Was geschah am Thursday, August 25 2022 ?

Thursday, August 25 2022

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 08-25 ?

        _HEUTE_0826_ :
20220825             Donnerstag, 25. August 2022
20220825             Biontech-Gründer U?ur ?ahin: »Das Virus mutiert in hoher Geschwindigkeit weiter«
202208250002 Wirtschaft
20220825             Ex-Präsident hortete sensible Papiere in Mar-a-Lago: Trumps Aktendesaster
202208250316 Ausland •
20220825             US-Bundesstaat Texas: Polizeichef nach Massaker an Grundschule in Uvalde entlassen
202208250347 Panorama •
20220825             Krieg in Osteuropa: Ukraine meldet 22 Tote bei russischem Angriff auf Bahnhof, Tausende Deutsche bei Antikriegsdemonstrationen
202208250515 Ausland
20220825             Katastrophe an der Oder: Illegale Abwässer, Algen und ein blindes Warnsystem
VON—HANNES—SCHRADER und Sandra Sperber
202208250600 Wissenschaft
20220825             Coronalage in Deutschland: Inzidenz sinkt weiter – RKI registriert 49.201 Neuinfektionen
202208250658 Wissenschaft
20220825             Möglicher Vergeltungsschlag: Raketenangriff auf Stützpunkte in Syrien – drei US-Soldaten verletzt
202208250658 Ausland
20220825             Zusatzgewinne verhindern: Gasumlage soll nach dem Willen der FDP nur an pleitebedrohte Firmen fließen
202208250712 Wirtschaft
20220825             Fünf Jahre Flucht der Rohingya aus Myanmar: »Wir haben keine Kraft mehr, dieses schreckliche Leben auszuhalten«
202208250730 Ausland
20220825             »Nicht die Zeit für halbherzige Maßnahmen«: Nobelpreisträger Stiglitz rät zu längeren AKW-Laufzeiten
202208250810 Wirtschaft
20220825             Stabile Konjunktur trotz Kriegsfolgen: Deutsche Wirtschaft ist im zweiten Quartal leicht gewachsen
202208250813 Wirtschaft
20220825             Die Vorsitzende des Verteidigungsausschusses des Bundestags, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) hat Bedenken geäußert, dass die zuletzt angekündigten Waffenlieferungen Deutschlands an die Ukraine ausreichen".
20220825             Wir befürchten, dass es nicht reicht - dass wir kontinuierlich weitermachen müssen",
20220825             sagte Strack-Zimmermann
20220825             MOSCOW, August 25. /TASS/.
20220825             Europe is turning a blind eye on the demolition of the Monument to the Liberators of Soviet Latvia and Riga from the German Fascist Invaders, but it will never be able to kill the historic memory, a senior Russian lawmaker told TASS on Wednesday.
20220825             "It is a day of shame for Europe," said Leonid Slutsky, chairman of the international committee of the Russian State Duma (lower parliament house) and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR)".
20220825             The West kept silent when veterans of SS legions were marching down Latvian streets, when neo-Nazism raised its head in Ukraine.
20220825             It is silent now again".
20220825             "But it is impossible to erase memory," Slutsky stressed".
20220825             Riga’s residents have demonstrated it more than once.
20220825             I am sure that people will continue to bring flowers and candles to this site.
20220825             Brussels is unwilling to see how Latvia’s authorities are killing European values they have been declaring, along with the monument".
20220825             "The hysteria will come to an end in the long run and they will finally see that relations with Russia would never be the same again," Slutsky added.
20220825             On July 14, Latvia’s Cabinet of Ministers approved the dismantling of 69 military monuments dating back to the Soviet era, including the monument in Riga’s Victory Park, memorials dedicated to the soldiers of the Red Army in Liepaja, Rezekne and Daugavpils.
20220825             On August 3, a monument to Soviet soldiers was dismantled in Riga’s Pardaugava district.
20220825             The demolition of monument to the soldiers of the Red Army - the liberators of Soviet Latvia and Riga from the Nazi invaders - began on August 23. According to Riga’s city legislature, the monument is to be completely dismantled by November 15. It is planned to spend around 2.1 million euro on that.
20220825             TOKYO, August 25. /TASS/.
20220825             Japan’s Mitsubishi has decided to keep its share in the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project and will notify the Russian operator about it by the end of the month, the Nikkei newspaper said on Thursday, citing its sources.
20220825             Another Japanese company, Mitsui, which also hold a stake in the project, plans to do the same, the newspaper said, adding that the Russian side will have three days to make a final decision on their participation in the project with the new operator upon the receipt of their notifications.
20220825             On August 2, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a resolution on establishing Sakhalin Energy LLC as a new operator of the Sakhalin-2 PSA project operator with registration in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
20220825             Andrey Oleinikov, CEO of Sakhalin Energy subsidiary, a current project operator, will be the new operator’s top executive.
20220825             On June 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree, under which a Russian company will become the new operator of the Sakhalin-2 project, instead of the Sakhalin Energy company.
20220825             Foreign stakeholders are supposed to agree to their shares in the new company proportionally to their stakes in the former company within a month.
20220825             Mitsui and Mitsubishi hold 12.5% and 10% stakes in the project, respectively.
20220825             Russia accounts for 8.8% of Japan’s import of liquefied national gas.
20220825             Practically all gas comes through Sakhalin-2.
20220825             According to the Nikkei, neither of Japan’s eight companies receiving LNG from Sakhalin-2 has announced its plans to terminate contracts.
20220825             Tokyo Gas and JERA, a joint venture of Tokyo Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power,
20220825             MOSCOW, August 25. /TASS/.
20220825             Russian gas supplies to Europe via main export routes may remain at the level of previous days of around 42.2 mln cubic meters per day in transit through Ukraine and 33.6 mln cubic meters via Nord Stream on Thursday, August 25.
20220825             Nominations for transit of Russian gas through Ukraine for August 25 via the gas distribution station Sokhranovka are absent, whereas nominations for transit via the Sudzha station roughly stand at around 42.2 mln cubic meters, according to data released on the website of the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU).
20220825             Meanwhile, Russian gas deliveries via Nord Stream, the main route for export of Russian gas to Europe, remain at the level of previous days of around 33.6 mln cubic meters per day, according to data provided by Nord Stream AG.
20220825             That said, amid lower gas supplies from Russia European countries continue pumping gas into their underground gas storage facilities (UGSF) as they purchase liquified natural gas, with European gas storages over 78% full now, according to Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE).
20220825             Earlier, the European Commission (EC) suggested that the occupancy level be introduced for EU gas storage facilities of at least 80% for 2022-2023 winter, and of 90% for all future winter periods.
20220825             On this previous day the spot price of gas in Europe surpassed $3,100 per 1,000 cubic meters on London’s ICE for the first time since early March as supplies via Nord Stream were expected to be completely stopped from August 31 to September 2 due to the repair of the only gas compressor unit remaining in operation, as well as a delay in the launch of the Freeport LNG plant in Texas after repairs.
20220825             In its turn, Gazprom did not rule out gas prices in Europe would climb above record $4,000 per 1,000 cubic meters in the winter.
20220825             Gas exports to non-CIS countries went down by 36.2% to 78.5 bln cubic meters in 7.5 months of 2022, according to the gas producer.
20220825             The Nord Stream gas pipeline, which supplies gas from Russia to Europe, has been used at about 20% of its maximum capacity since July 27 due to the shutdown of two gas turbines.
20220825             One of them, built in Canada by Siemens Energy, was sent to Montreal for repairs.
20220825             Due to Ottawa’s sanctions against Russia, the manufacturer initially refused to return the repaired turbine to Germany, but after numerous requests from Berlin, the company decided to do it.
20220825             On July 25, Gazprom announced the forced shutdown of another gas turbine engine at the Portovaya compressor station.
20220825             Consequently, only one turbine remains in working condition now.
20220825             Moreover, the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine has suspended the transit of gas to Europe via the Sokhranovka station since May 11 due to force majeure.
20220825             As a result, Gazprom supplies gas for Europe through Ukraine via the Sudzha gas pumping station, while requests for pumping via Sokhranovka are rejected by the Ukrainian side.
20220825             UNITED NATIONS, August 25. /TASS/.
20220825             A joint anti-Russian statement on the conflict in Ukraine, which was released on Wednesday, was supported by only 58 United Nations member states, or less than a third of the organization’s 193 members.
20220825             Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Sergey Kislitsa read out the document to journalists at the UN headquarters and named all the states that supported it.
20220825             The statement lambastes Russia’s actions and calls on it to immediately stop combat operations.
20220825             Among the signatories of the statement are the European Union nations, the United States, the United Kingdom, Georgia, Turkey, several Asian and Latin American countries.
20220825             On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation in response to a request for help by the heads of the Donbass republics.
20220825             He stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories, but aimed to demilitarize and denazify the country.
20220825             After that, the West began to impose large-scale anti-Russian sanctions and intensified weapons supplies to Ukraine.
20220825             According to Western politicians, it is literally an economic war on Russia.
20220825             The Russian president noted on March 16 that the West’s sanction policy had all the signs of an aggression. In his words, the policy of containing Russia is the West’s long-term strategy.
20220825             Die Ukraine ist dem "Cluster Munition Monitor 2022" zufolge derzeit das einzige Land weltweit, in dem die wegen ihrer unkontrollierten Verteilung der Sprengsätze gefürchtete Munitionsform verwendet wird.
20220825             Weder Russland noch die Ukraine schlossen sich dem vertraglichen Bann dieser umstrittenen Waffen an.
20220825             Diesen ratifizierten seit 2008 bereits 110 Staaten.
20220825             Der Gasmangel infolge des Ukraine-Krieges treibt den Gaspreis in Europa immer weiter nach oben.
20220825             Er sprang nun über die Marke von 300 Euro je Megawattstunde, nachdem sich der für den europäischen Gashandel richtungsweisende Terminkontrakt TTF an der Energiebörse in Amsterdam an den beiden Vortagen vergleichsweise stabil gehalten hatte.
20220825             Heute stieg der Preis um mehr als sechs Prozent auf knapp 316 Euro je Megawattstunde.
20220825             Nur in der Zeit unmittelbar nach dem Ausbruch des Krieges in der Ukraine war der Preis für das in Europa gehandelte Erdgas kurzzeitig mit einem Spitzenwert von 345 Euro höher gewesen.
20220825             Am Markt wurde der jüngste Anstieg des Gaspreises weiterhin mit einer erneuten Unterbrechung der russischen Gaslieferungen nach Europa durch die Pipeline Nord Stream 1 erklärt.
20220825             Moskau ist nach Ansicht britischer Militärexperten bereit, jegliche militärische Aktivitäten der Ukraine in der Nähe des besetzten Atomkraftwerks Saporischschja für Propagandazwecke zu nutzen.
20220825             Das teilte das Verteidigungsministerium in London in seinem täglichen Geheimdienst-Update zum Krieg in der Ukraine mit.
20220825             Die Gefahr für die Sicherheit um das Kernkraftwerk gehe aber von den russischen Invasionstruppen aus.
20220825             Die ukrainische Regierung in Kiew hofft auf eine kräftige Erholung der Wirtschaft im kommenden Jahr.
20220825             Das hänge aber maßgeblich von der Entwicklung des Krieges gegen Russland ab,
20220825             Die UN-Hochkommissarin für Menschenrechte, Michelle Bachelet, hat Russland zur Demilitarisierung des Atomkraftwerks Saporischschja in der Ukraine gefordert.
20220825             Dies müsse sofort erfolgen, sagte Bachelet bei ihrer Abschiedskonferenz in Genf.
20220825             Sie forderte zudem vom russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin die Einstellung des Krieges gegen die Ukraine.
202208261007 ======== NEWS appended
20220825             Scholz über Zögern bei Cannabislegalisierung: »Ich habe nie gekifft«
202208252320 Politik
20220825             FBI-Razzia in Mar-a-Lago: Wichtiges Dokument zu Durchsuchung bei Trump soll teils publik werden
202208252349 Ausland
202208261007 ======== END NEWS appended
        _HEUTE_0826_ :