Was geschah am Sunday, September 24 2023 ?

Sunday, September 24 2023

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 09-24 ?

        _HEUTE_0925_ :
20230924             Pestizide in Kenia: »Der Westen muss aufhören, Afrika zu vergiften«
202309240641 Ausland
20230924             In den USA: Selenskyj spricht mit Unternehmern über Wiederaufbau der Ukraine
202309241128 Ausland
20230924             Durchfallerkrankung: WHO meldet alarmierenden Anstieg von Cholerainfektionen
202309241423 Wissenschaft
20230924             Sun Sep 24 2023
20230924             Zuletzt hatte sich ein Streit zwischen Kiew und Warschau über das polnische Importverbot für ukrainisches Getreide zugespitzt - und wirkt sich nun auch auf die militärische Zusammenarbeit der Verbündeten aus.
20230924             Polen will seine Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine nun auf bereits abgeschlossene Verträge beschränken.
20230924             Polen hatte wie die Slowakei und Ungarn an Importbeschränkungen für ukrainisches Getreide festgehalten, nachdem die EU-Kommission entsprechende Beschränkungen aufgehoben habe.
20230924             Dies hatte Kiew erbost.
20230924             Russia committed to moratorium on nuclear tests — senior Russian diplomat
20230924             "Russia declared a voluntary moratorium on nuclear tests in the early 1990s and has been committed to it ever since.
20230924             We will continue to act this way if other nuclear states behave in the same way,"
20230924             "Voluntary moratoriums on nuclear tests, although very important, cannot compensate the fact that the main task of the treaty’s enforcement has not been resolved," he said".
20230924             Unilateral measures cannot be a substitution for international liabilities under the treaty either".
20230924             The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was approved by the UN General Assembly on September 24, 1996.
20230924             It bans nuclear weapons test explosions and any other nuclear explosions, for both civilian and military purposes, in all environments.
20230924             The treaty has been ratified by 178 countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Russia.
20230924             However, it has not come into forces.
20230924             To come into effect it needs to be ratified by 44 countries, which either possess nuclear weapons or have potential capacities to obtain them (they are listed in the Annex; the list was drawn on the basis of data from the International Atomic Energy Agency). Eight countries from this list are outside the treaty: India, North Korea, and Pakistan had not signed the treaty; Egypt, Israel, Iran, China, and the United States signed but not ratified it.
20230924             UNITED NATIONS, September 24. /TASS/.
20230924             The United States and its European allies are an "empire of lies," which is eager to undertake commitments that it is not going to fulfill, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the general political debate of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations.
20230924             "The Americans and the Europeans, who are used to looking down their noses at the rest of the world, are eager to make promises and undertake commitments, including written and legally binding ones, but are reluctant to fulfill them," Lavrov said.
20230924             "As Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, the West is truly an ‘empire of lies,’" the top Russian diplomat continued.
20230924             Lavrov went on to say that many of those who spoke from the UN rostrum before him expressed the idea that "the planet is going through irreversible changes".
20230924             "A new world order is being born right before our very eyes," he added".
20230924             The future is taking shape in the process of a standoff between the global majority, which demands fairer distribution of global riches and advocates diversity within our civilization, and between the few who employ neo-colonial methods of subjugation in an attempt to save their fleeting dominance".
20230924             .
20230924             UNITED NATIONS, September 24. /TASS/.
20230924             Western sanctions are aimed, directly or indirectly, against virtually all the remaining countries of the world and should be lifted immediately, Belarusian Foreign Minister Sergey Aleynik told the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.
20230924             "Unilateral coercive measures, imposed by the West are aimed against the rest of the world, directly or indirectly.
20230924             They should be lifted immediately.
20230924             This is necessitated by the common sense and shared interests of all humankind," the top Belarusian diplomat said.
20230924             He added that Western countries have been imposing their unilateral sanctions in violation of the UN Charter.
20230924             "The countries that are putting barriers need to remove them.
20230924             This applies not just to food security, but to all areas of global affairs as well," Aleynik said.
20230924             UNITED NATIONS, September 24. /TASS/.
20230924             The US government plans to set up a military base on a territory of Guyana and Venezuela in order to exacerbate the dispute between the two nations and plunder energy resources, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil Pinto said.
20230924             "Today, the government of the United States of America seeks to appropriate our oil resources by using Exxon Mobil, which has incorporated the government of Guyana into its ranks.
20230924             Guyana is granting oil concessions in an undelimited maritime territory, in total violation of international law.
20230924             Unilateral disposal of a disputed territory is not permissible, but the Republic of Guyana persists in its illegal conduct," he told the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.
20230924             "We denounce that the government of the United States of America intends to militarize the situation.
20230924             The Southern Command seeks to establish a military base in the contested territory with the aim of  consolidating the plunder of our energy resources," the top Venezuelan diplomat added.
20230924             Sonntag, 24. September 2023
20230924             Pestizide in Kenia: »Der Westen muss aufhören, Afrika zu vergiften«
202309240641 Ausland •
20230924             Konflikt im Südkaukasus: Armenien fordert Uno-Mission zum Schutz von Landsleuten in Bergkarabach
202309240731 Ausland
20230924             In den USA: Selenskyj spricht mit Unternehmern über Wiederaufbau der Ukraine
202309241128 Ausland •
20230924             Durchfallerkrankung: WHO meldet alarmierenden Anstieg von Cholerainfektionen
202309241423 Wissenschaft
20230924             Kampf ums Südchinesische Meer: Philippinen werfen China Errichtung einer schwimmenden Barriere vor
202309241529 Ausland
20230924             16.25 Uhr
20230924             250 Gramm Geröll: Asteroidenprobe von Nasa-Sonde »Osiris-Rex« gelandet
202309241909 Wissenschaft
20230924             [l] Wisst ihr, was das Problem ist?
20230924             Untergetauchte Linksextremisten.
20230924             Hat die CIA herausgefunden.
20230924             Äh, warte, nein, haben NDR und WDR herausgefunden!1!!
20230924             Diese Meldung ist ein veritabler Doppelwumms, denn sie passt auch in die Kategorie "Wie schlimm ist die Lage".
20230924             So schlimm:
20230924             Der Verfassungsschutz sieht im Rechtsextremismus aber das größere Problem.
20230924             Der "Verfassungs""schutz" ist die Stimme der Vernunft!
20230924             Nein, wirklich!
20230924             Wenn mir das vor ein paar Wochen jemand gesagt hätte, ich hätte sie ausgelacht.
        _HEUTE_0925_ :