Was geschah am Monday, July 18 2022 ?

Monday, July 18 2022

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Was geschah am Kalendertag 07-18 ?

        _HEUTE_0719_ :
20220718             Montag, 18. Juli 2022
20220718             Trockenheit: Städte- und Gemeindebund warnt vor Wasserknappheit
202207180021 Wirtschaft
20220718             Männerhobby Archäologie: Deutschland hat ein Problem mit Schatzsuchern
202207180028 Wissenschaft
20220718             Offenbar erneute Protestaktion: Russische Journalistin Owsjannikowa festgenommen
202207180053 Ausland •
20220718             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20220718             So schlimm:
20220718             An Edinburgh-based research team fears plankton, the tiny organisms that sustain life in our seas, has all but been wiped out after spending two years collecting water samples from the Atlantic.
20220718             [...] Previously, it was thought the amount of plankton had halved since the 1940s, but the evidence gathered by the Scots suggest 90% has now vanished.
20220718             Organisiert wurde die Kundgebung von der Bewegung "Euromaidan Warschau".
20220718             Nach den Worten des ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj werde die Ukraine Kanadas Ausnahme von den Sanktionen im Fall der Siemens-Gasturbine für Nord Stream 1 niemals billigen.
20220718             Bayern dringt beim Bund auf die Wiederinbetriebnahme des bayrischen Atomkraftwerks Gundremmingen und das sofortige Ausrufen der Gasnotlage, um große Gaskraftwerke herunterzufahren".
20220718             Ich fordere Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck auf, sofort die Gas-Notfallstufe 3 auszurufen",
20220718             sagte der bayerische Wirtschaftsminister Huber Aiwanger der Zeitung "Augsburger Allgemeinen".
20220718             Der Staat müsse sich jetzt in das Gas-Management einmischen".
20220718             Wir verbrennen derzeit riesige Mengen an Erdgas zur Stromerzeugung",
20220718             erklärte der stellvertretende bayerische Ministerpräsident und Freie-Wähler-Chef mit Blick auf das bayerische Großkraftwerk in Irsching.
20220718             Solange der Strom aus Gas noch lukrativ produziert werden könne, werde es auch gemacht".
20220718             Das Wichtigste ist jetzt, dass wir sofort massiv Gas einsparen, denn momentan bewegt sich beim Auffüllen der Speicher fast nichts mehr".
20220718             Der oberste Heeresgeneral Alfons Mais warnt einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge vor einer Fehleinschätzung der russischen Streitkräfte".
20220718             Das ist ein Zermürbungs- und Abnutzungskrieg, der die Frage aufwerfen wird, wie lange die Ukraine das durchhalten kann.
20220718             Da rede ich nicht nur über Material, sondern auch über das Personal",
20220718             sagte der Generalleutnant dem "Handelsblatt".
20220718             Die Phase eins - der Angriff auf Kiew - sei "zum Desaster geworden".
20220718             Trotzdem dürfe man Russland nicht unterschätzen".
20220718             Armeen, die nah an der Niederlage entlanggesegelt sind, lernen am schnellsten".
20220718             MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to create a "European political community" is a deliberately confrontational idea with anti-Russian intentions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in his interview for Izvestia published Monday.
20220718             "So far, they have been advertising the ‘European political community,’ initiated by French President Macron, where there will be no particular financial or economic benefits, but there will be demands for full solidarity with the EU on its anti-Russian actions.
20220718             This is no longer an ‘or-or’ principle, but a ‘who is not with is against us’ principle.
20220718             Macron himself explained what this community is: the EU will invite all European countries to join, from Iceland to Ukraine, but not Russia.
20220718             I will point it out right here that we don’t need to go there, but the statement itself, which unveils the nature of this deliberately confrontational, dividing idea, is noteworthy," the Foreign Minister said.
20220718             MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             The Siemens turbine has been shipped from the maintenance facility in Canada to Germany by plane, and is expected to arrive in Russia on July 24, Kommersant reported Monday citing sources close to the situation.
20220718             The repaired turbine, used to supply gas via the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany, is being delivered by plane instead of by sea, as was planned initially.
20220718             The turbine will then be shipped by a ferry and delivered to Russia through Finland by land.
20220718             According to Kommersant, the gas piping equipment should begin working in early August, considering the time necessary for installation procedure.
20220718             The newspaper was not able to obtain a commentary from either Siemens Energy or Gazprom.
20220718             Following numerous requests from Germany, Canada decided to return the repaired Siemens turbine on July 9. The European Commission claimed that this will not violated EU sanctions, because they do not cover gas shipment equipment.
20220718             MINSK, July 17. /TASS/.
20220718             Amid the sanctions, Belarus has increased its exports to Russia by 17% and by 1.5 times to China since the beginning of the year, Belarusian Economy Minister Alexander Chervyakov said on Sunday.
20220718             "Over the five months of this year, we increased our exports to the Russian market by 17%, or practically by a billion.
20220718             Exports to China were increased by 1.5 times," he said in an interview with thee ONT television channel.
20220718             According to the minister, the trade surplus exceeded 1.7 billion US dollars in the first five months of the year".
20220718             It means that we [Belarus] are selling more than buying," he said.
20220718             The minister said earlier that in 2022 his country plans to increase exports to Russia by more than 30%, or by at least by five billion US dollars.
20220718             The Belarusian government noted earlier that the sanctions had forced Belarus to re-orient its commodity flows from the markets of the so-called unfriendly countries and Ukraine.
20220718             According to Belarus’ National Bank, Belarus’ exports of goods and services stood at 17,371.0 million US dollars in January-May 2022, or down by 4.2% year-on-year.
20220718             Imports reached 15,638.5 million US dollars, or down by 6.9% The foreign trade surplus was 1,732.5 million US dollars.
20220718             MINSK, July 17. /TASS/.
20220718             Amid the sanctions, Belarus has increased its exports to
20220718             BERLIN, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             The EU will not withdraw the sanctions, imposed on Russia over the situation in Ukraine, if Moscow and Kiev sign peace treaty on Russia’s terms, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in his article for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagzeitung, published Sunday.
20220718             "The part of the new reality is that the EU has also consolidated.
20220718             It has reacted to the Russian aggression quite unanimously and imposed unprecedentedly harsh sanctions," Scholz said".
20220718             We knew it from the start that we will potentially have to keep these sanctions for a long time".
20220718             "And it is also clear that not a single one of these sanctions will be withdrawn in case of peace, dictated by Russia," he continued".
20220718             There is no other path for an agreement with Ukraine for Russia than the one that could be accepted by the Ukrainians".
20220718             "We will support Ukraine for as long as it will require this support: economic, humanitarian, financial and by arms shipments.
20220718             At the same time, we guarantee that NATO will not become a side of the war," Scholz claimed.
20220718             NEW DELHI, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             Acting Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Ranil Wikremasinghe declared a state of emergency in the republic.
20220718             According to the decree published Monday, the state of emergency has been introduced "in the interest of public security, protection of public order and support of supplies and services, necessary for the life of the society".
20220718             The political situation in Sri Lanka escalated on July 9, when the protesters captured residences of the President and the Prime Minister.
20220718             The mass protests were triggered by a rapid deterioration of the economic situation in the country.
20220718             Sri Lanka is experiencing a sharp shortage of foreign currency, fuel, food and medicine.
20220718             On July 15, ex-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa left the country.
20220718             He arrived in Singapore the next day and filed an official resignation.
20220718             Deutschland: Wo 2021 die meisten Blitze einschlugen
202207180507 Wissenschaft
20220718             Waldbrände in Südeuropa: Hitzewelle rollt jetzt auch auf Deutschland zu
202207180652 Panorama •
20220718             Gasversorgung: Bundesregierung rechnet laut Bericht mit Notlage in einzelnen Bundesländern
202207180720 Wirtschaft
20220718             »Der Bund hat die Länder entwaffnet«: Weil pocht auf klaren Rechtsrahmen für Coronamaßnahmen für den Winter
202207180737 Politik
20220718             Umfrage zur Inflation: »Die Sorge vor weiteren Preissteigerungen verfestigt sich«
202207180809 Wirtschaft •
20220718             Sachsens Ministerpräsident Kretschmer: »Die Energiewende, so wie sie geplant war, ist gescheitert«
202207180836 Politik
20220718             Bericht russischer Zeitung: Turbine für Nord Stream 1 soll unterwegs sein
202207180900 Wirtschaft
20220718             Steigende Zinsen und Materialmangel: Zahl der Baugenehmigungen in Deutschland gesunken
202207180944 Wirtschaft
20220718             Vor Beginn des Petersberger Klimadialogs: Klimakrise ist laut Baerbock das »größte Sicherheitsproblem für alle Menschen auf dieser Erde«
202207181002 Ausland
20220718             Geheimdienstinformationen: Wagner-Söldner füllen offenbar Lücken in der russischen Armee
202207181121 Ausland •
20220718             Vor allem infolge von Extremwetter: Klimawandel in Deutschland kostet pro Jahr 6,6 Milliarden Euro
202207181144 Wissenschaft
20220718             Kriselnder Gasversorger: Uniper zapft Liquiditätsreserven an
202207181157 Wirtschaft
20220718             Verzicht als konservative Tugend: Wir schaffen das!
202207181224 Politik •
20220718             Goldembargo gegen Russland: EU-Chefdiplomat Borrell ruft Mitgliedstaaten zu Einigkeit bei Sanktionspolitik auf
202207181235 Wirtschaft
20220718             Trotz Bidens Besuch in Saudi-Arabien: Ölpreis zieht leicht an
202207181239 Wirtschaft
20220718             Tödliches Virus: WHO bestätigt zwei Fälle von Marburg-Fieber in Ghana
202207181305 Wissenschaft
20220718             100 Feuerwehrleute im Einsatz: Waldbrand im Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz ausgebrochen
202207181309 Panorama
20220718             Mon Jul 18 2022
20220718             [l] Draghi fährt mitten in der Regierungskrise nach Algier, verhandelt über Gaslieferungen aus Afrika.
20220718             Kontext: Im April unterschrieb Italien Gaslieferverträge mit Angola und dem Kongo.
20220718             Ich fürchte ja, dass die vom Regen in die Traufe kommen, und jetzt möglicherweise in irgendwelche Kriege reingezogen werden, wo sie dann nicht nein sagen können, weil sie das Gas brauchen.
202207180741         Uhr
20220718             Hofreiter: "Europäische Union muss mehr Stärke zeigen"
20220718             Vor den
20220718             Vor den Beratungen der EU-Außenminister über neue Sanktionen gegen Russland mahnt der Vorsitzende des Europaausschusses, Anton Hofreiter, im ARD-Morgenmagazin: "Die Europäische Union muss mehr Stärke zeigen".
20220718             Es gebe einen "sehr guten Vorschlag" von Italiens Ministerpräsident Mario Draghi, "nämlich dass wir Einkaufskartelle gründen und die Preise deckeln",
20220718             so Hofreiter".
20220718             Das hätte mehrere positive Auswirkungen: Russland würde nicht mehr so viel Geld einnehmen, die Inflation in Europa und die Energiekosten würden sinken".
20220718             Der schwedische Modekonzern H&M zieht sich aus Russland zurück.
20220718             Angesichts der aktuellen operativen Herausforderungen und einer unvorhersehbaren Zukunft habe die H&M-Gruppe entschieden, die Abwicklung ihrer Geschäfte in dem Land einzuleiten.
20220718             Das teilte der Konzern in Stockholm mit".
20220718             Nach sorgfältiger Überlegung betrachten wir es angesichts der aktuellen Situation als unmöglich, unser Geschäft in Russland fortzusetzen",
20220718             sagte H&M-Chefin Helena Helmersson.
20220718             Ihr Konzern rechnet damit, dass die gesamte Abwicklung schätzungsweise zwei Milliarden schwedische Kronen kosten wird - umgerechnet sind das knapp 190 Millionen Euro.
20220718             Zu spüren sein wird der Rückzug demnach in Form von Einmalkosten im dritten Quartal 2022.
20220718             Der EU-Außenbeauftragte Josep Borrell sieht in europäischen Hauptstädten zunehmende Zweifel an der Sanktionspolitik gegen Russland".
20220718             Einige europäische Staats- und Regierungschefs haben gesagt, die Sanktionen seien ein Fehler",
20220718             sagte er am Rande eines EU-Außenministertreffens in Brüssel.
20220718             Es gebe eine große Debatte darüber, ob die Sanktionen wirksam seien und die EU mehr träfen als Russland.
20220718             Zugleich machte Borrell deutlich, dass er die Diskussion für falsch hält.
20220718             Er warf Kritikern der Sanktionen Falschinformationen vor.
20220718             Es gebe beispielsweise Leute, die behaupteten, dass das Öl-Embargo zu einem Anstieg des Öl-Preises geführt habe, sagte der EU-Chefdiplomat.
20220718             Dabei sei der Ölpreis nach der Verabschiedung des Embargos gesunken und derzeit auf dem gleichen Niveau wie vor dem Beginn des russischen Kriegs gegen die Ukraine".
20220718             Ich wünsche mir, dass Menschen eine Zahl hinter jedes ihrer Argumente stellen",
20220718             sagte Borrell.
20220718             Die russischen Wirtschaftsdaten zeigten, wie die Sanktionen wirkten - so zum Beispiel die zur Produktion von Autos und Maschinen seit Beginn des Krieges.
20220718             Russland hat sich nach Kremlangaben keine Fristen für die Dauer des Krieges gegen die Ukraine gesetzt".
20220718             Es gibt keine festen Zeitrahmen.
20220718             Das Wichtigste ist die Wirksamkeit der Umsetzung dieser Operation",
20220718             sagte Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow.
20220718             Wenn alle Ziele in der Ukraine erreicht seien, würden die Kampfhandlungen eingestellt, sagte er dem iranischen Rundfunk.
20220718             Das Staatsfernsehen in Moskau brachte Auszüge aus dem Interview.
20220718             Morgen wollen Kremlchef Wladimir Putin und der türkische Staatschef Recep Tayyip Erdogan in der iranischen Hauptstadt Teheran mit Präsident Ebrahim Raisi zusammentreffen.
20220718             Für den Gipfel sind offiziell Gespräche über eine Verbesserung der Lage im Bürgerkriegsland Syrien geplant.
20220718             Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat nach Angaben eines seiner Berater den Chef des Inlandsgeheimdienstes (SBU) und eine Generalstaatsanwältin nur suspendiert - nicht aber entlassen.
20220718             Dies sei aufgrund laufender Ermittlungen geschehen, sagte Andrij Smyrnow, der stellvertretende Leiter des Präsidialamts, im ukrainischen Fernsehen.
20220718             SBU-Chef Iwan Bakanow sei "vorübergehend von der Erfüllung seiner Aufgaben entbunden" worden.
20220718             Generalstaatsanwältin Iryna Wenediktowa sei suspendiert worden.
20220718             Auf die Frage, ob beide auf ihre Posten zurückkehren könnten, wenn die Ermittlungen sie entlasten, antwortete Smyrnow: "Wir leben in einem gesetzestreuen Land, und das kann ich mir natürlich vorstellen".
20220718             Die von Siemens gewartete Turbine für die Nord Stream 1 Gaspipeline ist nach Angaben des Wirtschaftsministeriums nur eine Ersatzturbine".
20220718             Es handelt sich um eine Ersatzturbine für den Einsatz im September",
20220718             sagte eine Sprecherin des Ministeriums in Berlin.
20220718             Es sei ein Vorwand der russischen Seite, dass wegen der Wartung dieser Turbine der Gasfluss durch die Nord Stream 1 Pipeline habe gedrosselt werden müssen.
20220718             Die Sprecherin machte keine Aussagen zur Frage, wo sich die Turbine jetzt befindet und wann sie beim Eigentümer Gazprom ankommt, weil dies auch Sicherheitsfragen berühre.
20220718             Die EU will weitere 500 Millionen Euro für die Lieferung von Waffen und Ausrüstung an die ukrainischen Streitkräfte zur Verfügung stellen.
20220718             Das kündigte EU-Ratspräsident Charles Michel nach Beratungen der Außenminister der EU-Staaten in Brüssel an.
20220718             Mit der neuen Unterstützung erhöhen sich die für die Ukraine zur Verfügung gestellten EU-Mittel für Militärhilfe auf 2,5 Milliarden Euro.
20220718             Nach der Suspendierung des ukrainischen Geheimdienstchefs Iwan Bakanow hat Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj dessen bisherigen Stellvertreter zum Interimschef gemacht.
20220718             Einem Erlass zufolge soll Wassyl Maljuk vorerst den Geheimdienst SBU leiten.
20220718             Der 39-Jährige war seit März der erste Stellvertreter von Bakanow.
20220718             Er hat seine juristische Ausbildung an der Geheimdienstakademie erhalten und danach in den Korruptionsbekämpfungsstrukturen der Behörde gearbeitet.
20220718             Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz hat vor einer "globalen Renaissance der fossilen Energie" infolge der Gaskrise durch den Ukraine-Krieg gewarnt".
20220718             Niemand kann zufrieden sein damit, dass auch bei uns der Anteil der Kohleverstromung gerade wieder steigt",
20220718             sagte der SPD-Politiker beim Petersberger Klimadialog in Berlin".
20220718             Umso wichtiger ist es, dass wir eines ganz klar festhalten: Das ist eine zeitlich eng befristete Notmaßnahme, die nicht zu Lasten unserer Klimaziele geht".
202207181254 ======== NEWS appended
20220718             WARSAW, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             The first Polish Krab self-propelled howitzer supplied to the Kiev regime was destroyed in Ukraine, the web portal reported on Monday, citing Ukrainian sources.
20220718             The Polish authorities announced their intention in May to supply 18 Krab self-propelled howitzers to the Ukrainian military and 10 guns of this batch were delivered to Ukraine by July.
20220718             About 100 Ukrainian servicemen were trained in Poland to handle Krab howitzers, the web portal reported.
20220718             The 155mm Krab self-propelled howitzer is serial-produced by Poland’s Huta Stalowa Wola enterprise and is the Polish artillery’s main strike force.
20220718             The Polish army currently operates 70 Krab howitzers.
20220718             Poland plans to boost the number of these guns to 120 by 2024.
20220718             The details of the Polish howitzer’s destruction in Ukraine were not disclosed.
20220718             MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold meetings with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his visit to Tehran on July 19, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the National Iranian Radio and Television, which was broadcast on Monday on the Rossiya-24 TV channel.
20220718             He noted that the main purpose of Putin's visit to Tehran is to participate in the Astana Troika summit".
20220718             In addition, our president has three meetings scheduled: these are talks with President Raisi, with President Erdogan, and the president will also pay a visit to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
20220718             We hope it will be a very comprehensive dialogue," the Kremlin spokesman said.
20220718             According to him, the leaders will be able to discuss bilateral relations at the meetings, "first and foremost, trade and economic relations with both Iran and Turkey".
20220718             "[There will be] prospects and all modalities for continuing the political dialogue with both Iran and Turkey, and exchanging views on the most relevant topics, because there are so many hot spots around us that need our cooperation in order to resolve them," Peskov noted, pointing out the topics of the upcoming talks.
20220718             MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             Moscow and Tehran may shift away from estimating mutual trade volumes in dollars as cooperation between the two countries steps up in the economy, particularly in the banking sector, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the Iranian state-run broadcaster, which was aired by the Rossiya-24 TV news channel on Monday.
20220718             "Last year trade and economic relations between the two countries slightly surpassed $4 bln.
20220718             Though it is probably incorrect to estimate them in US dollars and moving forward, we will perhaps shift away from this practice, as our cooperation in the banking, financial area steps up," he said.
20220718             Asked when trade turnover between Russia and Iran may go beyond the current $4 bln to $10-15 bln, Peskov noted that it might be even higher".
20220718             This is a realistic guideline for us, the potential of the two countries is huge, with large reserves in place," he said.
20220718             MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             A comprehensive treaty on strategic cooperation between Russia and Iran may be signed soon, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the National Iranian Radio and Television, which was broadcast on Monday on the Rossiya-24 TV channel.
20220718             "We hope that soon," he said when asked when the document was scheduled to be signed.
20220718             As Peskov noted, the Russian version of the text of the treaty was handed over to the Iranian side in mid-June and was highly praised in Tehran".
20220718             We hope that after some additional amendments, taking into account the opinion of the Iranian side, made and agreed upon, it will be possible to reach the signing quite quickly and in the near future," the Kremlin spokesman stressed.
20220718             When answering the question about when the trade turnover between Russia and Iran may increase from the current $4 billion to $10-15 billion, Peskov said that this figure may be even higher.
20220718             According to him, the Russian leader "is a convinced supporter of the idea of putting forward the most ambitious goals".
20220718             "I am sure that President [Vladimir] Putin believes that it is possible to reach a higher bar.
20220718             These are realistic benchmarks for us, the potential of our two countries is very great, and there are great reserves, so both Moscow and Tehran have work to do, and not only in the bilateral plan," the Kremlin spokesman said.
20220718             He recalled the functioning of a temporary agreement on a free trade zone between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union".
20220718             We hope that this agreement will become permanent, it will not remain temporary all the time, and this will give our interaction even more momentum," Peskov said.
20220718             Following the July 13-16 visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia, US President Joe Biden announced that Washington will continue to implement its active policy in the region, according to Reuters.
20220718             However, the American leader did not manage to create a shared regional security system for Arab countries and Israel in order to counteract Iran.
20220718             His attempts to convince Saudi Arabia to ramp up oil production failed to pan out as well.
20220718             Read also
20220718             US president arrives in Saudi Arabia to boost bilateral relations
20220718             What the White House tries to present as a success actually demonstrates that Biden’s Middle Eastern tour was a failure, Deputy Director General of the National Energy Institute Alexander Frolov says.
20220718             No significant increase in oil production is in the works.
20220718             According to the expert, current oil production figures indicate that Mideast countries do not intend to accommodate the West or help it solve its energy problems.
20220718             He also reiterated that a president’s visit usually only solidifies already concluded agreements.
20220718             That said, prior talks between Washington and Riyadh on boosting oil production have already been unsuccessful and this visit has only confirmed this trend.
20220718             The expert added that the chances that Saudi Arabia will yield to the US and violate earlier agreements on decreasing oil production within the framework of OPEC+ are slim.
20220718             Such a move would lead to a price war and plummeting prices.
20220718             This is utterly unpragmatic for the Saudi authorities so oil production can be increased only if the US uses some special levers of pressure on Riyadh, the expert added.
20220718             Strategically, American influence in the Middle East will gradually subside, according to Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council Andrey Kortunov.
20220718             In his opinion, Biden’s visit was not exactly a failure, yet it hasn’t ironed out any significant problems in relations between Washington and the Arab world.
20220718             The Persian Gulf monarchies still have doubts that the Middle East is a priority for the US in the security sphere.
20220718             That said, the rapprochement of Saudi Arabia and Israel continues despite the failed talks on a regional defensive bloc.
20220718             Indirectly, the US itself hinders the unification of the Arab states and Israel over the anti-Iranian agenda since their trust is undermined by Biden holding talks with Iran on returning to the nuclear deal. The Saudis, much like other key Middle Eastern players, will continue to find a balance between China, Russia and the US. They will make some concessions to the US yet Washington won’t always be able to push through its interests. The consultations between the US and the UAE on introducing sanctions against the Russians exemplify such unsuccessful attempts, the expert noted. The Emirates adopted a neutral stance with regards to the events in Ukraine and did not join the anti-Russian restrictions.
20220718             MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             Sanctions against Russia are the price the country has to pay for its independence and sovereignty, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the Iranian state-run broadcaster.
20220718             In a fragment of the interview shown on the Rossiya-24 television on Monday, Peskov said Moscow, just like Tehran, had got used to sanctions, with "thousands" of those imposed since the Soviet era.
20220718             "That is perhaps the price both this country and Iran have to pay for their independence and sovereignty.
20220718             What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger," the presidential spokesman emphasized.
20220718             In his interview with Iranian reporters ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran, the Kremlin spokesman noted that Iran had been under sanctions for several decades now and "is well adapted to the business of progressing and improving the nation’s welfare despite the restrictions" which he said were absolutely unlawful in terms of international law.
20220718             NEW DELHI, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             Western sanctions introduced against Russia won’t bring it down to its knees, while third world countries will suffer, Sri Lanka’s acting president, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said on Monday.
20220718             "Do you think sanctions will help?
20220718             It will only drag the prices up.
20220718             […] Let us look at the sanctions that are being imposed and ask ourselves if this is necessary.
20220718             The sanctions won’t bring Russia to its knees, but it will bring the rest of the third world to its knees," he said at an international panel discussion on preventing hunger and famine as quoted by India’s Doordarshan TV channel.
20220718             According to the official, the sanctions affect such countries as Sri Lanka where food products are not generally accessible".
20220718             Our issue in Sri Lanka is partly self-made and partly due to the global crisis," he said, adding that "a global crisis and an internal crisis both have come together and brought us to a level where many estimate that as much as 6 million people are facing malnutrition".
20220718             Overall, Wickremesinghe thinks that the Western anti-Russian sanctions and the events in Ukraine caused the global food and fuel crises.
20220718             The situation in Ukraine and the barrage of sanctions that the United States and the European Union imposed on Russia have disrupted grain supplies, raising the risk of a food crisis in a number of countries.
20220718             Wheat and corn prices have soared since the beginning of the year.
20220718             A UN Security Council meeting on May 21 revealed that global wheat stocks would last for only ten weeks and the situation was worse than it had been in 2007 and 2008.
20220718             Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier that the global food crisis, triggered by the coronavirus pandemic and miscalculations by Western countries, had erupted long before the launch of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine.
20220718             According to Russia’s chief diplomat, the current situation exacerbated the problem and the Western sanctions became one of the main reasons for the food supply disruptions.
20220718             NUR-SULTAN, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             As many as 545 people have been convicted on criminal charges in Kazakhstan following the January riots, Eldos Kilymzhanov, deputy chief of the criminal prosecution service of the Kazak prosecutor general’s office, said on Monday.
20220718             "A total of 429 criminal cases were referred to courts following the January developments.
20220718             As many as 545 people have been convicted under these cases.
20220718             Eighty-three people have been sentenced to prison terms of charges of committing serious crimes involving violence to government officials and harm to property.
20220718             Apart from that, they did not compensate for the damage they incurred and had outstanding convictions," he said.
20220718             According to Kilymzhanov, 349 people suspected of looting, arsons, weapons embezzlement, armed attacks on government facilities and law enforcers are in custody.
20220718             Grassroots riots flared up in Kazakhstan in early January.
20220718             Protesters attacked police and army officers.
20220718             President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said it was an attempted coup and asked assistance from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a Russia-led post-Soviet security bloc.
20220718             The situation in Kazakhstan was stabilized by January 7 and the emergencies regime was lifted across the country on January 19. According to official statistics, 232 people were killed and more than 4,500 were hurt as a result of riots.
20220718             BERLIN, July 18. /TASS/.
20220718             The EU will not withdraw the sanctions, imposed on Russia over the situation in Ukraine, if Moscow and Kiev sign peace treaty on Russia’s terms, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in his article for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagzeitung, published Sunday.
20220718             "The part of the new reality is that the EU has also consolidated.
20220718             It has reacted to the Russian aggression quite unanimously and imposed unprecedentedly harsh sanctions," Scholz said".
20220718             We knew it from the start that we will potentially have to keep these sanctions for a long time".
20220718             "And it is also clear that not a single one of these sanctions will be withdrawn in case of peace, dictated by Russia," he continued".
20220718             There is no other path for an agreement with Ukraine for Russia than the one that could be accepted by the Ukrainians".
20220718             "We will support Ukraine for as long as it will require this support: economic, humanitarian, financial and by arms shipments.
20220718             At the same time, we guarantee that NATO will not become a side of the war," Scholz claimed.
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