Batkivshchina, Pyotr Poroshenko and Yuliya Timoshenko, came up with an idea of creating a coalition government to avert a legitimacy crisis.
20240228             Opposition legislator Aleksandr Dubinsky argued that Zelensky's powers under the Constitution were to expire on May 21. The former speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Dmitry Razumkov, noted that the presidential powers under the Constitution should go to the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada in May.
20240228             US attacks Syrian armed forces that fight against IS militants — Nebenzya
20240228             The Russian permanent representative to the UN stressed that remaining IS militants, "contrary to Washington’s statements, in fact enjoy its support and patronage"
20240228             UNITED NATIONS, February 27. /TASS/.
20240228             US air strikes on the territory of Syria hit facilities and positions of the armed forces in the east of the republic that fight against the group Islamic State (banned in Russia), Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya has said.
20240228             "We are particularly concerned about the intensification in the region of so-called retaliatory strikes by the US Air Force, as well as Israel’s ongoing airstrikes on its Arab neighbors, including from the area of the occupied Syrian Golan and the Blue Line, fraught with risks of drawing both Syria and its neighbors into a full-scale regional confrontation," he said at a meeting of the Security Council on Syria.
20240228             Nebenzya recalled that Israeli aviation in the past month alone repeatedly attacked international airports in Damascus and Aleppo, "which serve as the main gateways for delivering UN aid to Syria".
20240228             "In general, American airstrikes target the facilities and positions of Syria’s armed forces in the east of the country, where the Syrian military continues its persistent fight against remaining IS militants, who, contrary to Washington’s statements, in fact enjoy its support and patronage," Nebenzya noted.
20240228             Russia strongly condemns the ongoing raids in Syria and regards them as "a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of that country and the basic norms of international law," the ambassador said.
20240228             Provocative US statements about Russian army may entail negative consequences — ambassador
20240228             WASHINGTON, February 28. /TASS/.
20240228             Provocative US statements about the Russian armed forces in the conditions of the West's hybrid war against Russia are fraught with negative consequences, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov told reporters.
20240228             "It is obvious that in the context of the hybrid war unleashed by the West against us, the provocative statements of the US Army can lead to the most negative consequences," the diplomat said in a statement posted on the embassy’s Telegram channel, commenting on the US Army’s report on the Russian military, in which Moscow is called an "enemy" of Washington.
20240228             The ambassador pointed out that such rhetoric from "once respected colleagues from the Pentagon" is "extremely concerning".
20240228             "The Pentagon should have remembered the basics of international politics, given the special responsibility Russia and the United States bear for strategic stability," he said".
20240228             A return to the principle of indivisibility of security is the only way to prevent conflicts," Antonov added.
20240228             On Monday, the US Army published a report on the Russian armed forces and their expected tactics in the event of a large-scale conflict, though it did not focus on the special military operation in Ukraine.
20240228             The 280-page document titled "Do you know your enemy?"
20240228             was posted on social media.
20240228             Idea of Europe’s direct military involvement in Ukraine frightening — Vatican
20240228             VATICAN CITY, February 28. /TASS/.
20240228             Europe’s direct military involvement in Ukraine is a "frightening scenario" because it will lead to the very escalation Europeans have been trying to avoid since the beginning of the conflict, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said.
20240228             "It's a scenario that I wouldn't call apocalyptic, because perhaps that's an exaggerated word at this moment, but certainly it's fearsome," the Vatican News portal quoted him as saying.
20240228             According to the cardinal, "it would bring about the escalation that we have always tried to avoid from the beginning".
20240228             In his opinion, French President Emmanuel Macron voiced such a scenario because the conflict is still underway with "no prospect of a solution on the horizon, be it military or negotiated".
20240228             "It would be ideal to really find a way to get the two sides to start talking and dialoguing.
20240228             I believe that if we talk, a solution will be found," the cardinal concluded.
20240228             Macron said on February 26 that some 20 Western countries taking part in a recent Paris meeting on further assistance for Kiev had discussed the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.
20240228             According to Macron, no consensus was reached on the issue but such a possibility cannot be ruled out in the future.
20240228             Meanwhile, officials from most of the countries that took part in the meeting have stated that they have no plans to send troops to Ukraine, in particular because they oppose the idea of direct involvement in military operations against Russia.
20240228             Katastrophe von Fukushima: Kraftwerksbetreiber schickt Drohnen zu geschmolzenen Brennstäben
202402281354 Wissenschaft
20240228             Abtrünnige Region: Separatisten in Transnistrien bitten angeblich Kreml um »Schutz« vor Moldau
202402281359 Ausland
20240228             Haushalt und Familie: Frauen in Deutschland leisten 44 Prozent mehr unbezahlte Arbeit als Männer
202402281459 Wirtschaft
20240228             Spionageverdacht: Australischer Geheimdienstchef warnt vor Unterwanderung durch das »A-Team«
202402281521 Ausland •
20240228             Europäische Führerscheinregeln: EU-Parlament stimmt gegen verpflichtende Gesundheitschecks für Autofahrer
202402281528 Mobilität
20240228             Marinemission im Roten Meer: Fregatte »Hessen« feuert irrtümlich auf Reaper-Drohne der USA
202402281608 Politik
20240228             Olaf Scholz und der Ukrainekrieg: Der Mythos von der Friedenspartei SPD Von Sebastian Fischer
20240228             Sebastian Fischer
202402281627 Politik
20240228             Personalmangel: US-Armee streicht 24.000 Stellen
202402281648 Politik
20240228             EU-Kommissionspräsidentin: Von der Leyen reist häufig mit dem Privatjet
202402281656 Politik •
20240228             Kommender Nato-Beitritt Schwedens: Russland droht mit Vergeltung
202402281753 Ausland •
20240228             Drohende Hungersnot in Gaza: Menschen ziehen Hilfsgüter aus dem Meer
202402281837 Ausland
20240228             erteidigungsminister besucht bayerische Kaserne: Wie Boris Pistorius seine Soldaten nach Litauen locken will
202402281950 Politik
20240228             Scholz’ Versprechen: »Um es klipp und klar zu sagen: keine Soldaten unserer Bundeswehr in die Ukraine«
202402282118 Politik •
20240228             Berufungsantrag des Ex-Präsidenten: Oberstes US-Gericht befasst sich mit Trumps Immunität
202402282345 Ausland
20240228             [l] Old and busted: Ferngesteuerte Autos.
20240228             New hotness: Ferngesteuerte Schiffe!
20240228             Auf deutschen Binnengewässern sollen bald Schiffe ohne Besatzung unterwegs sein - ferngesteuert mit Hilfe von Kameras und Funk.
20240228             In Duisburg hat die Leitzentrale den Testbetrieb aufgenommen.
20240228             Ist das die Zukunft der Schifffahrt?
20240228             Warum nicht gleich full retard gehen und "KI" nehmen?
20240228             Selbstschwimmende Schiffe!!1!
20240228             Ist sozusagen der logische nächste Schritt, denn die Fernsteuerung soll ...
20240228             über Mobilfunk stattfinden.
20240228             HAHAHAHAHA
        _HEUTE_0229_ :