Tuesday, February 21 2023
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 02-21 ?
_HEUTE_0222_ :
20230221 Dienstag, 21. Februar 2023
20230221 Russischer Angriffskrieg: Selenskyj spricht von »historischer Konfrontation«,
20230221 Belarus stellt Armee aus Freiwilligen auf
202302210428 Ausland
20230221 Die Lage am Morgen: Putin und Biden im Rhetorikduell
202302210546 Politik
20230221 Traumziel nach der Pandemie: Die Coronaschließungen haben viele Bewohner Balis arm gemacht
202302210631 Reise
20230221 Geplante Neuausrichtung: Bundesregierung will über Migrationszentren in Afrika und Asien Fachkräfte anwerben
202302210721 Politik
20230221 Corona und Flüchtlinge: Sächsischer Verfassungsschutz warnt vor Radikalisierung von Protestbewegungen
202302210737 Politik
20230221 Kampf gegen Armut: Kinderzuschlag erreicht nur ein Drittel der Bedürftigen
202302210740 Wirtschaft
20230221 Nach neuen EU-Sanktionen: Iranische Währung stürzt ab
202302210744 Wirtschaft
20230221 Unterstützung der Ukraine: »Die Zögerlichkeit der Europäer ist ein bemerkenswertes Phänomen«
202302210921 Wirtschaft
20230221 Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Putins Überfall kostet die Weltwirtschaft 1600 Milliarden Dollar
202302210938 Wirtschaft •
20230221 Atomwaffen-Bedrohung aus Nahost: Wenn Iran die Bombe hat Ein Gastkommentar von Markus Kaim, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
202302210955 Politik
20230221 Streit über Ukrainekrieg: Politiker und Wissenschaftler starten Petition gegen Aufruf von Wagenknecht und Schwarzer
202302211029 Politik
20230221 Notprogramm gegen Armut: London verteilt kostenloses Essen an Grundschulkinder
202302211030 Panorama
20230221 Ökonomen zu Worst-Case-Szenario: EU-Zerfall würde deutsche Wirtschaft massiv schwächen
202302211036 Wirtschaft •
20230221 Rede zur Lage der Nation: Putin warnt vor strategischer Niederlage und attackiert den Westen
202302211126 Ausland
20230221 Hohe Inflation: Aldi will Präsenz in London stark ausbauen
202302211130 Wirtschaft
20230221 Politisch, wirtschaftlich, militärisch: Russland will Belarus angeblich bis 2030 schrittweise unterwandern
202302211135 Ausland
20230221 Im römischen Militärlager Vindolanda entdeckt: Gab es vor 2000 Jahren Dildos aus Holz?
202302211158 Wissenschaft
20230221 Im Jahr 1992 wurde im römischen Kastell Vindolanda in der Nähe des Hadrianswalls im Norden Britanniens viele Alltagsgegenstände gefunden.
20230221 »New Start«-Abkommen: Putin setzt Russlands Teilnahme am nuklearen Abrüstungsvertrag mit den USA aus
202302211205 Ausland
20230221 Fehlende Abgrenzung nach rechts: Käßmann will nicht mehr bei Wagenknechts »Friedenskundgebung« mitmachen
202302211339 Politik
20230221 »Es zerreißt uns allen das Herz«: Baerbock und Faeser besuchen Erdbebengebiet in der Türkei
202302211350 Ausland
20230221 Reaktionen auf die Rede des Kremlchefs: USA nennen Putins Vorwürfe »absurd« – Nato ruft zu Achtung von nuklearem Kontrollvertrag auf
202302211452 Ausland
20230221 Wegen defekter Sojus-Kapsel: Rückkehr von ISS-Raumfahrern verzögert sich um halbes Jahr
202302211455 Wissenschaft
20230221 Neue Details zur EU-Korruptionsaffäre: »Das Quadrumvirat hat zugeschlagen«
VON—MARKUS—BECKER und Rafael Buschmann
202302211500 Politik
20230221 Ebbe in Venedig: Gondeln auf Grund
202302211518 Panorama
20230221 Ermittlungen in den eigenen Reihen: Razzia bei Berliner Polizei wegen Verdacht auf Bestechungsskandal
202302211531 Panorama
20230221 Airports melden Rekord: Immer mehr US-Amerikaner wollen mit ihren Waffen fliegen
202302211622 Panorama
20230221 »Systematische Lücken mit Blick auf ganz grundlegendes Wissen«: Hälfte der jungen Menschen kann nicht genau sagen, wann die Nazizeit war
202302211636 Panorama
20230221 Fehlende Formulierung pro Atomkraft: Frankreich blockiert EU-Erklärung zu Klima- und Energiediplomatie
202302211646 Ausland
20230221 Aktion der »Letzten Generation«: Klimaaktivisten fällen Baum vorm Kanzleramt
202302211651 Panorama
20230221 »Beschaffungsprobleme«: Britische Supermarktkette schränkt Kauf von Gemüse und Obst ein
202302211701 Wirtschaft
20230221 Interview with Ukraine's Sanctions Adviser: "Russia Is Good at Cheating" Interview Conducted By Markus Becker
202302211722 International
20230221 Die Lage am Abend: Putin gibt den Gernegroß
202302211752 Politik
20230221 US-Präsident Joe Biden antwortet auf Putins Rede: »Die Ukraine wird niemals ein Sieg für Russland sein«
202302211805 Ausland
20230221 Krieg jährt sich zum ersten Mal: Ukraine schickt alle Schülerinnen und Schüler in den Distanzunterricht
202302211809 Panorama
20230221 Schwabinger Institution: Münchner Lach- und Schießgesellschaft meldet Insolvenz an
202302211843 Panorama
20230221 Krieg in der Ukraine: Selenskyj kontert Verbalattacke von Putin-Freund Berlusconi
202302211922 Ausland
20230221 Defekter Tank: Zwei Millionen Liter Gülle bis in nordrhein-westfälischen See ausgelaufen
202302211956 Panorama •
20230221 CO?-Ausstoß durch Waffen und Explosionen: Klimakiller Krieg Ein Podcast von Regina Steffens
202302212018 Wissenschaft
20230221 Fünf Millionen Dollar: Mormonen müssen Geldstrafe an US-Börsenaufsicht zahlen
202302212119 Ausland
20230221 Haftstrafe: Österreicher in Iran wegen Spionage verurteilt
202302212146 Ausland •
20230221 Tue Feb 21 2023
20230221 [l] Old and busted: Spanien baut U-Boote, die nicht auftauchen können.
20230221 New hotness: Spanien kauft 31 Züge, die nicht in ihre Tunnel passen.
20230221 [l] Wisst ihr, was wir jetzt brauchen?
20230221 Eine ökonomische NATO gegen China.
20230221 Findet Liz Truss.
20230221 Ja, die ist nicht mehr im Amt.
20230221 Daher kann sie das vorschlagen und die Regierung kann leugnen, an der Idee beteiligt gewesen zu sein.
20230221 [l] Putin setzt Teilnahme Russlands am Atomwaffensperrvertrag New START aus.
20230221 New START ist der letzte Atomwaffensperrvertrag, an den sich USA und Russland noch gehalten haben.
20230221 Er begrenzt die Anzahl der stationierten Atomwaffen, die Anzahl der von atomwaffenfähigen Raketen, und Atomwaffentests.
20230221 Putin sagt jetzt, wenn der Westen Atomwaffentests durchführen wolle, werde Russland es auch tun.
20230221 Begründung für den Schritt ist der Angriff der Ukraine gegen die Engels-Luftwaffenbasis in Russland, auf der strategische Nuklearbomber stationiert sind.
20230221 Wenig erstaunlich nutzen die USA die Gelegenheit für Unehrlichkeit und lügen der Welt dreist ins Gesicht:
20230221 Die US-Regierung wies die Vorwürfe Putins an den Westen als absurd zurück".
20230221 Niemand greift Russland an",
20230221 sagte der Nationale Sicherheitsberater von US-Präsident Joe Biden, Jake Sullivan, vor Journalisten.
20230221 Was er eigentlich sagen wollte, ist dass der Angriff der Ukraine aus seiner Sicht eine gerechtfertigte Verteidigungsaktion war.
20230221 Ich stell mir gerade vor, wie Saddam Hussein einen amerikanische Atombomberstützpunkt in New Jersey oder sonstwo bombardiert, und dann ansagen lässt, das sei ja absurd, dass irgendwer die USA angreifen könne oder wolle.
20230221 [l] Berlin ist ein failed state, soviel ist ja inzwischen bekannt.
20230221 Termine für einen neuen Reisepass oder Personalausweis kriegt man schlicht nicht.
20230221 Aber, stellt sich raus, Bußgelder für keinen Reisepass haben verteilen sie.
20230221 Immerhin hat ihnen dafür jetzt das Amtsgericht Tiergarten einen Vogel gezeigt.
20230221 [l] Wo wir gerade bei failed state waren: Wegen eines Interpunktionsfehlers sind LSD-Derivate gerade legal.
20230221 Was machen die eigentlich beruflich?
20230221 [l] Die albanische Mafia betreibt ein Netz aus Überwachungskameras, mit der sie die Polizei beobachten.
20230221 MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/.
20230221 The United States administration realizes that no one believes that it played no role in the blasts that damaged the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
20230221 "The Americans claim they "had nothing to do" with the explosions of the Nord Stream pipelines even though the findings by renowned investigative reporter Seymour Hersh are widely available," she wrote on her Telegram channel late on Tuesday".
20230221 We know that they know that everyone knows that this is a lie".
20230221 "The problem is not that "the US" is the only logical answer to the oldest question in legal practice, Cui bono (who benefits?) that makes any sense; the problem is that the Americans are simply lying.
20230221 I could tell you again about US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s vial hoax, but if you are tired of this story, I have plenty of others," the spokeswoman continued.
20230221 The US trace
20230221 As an example, the diplomat cited the situation in the Republic of Haiti, which has remained under the US occupation for decades.
20230221 "And now a few words about the real assistance from the United States.
20230221 In 2010, a terrible earthquake occurred on the island, killing hundreds of thousands of people; the total number of victims, including those killed and injured, exceeded half a million.
20230221 The US allocated $380 million.
20230221 Does this seem like a lot?
20230221 But a US presidential election is 15 times more expensive. By the way, Joe Biden promised Zelensky much more than to their ‘allies and friends’ from Haiti during the most terrible period of their history," she wrote.
20230221 In this regard, she also recalled the 2021 assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise and the failed assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
20230221 "In 2021, Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated; his wife, Martine, was also shot in the attack.
20230221 And what was found?
20230221 Suspicions that the Americans were responsible again emerged in the Western information landscape immediately," Zakharova continued".
20230221 Also that week, the US Department of Justice issued a short press release declaring that several Americans associated with American PMC CTU Security had been arrested.
20230221 Official Caracas reported that CTU had earlier been involved in the failed assassination attempt on Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro".
20230221 "This is a very thought-provoking story for Zelensky, who so affectionately embraced Joe Biden in the centre of Kiev.
20230221 How much must one hate their own people to consider a prospect similar to that of long-suffering Haiti for themselves?"
20230221 she said.
20230221 "So, to what extent is the US "not responsible" for sabotaging Nord Stream - as much as for the assassination of Haiti's president?
20230221 Or for the vial hoax of the invasion of Iraq?"
20230221 the spokeswoman asked rhetorically.
20230221 UNITED NATIONS, February 22. /TASS/.
20230221 Western countries are showing no intention to cooperate with Russia on an inquiry into last year’s blasts targeting the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, Russia’s UN envoy has said.
20230221 "We have strong reasons to doubt the effectiveness, transparency, and impartiality of investigations that are being carried out under some national jurisdictions," Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya told the UN Security Council on Tuesday".
20230221 We do not see our partners being eager to cooperate".
20230221 He noted that Germany, Denmark and Sweden "ignored the communications that Prime Minister of Russia, [Mikhail] Mishustin, addressed to them in October 2022 regarding participation of relevant Russian agencies and PJSC Gazprom in the investigations," while "relevant requests of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation were declined".
20230221 "Since we talk about a crime that was committed by means of an explosive device, which makes it subject to the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings of 15 December 1997, we expect that all states that have to do with the incident, namely the US, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, will fulfill their obligations under this document.
20230221 But leadership of these states do not show any political will or rather do not have any," the Russian diplomat said.
20230221 The national investigations of Germany, Denmark and Sweden into the sabotage of Russia’s Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines are aimed at protecting the United States, Russia’s UN envoy said.
20230221 "Those so-called investigations by Scandinavian states and Germany not only lack transparency, but, and this has become obvious by now, are aimed at covering up the tracks and exculpating the big American brother," Vasily Nebenzya told".
20230221 We are not allowed to partake, and all our requests are ignored with arrogance".
20230221 "With the Nord Stream sabotage, neither the motive of the crime nor the perpetrators or the method raise any doubts," Nebenzya added.
20230221 On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported unprecedented damage that occurred the day before on three strings of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipelines.
20230221 On September 26, Swedish seismologists registered two explosions on the pipeline routes.
20230221 The Russian Prosecutor General's Office launched a criminal case based on charges of international terrorism.
20230221 On February 8, US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article, which said, citing sources, that US Navy divers had planted explosive devices under the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines under the cover of the BALTOPS exercise in June 2022, and Norwegians activated the bombs three months later.
20230221 According to the journalist, the decision to conduct the operation was made by US President Joe Biden personally, following nine months of discussions with White House security specialists.
20230221 White House National Security Council Spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a comment to TASS that Hersh’s account was "utterly false and complete fiction".
20230221 .
20230221 UNITED NATIONS, February 22. /TASS/.
20230221 The United Nations, being the most influental and most representative international organization, can play an active role in an investigation of last year’s blasts that targeted the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, Chinese Permanent Representative to the UN Zhang Jun has said.
20230221 "As the most authoritative and representative international organization, the UN can play an active role in conducting an international investigation and ensuring the security of transboundary infrastructure," the Chinese envoy told the UN Security Council on Tuesday.
20230221 "China welcomes the draft resolution tabled by Russia in the Council, and believes that it is of great significance to authorize an international investigation into the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines," he went on, adding that an inquiry into the matter should be "objective, impartial, and professional".
20230221 US declarations about its non-involvement in the sabotage of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines is not enough, Zhang Jun said.
20230221 "Recently, we have come across a lot of details and relevant information concerning the Nord Stream incident, which is alarming," he said".
20230221 Today, the briefers shared with us important information and their reasonable analysis.
20230221 Faced with such detailed materials and comprehensive evidence, a simple statement of 'utterly false and complete fiction' is obviously not enough to answer the many questions and concerns raised around the world".
20230221 "We expect convincing explanations from relevant parties.
20230221 Such a request is entirely legitimate and reasonable," the Chinese diplomat added.
20230221 BRUSSELS, February 22. /TASS/.
20230221 The European Union believes that Russia should comply with its obligations under the New START treaty with the United States on the reduction of strategic offensive arms and permit US inspections envisaged by the document, the EU External Action Service said in a statement.
20230221 "The EU calls on Russia to fulfil its obligations under the Treaty by facilitating New START inspections on Russian territory, and participating in the Treaty’s implementation body, the Bilateral Consultative Commission within the treaty-established timeframe," the document says.
20230221 Last fall, Russia postponed the Bilateral Consultative Commission’s meeting indefinitely.
20230221 Among other things, the commission sets dates for upcoming inspections.
20230221 The EU foreign policy service expressed its regret about Russia’s decision to suspend its participation in the treaty, which, in its opinion, undermines the European security framework.
20230221 "By increasing predictability and mutual confidence amongst the two largest nuclear weapon States, this Treaty limits strategic competition and increases strategic stability," it said.
20230221 The Treaty between the United States and Russia on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (the New START Treaty) was signed in 2010 and took effect on February 5, 2011.
20230221 The decision to suspend Moscow’s participation in the document was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his State of the Nation Address delivered on Tuesday.
20230221 He stressed that before resuming discussions on further work within the framework of the treaty, Russia would like to clarify how the arsenals of other NATO nuclear powers - Great Britain and France - would be counted in the treaty alongside the US’ nuclear potential.
20230221 In turn, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the decision may be reversible if the United States makes efforts to resume its full-fledged functioning of the treaty.
20230221 Also, Russia will remain committed to the restrictions on strategic offensive weapons under the treaty as long as it is in force.
20230221 The ministry stressed that Russia will continue to exchange notifications with the United States about launches of ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) and SLBMs (submarine-launched ballistic missiles) on the basis of the corresponding agreement between the former Soviet Union and the United States of 1988.
20230221 According to the ministry, Russia will keep a close eye on the actions of the United States and its allies "both in the area of strategic offensive weapons and in the area of international security and strategic stability in general and analyze these actions for possible harm to Russia’s interests".
20230221 .
20230221 MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/.
20230221 Russia’s State Duma (the lower house of parliament) has unanimously passed a law suspending the country’s participation in the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START).
20230221 According to the document, which was submitted to the State Duma by President Vladimir Putin, Russia suspends its participation in the treaty and the president will make a decision on its resumption.
20230221 The law will enter into force on the day of its official publication.
20230221 Putin announced in his State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly on Tuesday that Russia was suspending its participation in the New START treaty but was not withdrawing from it.
20230221 The head of state emphasized that before resuming discussions of further activities under the treaty, Russia needed to figure it out for itself how the arsenals of NATO’s other nuclear-weapons countries, the UK and France, would be taken into account along with US capacities.
20230221 Chairman of the State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky pointed out that Russia had no choice but to suspend its participation, given numerous US violations of the treaty".
20230221 The collective West deliberately chose to worsen relations with Russia," he stressed.
20230221 Slutsky added that "business as usual with the US and the West in general is no longer possible as a matter of principle and in terms of arms control, which is inseparable from geopolitics".
20230221 State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, in turn, pointed out that the law "will largely contribute to ensuring our country’s security".
20230221 The Russian Foreign Ministry said earlier in a statement that Moscow’s decision was reversible, and called on Washington "to show the political will and make good-faith efforts to ensure the resumption of the treaty’s full-fledged operation".
20230221 In addition, the ministry noted that Russia would continue to comply with the treaty’s quantitative restrictions.
20230221 Besides, Russia will continue exchanging information with Washington based on the 1988 Russian-US agreement on mutual notifications of ballistic missile launches.
20230221 The ministry also said that Russia planned to keep a close eye on the further activities of the US and its allies "in the field of strategic arms reduction, as well as in terms of international security and strategic stability in general, assessing them for threats to Russian interests and the need to take additional
20230221 MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/.
20230221 The Western reaction to Russia’s suspension of its participation in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty doesn’t give a reason to hope for its readiness for talks, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday.
20230221 "We are seeing the initial reaction.
20230221 It’s quite consolidated among the representatives of the collective West.
20230221 This reaction, of course, doesn’t give us a reason to hope for any readiness for dialogue or talks," he said.
20230221 The spokesman said it’s important for Russia to do anything it takes to ensure its security, including in the realm of arms control.
20230221 "Time goes on, circumstances change, and it’s important for Russia to do everything in this respect to ensure its security, including in the issues of strategic stability and arms control," he said.
20230221 Peskov also said it’s important to be patient "in expectation of the time when Russia’s opponents will be ripe for a normal dialogue".
_HEUTE_0222_ :