Was geschah am Sunday, March 5 2023 ?

Sunday, March 5 2023

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 03-05 ?

        _HEUTE_0306_ :
20230305             Sonntag, 5. März 2023
20230305             Marathonverhandlungen in New York: Uno-Staaten einigen sich auf historisches Abkommen zum Schutz der Weltmeere
202303050716 Wissenschaft
20230305             Diskriminierung und Anfeindungen: Warum sich Geflüchtete aus Syrien in der Türkei nicht mehr sicher fühlen
VON—MONIKA—BOLLIGER und Maximilian Popp
202303050723 Ausland
20230305             Spannungen mit den USA: China erhöht Militärausgaben deutlich
202303050824 Ausland
20230305             Athen und Thessaloniki: Proteste in griechischen Städten nach verheerendem Zugunglück
202303050914 Panorama •
20230305             »Plastikose« bei Sturmtauchern: Forscher entdecken durch Müll verursachte Krankheit bei Seevögeln
202303051133 Wissenschaft •
20230305             Streit über Inflation Reduction Act: Maschinenbauer warnen vor Subventionswettlauf
202303051153 Wirtschaft
20230305             »Trauriger Niedergang der einstigen Friedenspartei«: Wagenknecht attackiert Linkenführung
202303051224 Politik
20230305             Die Kritik an einer von Wagenknecht und Publizistin Alice Schwarzer organisierten Kundgebung gegen Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine zeuge »vom traurigen Niedergang der einstigen Friedenspartei«,
20230305             sagte Wagenknecht dem »Tagesspiegel«.
20230305             Die Unterschiede zwischen ihr und dem Linkenvorstand seien »mittlerweile so groß, dass die Vorstellung, wie das noch einmal zusammenfinden soll, meine Fantasie überfordert«.
20230305             Das Verhalten des Parteivorstandes bestärke bei ihr den Eindruck, »dass zumindest die Mehrheit in diesem Gremium mit dem Gründungskonsens der Linken nichts mehr am Hut hat«,
20230305             Die Demonstration gegen Waffenlieferungen sei »ein Auftakt« gewesen, um »der Hälfte der Bevölkerung eine Stimme zu geben, die sich mehr Diplomatie statt Panzerlieferungen wünscht«,
20230305             sagte Wagenknecht weiter.
20230305             »Über weitere Schritte beraten wir«.
20230305             Chef der Internationen Energieagentur: »Russland hat die Energieschlacht verloren«
202303051248 Wirtschaft
20230305             Donald Trump auf Republikaner-Kongress: »Ich werde den Dritten Weltkrieg verhindern, ganz einfach« Ein Video von Janita Hämäläinen
202303051303 Ausland
20230305             Proteste nach Zugunglück in Griechenland: Zusammenstöße zwischen Polizei und Demonstranten
202303051329 Ausland
20230305             Künstliche Intelligenz: Britische Ministerin erwägt Einsatz von ChatGPT in Regierungsarbeit
202303051339 Ausland
20230305             Sun Mar 5 2023
20230305             [l] Die Bahn will ihren Mitarbeitern Bodycams mitgeben, weil es offenbar immer mehr Übergriffe von Fahrgästen auf das Personal gibt.
20230305             Ich weiß ja nicht, was für Leute Bahnpersonal angreifen, aber voll bei Verstand können die ja wohl nicht sein.
20230305             Was können denn die armen Mindestlohner im Zug dafür, was der Vorstand und das Verkehrsministerium alles verkackt haben?
20230305             Das US-Militär bildet Regierungskreisen zufolge zwei ukrainische Piloten an Flugsimulatoren aus, das berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.
20230305             Dabei gehe es darum, die beiden Piloten an ihren eigenen Militär-Flugzeugen zu schulen, nicht an amerikanischen F-16,
20230305             Auch von anderen Verbündeten habe es bereits ähnliche Programme gegeben.
20230305             "Unsere Sanktionen sind nicht so scharf, wie wir denken," so Geoökonom Tobias Gehrke vom European Council for Foreign Relations im Gespräch mit dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio.
20230305             Vor allem wenn es um Drittländer gehe, gebe es bislang kaum Handhabe.
20230305             In Estland hat die Parlamentswahl begonnen.
20230305             Geprägt wird die Abstimmung auch von einem Streit um die Militärhilfen für die Ukraine im Krieg gegen die russischen Invasionstruppen.
20230305             Die amtierende Ministerpräsidentin Kaja Kallas ist eine entschiedene Befürworterin der Waffenlieferungen.
20230305             Die Rechtsaußenpartei Ekre sprach sich gegen eine Fortsetzung aus.
20230305             Die Wahlberechtigten des Landes, in dem 1,3 Millionen Menschen leben und das sowohl zur EU als auch zur NATO gehört, sind aufgerufen, die 101 Abgeordneten des Einkammerparlaments zu wählen.
20230305             Umfragen zufolge hat Kallas' Reformpartei die besten Aussichten auf den Wahlsieg.
20230305             Zweitstärkste Kraft könnte demnach Ekre bleiben.
20230305             NEW DELHI, March 3. /TASS/.
20230305             Russia will no longer rely on Western partners in its energy policy, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.
20230305             "Of course, the war that we are attempting to end and that was started by the West against us using Ukrainians has influenced Russian policy, including energy policy.
20230305             What has changed is that we will no longer rely on any Western partners.
20230305             We won't let them blow up gas pipelines again," the minister said.
20230305             When Russia requested an investigation into the Nord Stream explosions, the minister said, "the request was immediately rejected".
20230305             "The Americans called it ‘nonsense,’ and when Seymour Hersh published his findings, you could see the reaction of Europeans and Americans," Lavrov said, adding, "Germany was humiliated in every way, physical, moral, and otherwise".
20230305             He noted that all current US actions aim to make Europe a "subordinate player" to Washington.
20230305             "Russia's energy policy will prioritize dependable and trustworthy partners.
20230305             India and China are unquestionably among them," Lavrov concluded.
20230305             Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said earlier that Moscow has no doubts that the US is preventing Russia from participating in the probe into the explosions at the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines".
20230305             We were not allowed to involve our experts in the investigation.
20230305             Neither as participants, nor as experts, including those from Gazprom.
20230305             Undoubtedly, the United States is behind this," he said.
20230305             On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported unprecedented damage that occurred the day before on three strings of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipelines.
20230305             On September 26, 2022, Swedish seismologists registered two explosions along the pipeline routes.
20230305             The Russian Prosecutor General's Office opened a criminal case on the charges of international terrorism.
20230305             On February 8, U.S. investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in which he claimed, citing sources, that U.S. Navy divers had placed explosive devices under the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines under the cover of the BALTOPS exercise in June 2022, and that the Norwegians had activated the bombs three months later.
20230305             According to the journalist, the decision to conduct the operation was made by US President Joe Biden personally, after nine months of discussions with White House security specialists.
20230305             White House National Security Council Spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a comment to TASS that Hersh’s account was "utterly false and complete fiction".
20230305             At a meeting of G20 foreign ministers on March 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow would continue to seek a prompt and impartial investigation into the sabotage of the gas pipelines.
20230305             Moscow insists on its participation in this investigation, he added.
20230305             MOSCOW, March 3. /TASS/.
20230305             An increase of Western arms shipments to Ukraine becomes a heavy burden for the economy of Western countries and negatively affects the welfare of the people of these states, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Friday.
20230305             Previously, Bloomberg reported that US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz may raise the issue of relocations of a portion of German shell production to the US.
20230305             The two leaders will discuss matters of increasing production of weapons for Kiev, who increasingly frequently states shortage of ammunition.
20230305             "We note the continued US course towards increasing their own arms shipments and to incline their proteges in Europe - meaning EU member states - to increase similar shipments," he said.
20230305             "This [increased shipments to Ukraine - TASS] becomes a significant burden for the economy of these countries, it negatively affects the welfare of the people of these countries - in this particular case, German taxpayers.
20230305             Their lives will become tougher because of that," the spokesman said, commenting on the upcoming meeting.
20230305             Answering a question if this carries a risk of deterioration of the conflict in Ukraine, Peskov underscored that it would not radically affect the outcome.
20230305             "But it is a fact that this would make the conflict longer and will cause more tragic consequences for the Ukrainian people," he concluded.
20230305             MINSK, March 3. /TASS/.
20230305             The Leninsky District Court in Minsk on Friday found Nobel laureate Ales Bialiatski, who heads the unregistered Vesna Human Rights Center, guilty of the criminal charges lodged against him, sentencing him to 10 years in a maximum security penal colony and fining him about $65,000.
20230305             A TASS correspondent reports from the courtroom that Vesna representatives Valentin Stefanovich and Vladimir Labkovich, who were implicated in the case together with Bialiatski, were sentenced to 9 and 7 years, respectively, in a maximum security penal colony.
20230305             Dmitry Solovyov, who is currently outside of Belarus and whose case was heard separately in absentia, was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
20230305             All three defendants were fined approximately $40,000 each.
20230305             The verdict may be appealed within 10 days.
20230305             The Vesna Center representatives were detained in July 2021 and put on trial on January 5, 2023.
20230305             All pled not guilty.
20230305             According to investigators, during the period from April 4, 2016 to July 14, 2021 Bialiatski and the other Vesna members involved in the case cashed out funds received in Lithuania from various organizations and foundations on the bank accounts of a foreign entity under their control.
20230305             The relevant amounts came to at least €201,000 and $54,000.
20230305             These funds were gradually moved across the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union "with the help of other persons" in several undeclared tranches.
20230305             These actions constitute a crime under Part 4, Article 228 of the Belarusian Criminal Code, which establishes liability for smuggling of contraband by an organized group, carrying a maximum penalty of 12 years of incarceration.
20230305             From May 2020 to July 14, 2021, the defendants in the case trained various individuals to take part in actions constituting gross violations of public order, and also financed such events "under the guise of human rights and charitable activities".
20230305             In late January 2022, a Gomel court deemed all content produced by the Vesna Center as extremist, based on evidence presented by the Interior Ministry.
20230305             In early October 2022, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Ales Bialiatski, the Russian Memorial Center (deemed a foreign agent and shuttered by court order) and the Ukrainian Center for Civil Liberties.
20230305             Bialiatski, who founded the Vesna Center in 1996, was detained in August 2011 and sentenced in November to 4.5 years in a maximum security penal colony for tax evasion.
20230305             He did not admit his guilt.
20230305             In June 2014, he was released before the end of his sentence.
20230305             MOSCOW, March 3. /TASS/.
20230305             The incident where fire was deliberately opened from Ukraine on the Russian security team meeting IAEA experts who were on their way to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant for rotation cannot be ignored, Renat Karchaa, advisor to the director general of the Rosenergoatom company, said on Russian television on Friday.
20230305             "I think that there will definitely be a note from Russia following this incident.
20230305             In our opinion, such armed provocations cannot be ignored.
20230305             We can say that members of the Russian security team risked their lives, but showed a great deal of composure and self-control," he said.
20230305             According to Karchaa, the rotation took place amid a difficult situation.
20230305             Russia defused seven tripwire landmines along the mission’s route, while the security team responsible for meeting the IAEA inspectors came under heavy gunfire and then machine gun fire, which was accurate, the adviser to the Rosenergoatom CEO stressed.
20230305             He also explained that Russia had agreed on the location for the delegation’s crossing into its area of responsibility, which was suggested by the UN Department of Safety and Security, and ensured the safety of the route.
20230305             BEIJING, March 3. /TASS/.
20230305             The US is the world's largest source of nuclear threat and it must rethink its security policy, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told a news briefing on Friday.
20230305             "The United States is the world's largest source of nuclear threat.
20230305             It should carefully rethink its nuclear policy, diligently fulfill its special and primary duty to disarm, thus reducing the role of nuclear weapons in the national security policy, and take meaningful practical steps to ease nuclear risks," the diplomat said.
20230305             Mao also stressed that speculations about the nuclear threat allegedly posed by China were a pretext for the United States to expand its own nuclear arsenal.
20230305             As The Wall Street Journal said in early February, citing the US Strategic Command, China had more launchers for land-based ICBMs than the United States.
20230305             The authors of the publication noted that some US lawmakers were calling for an increase in the country's nuclear potential to confront China and Russia.
20230305             WASHINGTON, March 4. /TASS/.
20230305             Sanctions introduced by the United States against six Russian nationals working the justice system are meddling in Russia’s domestic affairs, press secretary of the Russian Embassy in Washington Igor Girenko said in a comment.
20230305             "We regard the sanctions imposed by the US administration on March 3 against a number of Russian officials under the pretext of their alleged involvement in the violation of Vladimir Kara-Murza's rights as interference in the internal affairs of our country in order to obstruct justice," the official spokesman of the Russian mission said.
20230305             "We remind that Mr.
20230305             Kara-Murza is accused of serious crimes: high treason, dissemination of deliberately false information about the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as cooperation with an undesirable organization in Russia, which are subject to criminal punishment," Girenko noted.
20230305             "Instead of waving a sanctions club, it's time for the United States authorities to get in touch with reality and pay attention to the deplorable domestic situation in the field of human rights and freedoms," he added.
20230305             In early February 2023, the Basmanny Court of Moscow extended the arrest of Kara-Murza in the case of high treason and public dissemination of knowingly false information about Russian Armed Forces’ operations.
20230305             Zank über Özdemirs Gesetzentwurf: »Bei Kinderwerbung sind Firmen zynisch«
202303051552 Wirtschaft
20230305             Nach Zugunglück in Griechenland: Gewaltsame Zusammenstöße in Athen
202303051600 Panorama
20230305             Zugunglück in Griechenland: Der diensthabende Bahnvorsteher war wohl unerfahren und überfordert
202303051626 Panorama
20230305             Krieg in der Ukraine: Bachmut heftig umkämpft, Frontbesuch von Russlands Verteidigungsminister gemeldet
202303051710 Ausland
20230305             Angriffe radikaler Siedler im Westjordanland: »Wir sind auf uns allein gestellt«
202303051800 Ausland •
20230305             Kanzlersohn Peter Brandt: »Willy Brandt wäre vielleicht nach Kiew gefahren«
202303051823 Politik
20230305             Russlands Krieg und die Wissenschaft: »Von einem Tag auf den anderen waren die Verbindungen gekappt«
202303051919 Wissenschaft
20230305             Bundeskanzler Scholz über Russlands Präsident: »Er hat die Einigkeit falsch eingeschätzt«
202303051933 Ausland
20230305             Tausende obdachlos: Feuer zerstört Rohingya-Flüchtlingslager
202303052041 Panorama
20230305             EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen hat sich zurückhaltend zur Frage von Sanktionen gegen Peking für den Fall chinesischer Waffenlieferungen an Russland geäußert".
20230305             Bisher haben wir keine Beweise dafür. Aber man muss jeden Tag das beobachten",
20230305             Zum Thema von Sanktionen gegen China für den Fall solcher Lieferungen ergänzte von der Leyen, dies sei "eine hypothetische Frage, die erst beantwortet werden kann, wenn Sie Realität und Tatsache würde".
20230305             Scholz sagte: "Wir sind uns alle einig, dass es keine Waffenlieferungen geben darf".
20230305             Er fügte hinzu: "Die chinesische Regierung hat ja bekundet, auch keine zu liefern.
20230305             Das fordern wir ein und das beobachten wir".
20230305             Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat nach Aussagen von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz die Einigkeit des Westens bei der Unterstützung der Ukraine unterschätzt".
20230305             Er hat die Einigkeit Europas, der Vereinigten Staaten und aller Freunde der Ukraine sowie die ständige Lieferung von Waffen, die wir der Ukraine zur Verfügung stellen, falsch eingeschätzt",
20230305             sagte Scholz auf Englisch in einem Interview des US-Senders CNN,
20230305             "Wir sind jetzt der stärkste Unterstützer der Ukraine in Kontinentaleuropa, und das werden wir auch weiterhin sein",
20230305             betonte Scholz".
20230305             Und das liegt auch an den Waffen, bei denen wir uns mit den Vereinigten Staaten und anderen Freunden abstimmen".
20230305             Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj ist nach eigener Aussage fest davon überzeugt, dass die Verantwortlichen in Russland für den Krieg gegen sein Land ihrer gerechten Strafe entgegensehen".
20230305             Alle russischen Mörder, jeder Organisator dieser Aggression, jeder, der in irgendeiner Weise für den Krieg gegen unser Land und den Terror gegen unser Volk sorgt, sie alle müssen bestraft werden",
20230305             sagte Selenskyj in seiner abendlichen Videoansprache.
20230305             Der Grundstein dafür sei bereits bei der internationalen Konferenz "United for Justice" ("Vereint für Gerechtigkeit") in den vergangenen Tagen in Lwiw gelegt worden.
20230305             Die Bestrafung der Verantwortlichen für den Krieg gegen die Ukraine sei "nicht nur ein Traum von Gerechtigkeit",
20230305             unterstrich Selenskyj".
20230305             Das ist eine Arbeit, die bereits im Gange ist".
20230305             Die Welt sei "stark genug",
20230305             um Russland für den Krieg zu bestrafen".
20230305             Und wir werden der Welt den Mut und die Mittel geben, um die Bestrafung zu vollziehen".
20230305             Bei der Konferenz in Lwiw wurde unter anderem vereinbart, ein neues Internationales Zentrum für die Verfolgung von Kriegsverbrechen einzurichten.
20230305             Das Zentrum soll Beweise für künftige Gerichtsverfahren sichern.
        _HEUTE_0306_ :