Friday, July 8 2022
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Was geschah am Kalendertag 07-08 ?
20220708 Freitag, 8. Juli 2022
20220708 Putin zum Krieg in der Ukraine: »Wir haben noch gar nicht richtig angefangen«
202207080131 Ausland
20220708 Nächtliche Sitzung in Berlin: Bundestag setzt Afghanistan-Untersuchungsausschuss ein – AfD erzwingt Hammelsprung
202207080323 Politik
20220708 Japanischer Ex-Regierungschef: Shinzo Abe bei Attentat lebensgefährlich verletzt
202207080512 Ausland
20220708 Die Lage am Morgen: Die Verkasperung der Politik
202207080549 Politik
20220708 Schulden beim Staat: Wenn Kinder für ihre Eltern haften müssen
VON—IMRE—BALZER und Axel Rahmlow
202207080600 Politik
20220708 Presseschau zu Johnsons Rücktritt: »Der schlechteste Premier aller Zeiten«
202207080624 Ausland •
20220708 Keine Zulassung der US-Behörden: Boeing-Chef stellt Zukunft von Problemflieger 737 Max 10 infrage
202207080703 Wirtschaft
20220708 Russlands Außenminister: Lawrow verlässt G20-Treffen auf Bali vorzeitig
202207080740 Ausland
20220708 Aktiengesellschaften: Virtuelle Hauptversammlung wird zur Dauerlösung
202207080750 Wirtschaft
20220708 Sensible Essgewohnheiten: Pinguine in Japan-Aquarium verweigern billigen Fisch
202207080751 Wirtschaft
20220708 Die Forderung von CDU und CSU, der Ukraine kurzfristig 200 Transportpanzer vom Typ Fuchs zu liefern, hat im Bundestag keine Mehrheit gefunden.
20220708 Das Parlament stimmte in der Nacht gegen einen entsprechenden Entschließungsantrag der Unionsfraktion.
20220708 Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) hatte bereits im Vorfeld der Abstimmung vor einem "Ausplündern" der Bundeswehr gewarnt".
20220708 Wir unterstützen die Ukraine mit allem, was möglich und verantwortbar ist.
20220708 Aber wir müssen die Verteidigungsfähigkeit Deutschlands gewährleisten",
20220708 sagte sie der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.
20220708 Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz ist überzeugt, dass Deutschland seine Solidarität mit der Ukraine lange aufrecht erhalten kann.
20220708 Er habe sehr vorsichtig bei dem Thema agiert, sagt Scholz im ZDF.
20220708 Vielleicht sei dies die Grundlage dafür, dass dann auch die Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung erhalten bleibe, wenn die Lage schwieriger werde, fügte er auf die Frage nach den Folgen der hohen Energiepreise für die Stimmung in der Bevölkerung hinzu.
20220708 Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow ist am Morgen unter großem Medienaufgebot zu den mit Spannung erwarteten Gesprächen der G20-Außenminister auf Bali eingetroffen.
20220708 Lawrow wurde bei seiner Ankunft im Luxushotel Mulia im Badeort Nusa Dua von der indonesischen Außenministerin Retno Marsudi höflich, aber zurückhaltend begrüßt. Dabei waren vor dem Hintergrund des russischen Angriffskriegs in der Ukraine von den Umstehenden laute Rufe zu hören: "Stoppt den Krieg!"
20220708 und "Wann beendet ihr diesen Krieg"?
20220708 Die Außenminister der G20-Staaten haben unter Teilnahme des russischen Chefdiplomaten Sergej Lawrow ihr Treffen in großer Runde auf Bali begonnen.
20220708 Die Außenministerin des Gastgeberlandes Indonesien, Retno Marsudi, rief zum Auftakt des Treffens dazu auf, den Ukraine-Krieg so schnell wie möglich zu beenden".
20220708 Es ist unsere Verantwortung, den Krieg eher früher als später zu beenden und unsere Meinungsverschiedenheiten am Verhandlungstisch beizulegen und nicht auf dem Schlachtfeld auszutragen".
20220708 Das Außenministertreffen gilt angesichts von Lawrows Teilnahme als diplomatisch äußerst heikel.
20220708 Während die EU und die USA wegen des Ukraine-Krieges Sanktionen gegen Russland verhängt haben, halten sich G20-Staaten wie China, Indien und Südafrika mit einer Verurteilung des russischen Einmarschs in der Ukraine zurück.
20220708 Japans Außenminister Yoshimasa Hayashi bleibt einem G20-Empfang in Indonesien fern.
20220708 Er will damit ein Zeichen setzen, dass Japan gegen den Einmarsch Russlands in die Ukraine ist.
20220708 Hayashi nimmt an einem Treffen der G20-Außenminister auf Bali teil, an dem der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow ebenfalls anwesend ist.
20220708 Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow hat nach seiner Rede beim G20-Treffen der führenden und aufstrebenden Wirtschaftsmächte auf der indonesischen Ferieninsel Bali den Sitzungssaal verlassen.
20220708 Das berichteten Delegationskreise am Rande der Beratungen.
20220708 Lawrow habe sich damit auch der Replik von Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) entzogen.
20220708 Sie war als amtierende Vorsitzende der G7-Gruppe führender demokratischer Wirtschaftsmächte als nächste Rednerin vorgesehen.
20220708 Ob Lawrow an einem geplanten Mittagessen und einer zweiten Arbeitssitzung am Nachmittag teilnehmen würde, blieb zunächst offen.
20220708 Russlands Präsident Putin hat den Westen vor einer weiteren Eskalation des Krieges in der Ukraine gewarnt.
20220708 Russland hat nach Darstellung Putins in der Ukraine gerade erst angefangen".
20220708 Jeder sollte wissen, dass wir im Großen und Ganzen noch nicht richtig losgelegt haben",
20220708 sagte Putin am Donnerstag in einer kämpferischen Rede vor hochrangigen Abgeordneten.
20220708 Allerdings sprach er auch zum ersten Mal seit Wochen die Möglichkeit von Verhandlungen an".
20220708 Gleichzeitig lehnen wir Friedensverhandlungen nicht ab",
20220708 sagte er".
20220708 Aber diejenigen, die diese ablehnen, sollten wissen, dass es schwieriger für sie, wird mit uns zu verhandeln, je länger es dauert".
20220708 Die Regierungen in Moskau und Kiew haben zuletzt erklärt, die Gespräche seien abgebrochen worden.
20220708 UNITED NATIONS, July 8. /TASS/.
20220708 Russia will hold an Arria-formula meeting of the UN Security Council on neo-Nazism in Ukraine on July 11, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said in his Telegram channel on Thursday.
20220708 "At 15:00 (local time, 22:00 Moscow time) on Monday, July 11, we will hold another informal Arria-formula meeting of the UN Security Council, devoted to neo-Nazism in Ukraine," he said".
20220708 It would be our response to Western colleagues, who express doubts about one of the main goals of our special military operation in Ukraine, namely de-Nazification, and claim that we are exaggerating the problem".
20220708 In his words, speakers will present a historical review of Ukrainian Nazism and report about the present-day state of affairs.
20220708 "Images and video footage will be shown," the diplomat added.
20220708 Lavrov meets with Indian counterpart on sidelines of G20 meeting
20220708 Earlier, Lavrov also met with his Turkish and Chinese counterparts, Mevlut Cavusoglu and Wang Yi
20220708 DENPASAR /Indonesia/, July 8. /TASS/.
20220708 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a meeting on Friday with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on the sidelines of a G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting, TASS reported.
20220708 The bilateral meeting lasted a little less than half an hour.
20220708 Earlier, Lavrov also met with his Turkish and Chinese counterparts, Mevlut Cavusoglu and Wang Yi, respectively.
20220708 The G20 foreign ministers are convening in Indonesia’s Bali at a two-day meeting that started on July 7. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova announced earlier that the agenda would include issues related to strengthening the foundations of multilateralism in a polycentric world and ensuring food and energy security.
20220708 Russian senator expects Johnson’s successor to be more realistic about Ukraine
20220708 Grigory Karasin pointed out that there were grounds to expect a more logical policy from the United Kingdom, however the chances of this scenario were "quite low"
20220708 MOSCOW, July 8. /TASS/.
20220708 Russian senator Grigory Karasin expects a new UK prime minister, who will replace Boris Johnson after his resignation, to have a more realistic approach to the crisis in Ukraine.
20220708 "We expect the new leadership - regardless of who they are - to be more realistic in their approaches to international affairs, to the crisis in Ukraine," Karasin, a member of the Federation Council (upper chamber)’s international affairs committee, told the Rossiya-24 television.
20220708 "I think there are grounds to expect a more logical policy from the United Kingdom," the senator said.
20220708 However, he said chances of this scenario were "quite low".
20220708 "We have grounds to believe that this new leader, new government of the United Kingdom would have a more realistic, calm and level-headed approach to international affairs and crises that exist and develop on the global arena," he added.
20220708 On Thursday, Johnson announced that he was stepping down as leader of the Conservative Party.
20220708 He also said that he would continue to serve as prime minister before a new Conservative party leader to represent the majority in parliament is named.
20220708 The timeframe for the election procedure of the new party leader will be approved next week.
20220708 Earlier, about 60 officials, including several ministers, bailed from Johnson’s government.
20220708 Russia, Ukraine, almost negotiated humanitarian block, but Kiev ‘rolled back’ — lawmaker
20220708 According to the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Leonid Slutsky, the Ukrainian side at the talks "did not want to give up" on the issue of the law on Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych
20220708 "We have seemingly negotiated the entire humanitarian block with one exception - the ‘law on heroes’: they did not want to concede to give up [Stepan] Bandera and [Roman] Shukhevich.
20220708 Unfortunately, they rolled back to initial positions," Slutsky said during President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with leaders of State Duma factions.
20220708 Slutsky underscored that he warned the Ukrainian delegation that "it will be more difficult, significantly more difficult in the future".
20220708 Stepan Bander was the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN); Roman Shukhevich led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).
20220708 Both organizations are outlawed in Russia.
20220708 Russia unneeded by West which encouraged separatism, terrorism — Putin
20220708 The President of the Russian Federation noted that "the so-called collective West, led by the United States, has been behaving exceptionally aggressively towards Russia for decades"
20220708 MOSCOW, July 8. /TASS/.
20220708 Western countries do not need Russia as a country, this is precisely why they have been supporting separatism and terrorism, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.
20220708 "Even the very idea of Russia’s possible integration into that North Atlantic alliance at a stage of our, as it seemed then, cloudless relations with NATO, judging by all appearances, seemed absurd to its members," he said at a meeting with the leadership of the lower house of parliament and the leaders of parliamentary factions.
20220708 "And why?
20220708 Just because they simply don’t need such a country as Russia, that’s why.
20220708 This is precisely why they supported terrorism, separatism in Russia, internal destructive forces and the ‘fifth column’ in our country.
20220708 They all have been receiving and receive to this day unconditional support on the part of that very collective West," he concluded.
20220708 Putin also pointed out that "the so-called collective West led by the US has been behaving exclusively aggressively with regards to Russia for decades.
20220708 Our proposals on creating a system of equitable security in Europe were rejected, initiatives on joint work on the issue of anti-missile defense were declined and the warnings of the inadmissibility of NATO’s expansion, especially at the expense of the former Soviet Union republics, were ignored," the Russian leader explained.
20220708 Japanese ex-premier Abe shows no vital signs after attack — Kyodo
20220708 The term "cardiac and lung arrest" is used in Japan to refer to clinical death
20220708 Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe was injured during a public speech in the city of Nara on Friday.
20220708 At least two consecutive bangs were heard while he was addressing the crowd, the NHK television reported.
20220708 The ex-premier was rushed to hospital, bleeding and not conscious, a spokesperson for the ruling Lilberal Democratic Party of Japan said.
20220708 Police said the politician had been shot in the back twice with a shotgun.
20220708 The presumed attacker was captured, NHK said.
20220708 He apparently acted alone.
202207081452 Ukrainian MP Oleksii Kovalov helped the invaders export grain and salt – Iryna Venediktova
202207081646 Over a thousand Ukrainian soldiers training in Britain – General Staff
202207081717 Belarus is already directly threatening to attack Poland in the event of "Western provocations"
202207082011 Shmyhal: About $2 Billion Raised in Lugano to Help Rebuild Ukraine
202207082236 Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces meets British counterpart to discuss future operations
202207080026 Mykhailo Podoliak, advisor to the Head of the President’s Office of Ukraine, has said that a statement by Russian president Vladmir Putin's regarding the "war to the last Ukrainian" is further proof of the deliberate genocide committed by Russia.
20220708 Source: Mykhailo Podoliak on Twitter
20220708 Quote from Podoliak: "There is no plan designed by a ‘collective West’.
20220708 Only one specific Z-army has invaded sovereign Ukraine, shelling cities and killing civilians.
20220708 Everything else is primitive propaganda.
20220708 That's why Mr. Putin's mantra about a ‘war to the last Ukrainian’ is further proof of a premeditated Russian genocide".
20220708 Background: On 7 July, Putin traditionally tried to intimidate Ukraine and talked about the "decaying" West.
20220708 He stated that "the West wants to fight us (the Russian Federation - ed). to the last Ukrainian".
20220708 Ukrainian President’s Office responds to Putin's statement regarding “war by the West to the last Ukrainian”
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