Tuesday, July 26 2022
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 07-26 ?
_HEUTE_0727_ :
20220726 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2022
20220726 Solarboom in der Landwirtschaft: Äcker zwischen Glitzerwänden
202207260015 Wissenschaft
20220726 Shells zögerlicher Abschied vom Öl: Verfluchte Gewinne Von manager-magazin-Redakteurin Kirsten Bialdiga
202207260016 Wirtschaft •
20220726 Wirtschaftsminister Habeck: »Wir sind in einer ernsten Situation.
20220726 Es wird auch Zeit, dass das alle verstehen«
202207260107 Politik
20220726 Krieg in Osteuropa: Präsident Selenskyj wechselt Befehlshaber in der Ostukraine aus
202207260221 Ausland •
20220726 Attacke am 6. Januar 2021: »Mittelalterliche Hölle« – Biden verurteilt Trumps Untätigkeit bei Kapitol-Sturm
202207260305 Ausland
20220726 Waldbrände in Sachsen und Brandenburg: Sturmböen machen Löscharbeiten teilweise »unmöglich«
202207260358 Panorama •
20220726 Todesstrafe: Japan richtet verurteilten Amokläufer hin
202207260402 Panorama
20220726 Lieferstreit mit Russland: EU-Staaten einigen sich offenbar auf Gas-Notfallplan
202207260423 Wirtschaft
20220726 Coronalage in Deutschland: RKI meldet 145.473 Neuinfektionen
202207260522 Wissenschaft •
20220726 Die Lage am Morgen: Wie verhandelt man mit einem Lügner?
VON—SEBASTIAN—FISCHER, Leiter des SPIEGEL-Hauptstadtbüros
202207260538 Politik
20220726 Zu alt fürs Weiße Haus?: Joe Bidens Kampf mit Patzern und Versprechern
VON—RENÉ—PFISTER und Sandra Sperber
202207260600 Ausland •
20220726 TV-Duell um das Amt des britischen Premiers: Streit, Streit, Streit – und eine glatte 10 für Boris Johnson
202207260609 Ausland •
20220726 Angesichts der angespannten Lage im Energiesektor dringt die Union auf einen Krisengipfel im Kanzle
20220726 ie Frage nach der Erreichun
20220726 Österreich sieht sich auf Kurs, sein Gas-Speicherziel bis zum Start der Heizsaison im Winter zu erreichen".
20220726 Wir sind auf einem guten Kurs, unser Speicherziel zu erreichen",
202207260455 Uhr
20220726 EU-Staaten bereiten sich auf Gas-Notstand vor
20220726 Die für Energie zuständi
20220726 Die für Energie zuständigen Minister der EU-Staaten kommen am Dienstag (9.30 Uhr) zu einem Sondertreffen in Brüssel zusammen.
20220726 Im Fokus steht ein möglicher Lieferstopp von Gas aus Russland.
20220726 BERLIN, July 25. /TASS/.
20220726 Europe should prepare for a complete stop of Russian gas supplies in conditions when they are declining, President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen said in an interview with DPA news agency.
20220726 "Russia is supplying in part or do not supply gas at all to 12 [EU] member-states at present," von der Leyen said".
20220726 Therefore, Europe must be prepared for the worst option: the complete halt of gas supplies sooner or later," she said.
20220726 The EC President urged countries with little dependence on Russian gas supplies to take part in energy saving efforts also".
20220726 Even [EU] member-states not actually receiving gas from Russia cannot avoid consequences of the potential stop of deliveries to our internal market," von der Leyen said.
20220726 Economies are intertwined in the EU and the gas crisis will affect all member-countries in a certain form, she added.
20220726 SEOUL, July 26. /TASS/.
20220726 North Korea may conduct nuclear trials on the anniversary of the end of the Korean War on July 27, South Korean Minister of Unification Kwon Young-Se speculated Tuesday.
20220726 On Wednesday, North Korea will celebrate the Day of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War (as North Korea calls the 1950-1953 Korean War).
20220726 "I believe that such possibility exists," Kwon Young-Se said in an interview for CBS radio, answering a question if North Korea may conduct nuclear trials on this holiday.
20220726 At the same time, he noted, there is a possibility that nothing will happen.
20220726 He pointed out that the potential speech of DPRK’s leader Kim Jong-Un at the Congress of Veterans poses big interest, because it may contain important political messages.
20220726 US and South Korean representatives have been stating for months that North Korea is ready for new nuclear trials, with specialists waiting for Kim Jong-Un’s decision.
20220726 This position was reiterated by South Korean Minister of National Defense Lee Jong-Sup on Tuesday.
20220726 The Korean War started on June 25, 1950 and ended on July 27, 1953.
20220726 In addition to DPRK and South Korean forces, the conflict involved Chinese volunteers on Pyongyang’s side and the US Army under the UN banner on Seoul’s side.
20220726 Pyongyang also received support from the USSR.
20220726 The war ended in an armistice, but the peace treaty has not been signed to this day.
20220726 .
20220726 /TASS/.
20220726 A major fire occurred at an oil depot in the Budyonnovsky District of Donetsk, shelled by Ukraine earlier, a TASS reporter at the scene reports.
20220726 The fire, tens of meters high, is seen in several districts of Donetsk, as fuel tanks are burning.
20220726 Ministry of Emergency Situations and DPR People’s Militia personnel are working at the site.
20220726 No casualties or injuries have been reported.
20220726 Earlier, DPR mission to the Joint Ceasefire Coordination and Control Center (JCCC) reported that the oil depot area was shelled with 3 155-mm artillery shells.
20220726 In addition, 15 Grad rockets and 12 152-mm shells were fired at various districts of Donetsk.
20220726 DONETSK, July 26. /TASS/.
20220726 A major fire occurred at an oil depot in the Budyonnovsky District of Donetsk, shelled by Ukraine earlier, a TASS reporter at the scene reports.
20220726 The fire, tens of meters high, is seen in several districts of Donetsk, as fuel tanks are burning.
20220726 Ministry of Emergency Situations and DPR People’s Militia personnel are working at the site.
20220726 No casualties or injuries have been reported.
20220726 Earlier, DPR mission to the Joint Ceasefire Coordination and Control Center (JCCC) reported that the oil depot area was shelled with 3 155-mm artillery shells.
20220726 In addition, 15 Grad rockets and 12 152-mm shells were fired at various districts of Donetsk.
20220726 MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/.
20220726 Gazprom has to halt the operation of one more gas turbine engine at the Portovaya compressor station of the Nord Stream gas pipeline due to the expiration of time before overhaul, the holding said in a statement on Monday.
20220726 "Due to the expiration of the time before overhaul (in accordance with the instructions of Rostekhnadzor (Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Supervision - TASS) and taking into account the technical condition of the engine), Gazprom halts the operation of one more Siemens gas turbine engine at the Portovaya compressor station," the statement said.
20220726 From 07:00 am Moscow time on July 27, the daily capacity of the Portovaya compressor station will drop to 33 million cubic meters per day from 67 mln cubic meters daily at present.
20220726 BERLIN, July 26. /TASS/.
20220726 German Vice Chancellor, Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Robert Habeck warned about a serious power situation in the country amid further reduction of gas supply from Russia, speaking on the ARD TV channel Monday.
20220726 "We have a serious situation.
20220726 It is time for everyone to understand that," Habeck said, adding that Germany must reduce its gas consumption.
20220726 "We are working on it," the official said, adding that measures must be implemented consecutively.
20220726 He noted that there is some gas supply from the Netherlands and Norway.
20220726 "It all now depends on how frugal we are," he said, speaking about possible scenarios for the winter.
20220726 According to Habeck, gas supply for industry will be reduced before private residences or critical infrastructure such as hospitals will experience gas shortage.
20220726 He acknowledged that this will disrupt certain production chains both in Germany and in Europe.
20220726 "It is necessary to avoid this by all cost.
20220726 This is why Germany must reduce its gas consumption by 15-20%," Habeck said.
20220726 On Monday, Russia’s Gazprom announced that it has to suspend the operation of another Siemens turbine because it has reached its capital repair point.
20220726 This will result in the capacity of the Portovaya compressor station falling to almost half - from 67 to 33 million cubic meters a day.
20220726 Russian President Vladimir Putin warned about that last week.
20220726 The Nord Stream pipeline has been operating at only 40% capacity (67 million cubic meters a day) since mid-June due to delayed return of a Siemens turbine shipped for repairs to Canada.
20220726 Following numerous requests from Germany, Canada agreed to return the repaired turbine on July 9. However, Gazprom says there are still unresolved issues regarding EU and UK sanctions, which must be resolved before the turbine could be shipped and installed in Russia and other turbines could be shipped for repairs.
20220726 The European Commission claims that EU sanctions against Russia do not cover equipment for gas transit.
20220726 Ads on TASS
20220726 MOSCOW, July 26. /TASS/.
20220726 Russian Defense Ministry proposed to introduce permission for foreign military ships to pass the Northern Sea Route, which has to be requested at least 90 days in advance, RBC reports citing a document.
20220726 A governmental commission have approved the amendments to the Federal Law "On territorial waters, territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Russian Federation",
20220726 proposed by the Defense Ministry.
20220726 The current law is proposed to be amended with a clause that provides for a passage permission for foreign military and state ships through the Northern Sea Route without entering ports or naval bases, which must be requested at least 90 days in advance.
20220726 Currently, Russian navigation regulations in the Northern Sea Route only cover commercial ships, while military and other non-commercial foreign ships enjoying sovereign immunity are not covered by them.
20220726 MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/.
20220726 An operative of Russia’s FSB said on Monday that an attempt by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry to hijack Russia’s Aerospace Forces planes was conducted with the support of Western intelligence, primarily, of British special services.
20220726 "It is obvious that the operation itself was conducted with the support of Western special services, first and foremost, the UK’s," he told the Rossiya-24 TV channel.
20220726 The FSB also noted that a Bellingcat (recognized as a foreign agent in Russia) reporter, Christo Grozev, participated in the operation.
20220726 For instance, he found two delivery drivers in Moscow to hand over an advance payment to Russian pilots who allegedly agreed to participate in the hijacking".
20220726 We know, not only from his statements, that Grozev is involved with MI6.
20220726 In general, recently, Ukrainian intelligence has stopped hiding its ties with the special services of NATO countries and aspires to be closer to its sponsors from Washington and London," the FSB operative added.
20220726 Earlier, the FSB reported that it uncovered and foiled a NATO-sponsored operation by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry to hijack Russian Aerospace Forces warplanes.
20220726 According to a video recording of a conversation with a Ukrainian military intelligence agent, they were ready to pay up to $2 mln for a hijacked Russian warplane.
20220726 LONDON, July 26. /TASS/.
20220726 UK Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister candidate Liz Truss claimed that she is not ready for the UK to be openly involved in the conflict in Ukraine and does not consider it appropriate to send the Royal Navy to the Black Sea to escort the grain ships.
20220726 "I am not prepared for the UK to become directly involved in the conflict.
20220726 We have done as much as we can.
20220726 We were the first country to send weapons to the Ukraine," she said during televise debates, organized by BBC.
20220726 She pointed out that, while the UK provides naval insurance services for Ukrainian grain transport, Ukraine is not a NATO member state, so she considers it inappropriate to directly engage British forces or resources.
20220726 Meanwhile, her rival, ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, also avoided answering this question, stating that London will continue supporting Kiev "regardless of who becomes the Prime Minister".
20220726 Sunak noted that it is necessary to declare China a threat to the UK’s national and economic security, noting that the kingdom must defend itself from what he called Beijing’s attempts to infiltrate British companies and steal their technologies.
20220726 In response, Truss pointed out that Sunak called for closer ties with China just one month ago.
20220726 She claimed that the UK must not fall into strategic dependence from Beijing and added that a harsher position towards Beijing is also necessary because Beijing "effectively supports Russia" over the situation in Ukraine.
202207270809 ======== NEWS appended
20220726 Als erstes ukrainisches Staatsunternehmen: Energiekonzern Naftogaz erklärt Zahlungsausfall
202207262203 Wirtschaft
202207270809 ======== END NEWS appended
_HEUTE_0727_ :